The Farell Irregulars have a long and.... not so spotless history. They've been employed around the continent as mercenary soldiers, often bolstering the ranks of weaker militaries thanks to their typically well disciplined, well equipped soldiers. They take advantage of their home nation's advanced technology, allowing them to strengthen weaker nations just through sheer presence. They gain access to such technology thanks to the company's long history. The Farell Irregulars is as much as a political machine as it is a military one. Old, strong political ties with both the military and government of Farell have allowed them to gain many resources from the nation. Of course, they are somewhat looked down upon by the average professional soldiers, as they are fighting for profit first, not ideals or nationalism.
The typical Irregular is well equipped, most likely has a military background, and is often very pragmatic when it comes to tactics and decisions, moral or otherwise. They get the job done and keep to themselves. Of course, true skill varies between soldier as they are more individuals of varying backgrounds than a homogenized group.
However, the Farell Irregulars devide themselves into two distinct groups who serve different purposes. First and foremost is the Regulators:

These are the common soldiers of the Farell Irregulars. Their equipment is very good and they can be relied upon to fill the roles of your standard soldier. Their iconic flat helmets, gasmasks, and heavy trench coats present an intimidating image. While skill may vary, they still follow a standardized training regiment, meaning they all share at least some commonality in quality. Foreign nations will often use these soldiers as shock troopers, breaking through enemy lines and fortifications with nerves of steel and ruthless use of explosives and flamethrowers. If you see these soldiers charging towards you, don't bother trying to hide in your trench, cause you can be damn sure they'll be filling it with flames and grenades when they get to you.
Now, the second part of the Farell Irregulars is a more specialized group. They have a much larger price tag, but as a result, are the best of the best in the company. They are usually made up of former elite soldiers, core friends and comrades who joined together. As such, they are very well discipline and are used as special assault teams and an adaptable fighting force. They are called the "Black Company"

These soldiers are the best in every respect of the word. Harden veterans, top of the end equipment, and ruthless efficiency. As the name suggest, they are not nearly as big as the Regulators, but they don't need to be. They serve special roles, fulfilling any odd or very dangerous missions for the company. Their biggest strength is their unconventional tactics. They are masters of hit and run attacks, ambushing enemies or slaughtering them in their sleep. If you ever see the ominous, dead glowing eyes of one these soldiers, it will often times be the last thing you'll see. Now, its not to say that these elite soldiers of fortune are invincible. In fact, the Black Company, while pays the highest in the company, is also the most deadly. Thus, a good number who join Black Company are most likely those who have a death wish as well.
The Farell Irregulars were contracted by the government of Farell to aid the Black Parade in their fight against The Threat. This was supposedly another sign of good will between Farell and Arcadia, the sister nations. However, that was just on the surface, just something for the newspapers and even more so the Black Parade to believe in. The reality of the situation was that the current CEO of the Farell Irregulars, Hector Kasomosov, pulled a lot of strings for the company to get involved. He saw that his company could take advantage of the situation in Arcadia and use it to plunder any technologies, resources, or items of significant value such artifacts or treasures under the guise of relief. Though this is only known to a few members of the elite in the Farell government, the highest leadership of the Farell Irregulars, and Black Company, who have been given the job of salvaging and looting specific areas of Arcadia.