Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
7 yrs ago
Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
7 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.
Heya you spooked peeps. Thought I'd stop by and give my two cents as I literally live right up the road from Charlottesville here in the Appalachian Mountains. Funny enough, many of my fellow statesmen will sort of awkwardly laugh and say things like "Hey, Virginia is in the news!".
Anyway it seems that what happened in the town is a perfect example on how not to legitimize hate groups and boost their numbers. The dirtbags got their permit ahead of time through legal means and had every right to assemble. That's how its always been. In the past, when say, a KKK group got some permit to talk about how "The blacks are ruining this country!" they'd get up on there soap box, start yellin, and everyone would ignore them. Occasionally a crowd might form, but they'd be there to laugh at them and their silly pajamas or counter protest peacefully. The news wouldn't even mention them, and if they did, its probably cause one the members messed up in a funny way or something. It's how we very democratically decided who's bullshit was worth listening too, and who's bullshit was just bullshit.
However, what happened in Charlottesville is how you suddenly give people a reason to think that the crazy might be true. It casts doubt on the current views if they actively try to suppress competing views, as why would they have to if they are right? If they're trying to silence that group, then maybe there is something to what they're saying? So on and so forth. It is just as much as some white nationalist to say is BS as it is for us to ignore them. Of course, in today's PC political culture, that's not the case, and the white nationalists knew it. Groups like BLM or Anti-FA are so easily instigated that all they had to do was show up. Hell, a majority of the participants aren't even from Charlottesville or Virginia! They came from New York and Tennessee.
And at the end of the day, both groups got exactly what they wanted. More fuel for the fire. More young people like me convinced and radicalized. So I am worried and I'm disappointed in my governor for only condemning the racists, because it shows not a firm belief in the law, but a firm belief in loose trends.
Plus it makes my grocery shopping that much more difficult, and Walmart is a enough of a pain in the ass without having to dodge retarded political riots.
Name: Krauss Helfer Role: Detonator Date of Birth: January 6th, 1996 Height: 6'1 Weight: 190lbs Nationality: German Appearance:
He has greyish blond hair with a rough beard. Numerous small scars dot his face, with a massive burn scar across his back.
Wears the famous "Kerbos Panzer Armour" of the Wolf Brigade Civil Protection Division. This heavy armor can withstand small arms fire, explosions, and incendiary weaponry (i.e. Molotovs and such). It comes equipped with a light exoskeleton for strength boosts and bone protection, night vision, thermal vision, and a large semi-armored backpack. This backpack is specific to the armor, with a specialized machine gun ammo feeding system and explosive storage. The armor is definitely designed with the "breacher type role. Aimed at blowing a whole in a wall then brutally machine gunning down all criminals with that terrifying slightly modernized MG42 machine gun. Though the suit has its drawbacks. The narrow vision decreases the user's situational awareness. It is often described as "wearing a diving suit" as the user feels lighter, but more confined. The night vision is also a huge drawback, as it is somewhat primitive. A Kerbos Panzer can be easily caught off guard if a sudden burst of bright light hits him while in the dark, frying his goggles. Also the bulkiness of the armor makes it somewhat difficult to deal with in tight spaces. The backpack can be removed, however, for a more favorable CQC set up.
Background: Krauss was born in the former city of Munich, Germany in 1996. His father was an engineer who has been helping with redesigning factories to be more efficient while his mother was, oddly enough, a professional hunter and active conservationist. His parents were, needless to say, an odd pair indeed and had a great impact on Krauss's outlook. He grew up learning about the construction of various mass production machines to how to steady a rifle after a jog. His father was a staunch industrial list/capitalist, always saying that market must always remain free of pesky government oversight, trying to teach Kruass the value of economics, efficiency, and entrepreneurship. The mother was more socialist, warning of the coming times of corporate take overs and always teaching Kruass about hunting, the circle of life, and the values of preserving nature as a whole. His parents would constantly argue, debate, and butt heads with each other, with Kruass often playing mediator or peace keeper. Despite these two very different personalities, they loved each other very much, and loved their son even more.
It wasn't that surprising when Kruass went on to go to a military academy then join the European Defense Coalition. It was originally formed way back in 2000 as a way to try an stem the rising tide of decent and distrust. An European Homeland security force of sorts, tasked with keeping things peaceful. However, it did not last very long, with most of the organization falling into heavy corruption and infighting for funds. The one branch that maintained its original purpose was the Wolf Brigade. The Wolf Brigade was a special attack group, much like the US's SWAT, only more heavily armored and armed. They were given strike missions, always on the offensive. A special breed of warriors, ones who bonded with each other. This bond carried through with the collapse of the EDC, with the Wolf Brigade Division being soon formed. A private military company, specializing in hunting down and uprooting insurgent groups and cartels. If these guys were kicking down your door, you should be flattered, cause that means someone wants you very dead. Kruass was indoctrinated into this group before the fall, joining the pack and fitting right in. He was attracted to this role as he felt like a peace keeper, a protector against anarchy and chaos.
Soon he was rebased and given a new role and job, to help the..... uniquely named C.O.P.S. in getting they're organization off the ground. Neo Bay was ripe for some insurgent removal, with all sorts of foreign cartels moving into town. Kruass relished in the challenge and took the job immediately, moving to the city with his equipment to take down these bastards. So despite his scary, terminator type getup, Kruass his here to PROTECT and SERVE! No more, no less! Theme Song: Wilbert Eckart: House of the Rising Sun (Haus in Neu-Berlin) I like to imagine Kruass slowly strolling through a warehouse of criminals, humming this song as he guns down cartel smugglers.
I think I can for now. As long as were not talking twice per day or something, I think I'll be able to keep up just fine. Since its a squad based, action oriented type RP, its not like the posts will be required to be very long.