Alright, I think I'm willing to give this another try. Who wants to explore the mysterious skies of Parele?

I'm gonna withdraw from this before Dynamo does something irrational. I'm sure he'll love to explain it. Bye.
Yeah sad to say, due to the views that had been expressed by one RPer I'd rsther they not take part in my RP, and because this story sort of needs all 5 I guess im going to have to close it down, sorry wingmates...
@Skepic So while we are waiting, is there a reason your pilot characters wolfenstien waifus? (I'm certainly not complaining) but its a very interesting aesthetic choice.
I will say in all seriousness that history is never black and white (lol pun). If you think the Confederacy was synonymous with someone like the Nazi's, you've been fed history and not learned anything yourself. The Union had plenty of flaws and the Confederates had plenty of virtues, and the opposite is true as well.
Confederate monuments being taken down is ok, though somewhat sad in my book since it's a piece of history. But calling them bad people is about as ignorant as...well as ignorant as a racist is, ironically enough. Slavery would have been abolished in the south within 20 years as well due to industrialization, just like industrialization had killed the slave trade in the North. The Union didn't one day wake up from a two hundred year nap and go "SLAVERY IS WRONG!" They freed the slaves for economic reasons, and to conform with how the rest of europe was acting. They knew transatlantic trade wouldn't go well if Slaves were being used. That and, if they could exploit immigrants, why have slaves when essentially the same work was being done for almost no cost by making the Irish do a lot of the shit labor, and others?
I have to agree from a martial standpoint that the destruction and domination of the Confederacy by the Union would have been the best choice if that had been the goal. But this was never the goal, not even from the start. An intellectual man could tell you that defeating and destroying your enemy down to their identity is the most intelligent option, but a wise man would tell you reconciliation and the reunion is more important.
Hindsight will forever be in the favor of those in the future, but the objective was not to defeat and control the Southern states and their rebels. It was more important to the people of the time to reunite the United States, a philosophy by which I abide. It was a classical example of Americans waging war on a moral matter rather than a factual matter. We have done this time and time again throughout history, with recent history proving this best; it would have been strongly in American favor if we had completely dominated Afghanistan and Iraq and destroyed not only the enemy, but it's sympathizers. We do fight in such a manner though; it is not our battle identity.
However, we as the United States do not wage that war. Especially not when the President at the time was assassinated and his message, emphasis and objective was to reunite. It made it a just war then in the eyes of the public, who then largely wanted to see his message carried out. His death convinced more that he was speaking the truth. It is in part the reason Abraham Lincoln is so martyred now.
The recency of the topic has no meaning to me. In many ways, even with that motive, history has proven who is right. Did they erect those monuments as a way to combat the Civil Rights Movement? Very likely, the time frame and rationale of being a "good rebel" suggest it. But who won that war? The American people, again. If anything it stands as good testament to the character of the nation.
We should focus not on the destruction of what we find offensive, rather we should focus on the constructive, such as bettering our historical education and dedication to the National Parks and Historical Sites of the country. The majority of the nation agrees, even with that Left-leaning poll's inherent bias.