Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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traps are not gay. I repeat, traps ARE NOT GAY. How idiotic do you have to be to think that they are? traps are probably even less gay than some women.

I understand why some people MIGHT consider traps to be gay, but once thinking about it i don't know why people wouldn't change their mind. traps look like women. WOMEN ARE NOT GAY. IF YOU FUCK SOMEONE WHO LOOKS LIKE A WOMEN, HOW IS THAT EVEN SLIGHTLY FUCKING GAY?

I can kinda see why people think having a dick makes it gay, but the dick only makes up about 0.2% of the human body. if the rest of the body is feminine, that's 99.8% straight. let me repeat, 99.8% STRAIGHT, THAT'S EXTREMELY FUCKING STRAIGHT. THERE ARE WOMEN WHO ARE LESS THAN 99.8% FEMININE, YET PEOPLE DON'T CALL THEM GAY. If you wanna fuck a woman who looks manly as fuck, I'm not gonna call you gay, but you shouldnt call me gay for fucking traps either.

It makes no sense why people let a single penis ruin an entire sexual encounter, it's easy enough to ignore. Traps still have fuckable assholes, you don't need to fuck the pussy specifically. And if it's that much of a problem, just look away. He isn't gonna rub his dick on you or anything.

There are plenty of nice traps out there, and Im sure you'd get along well with them, but you choose not to because of something on them which takes up 0.2% of their body. It's nonsensical and stupid how worked up people get over something so small but completely ignore the rest of the body.

If you're worried about your friends knowing that you're fucking someone 0.2% masculine and 99.8% feminine, they don't need to find out. Believe it or not, traps can wear clothes too. They don't walk around with their dicks hanging out, they cover their dick with pants or skirts. Nobody has to find out that you're in a perfectly heterosexual relationship.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@Skepic as you can tell its a copy pasta, my rationale doesn't involve maths. :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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But alright alright, I'll just give you this.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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traps are not gay. I repeat, traps ARE NOT GAY. How idiotic do you have to be to think that they are? traps are probably even less gay than some women.

I understand why some people MIGHT consider traps to be gay, but once thinking about it i don't know why people wouldn't change their mind. traps look like women. WOMEN ARE NOT GAY. IF YOU FUCK SOMEONE WHO LOOKS LIKE A WOMEN, HOW IS THAT EVEN SLIGHTLY FUCKING GAY?

I can kinda see why people think having a dick makes it gay, but the dick only makes up about 0.2% of the human body. if the rest of the body is feminine, that's 99.8% straight. let me repeat, 99.8% STRAIGHT, THAT'S EXTREMELY FUCKING STRAIGHT. THERE ARE WOMEN WHO ARE LESS THAN 99.8% FEMININE, YET PEOPLE DON'T CALL THEM GAY. If you wanna fuck a woman who looks manly as fuck, I'm not gonna call you gay, but you shouldnt call me gay for fucking traps either.

It makes no sense why people let a single penis ruin an entire sexual encounter, it's easy enough to ignore. Traps still have fuckable assholes, you don't need to fuck the pussy specifically. And if it's that much of a problem, just look away. He isn't gonna rub his dick on you or anything.

There are plenty of nice traps out there, and Im sure you'd get along well with them, but you choose not to because of something on them which takes up 0.2% of their body. It's nonsensical and stupid how worked up people get over something so small but completely ignore the rest of the body.

If you're worried about your friends knowing that you're fucking someone 0.2% masculine and 99.8% feminine, they don't need to find out. Believe it or not, traps can wear clothes too. They don't walk around with their dicks hanging out, they cover their dick with pants or skirts. Nobody has to find out that you're in a perfectly heterosexual relationship.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Penny, @Smash

I am not defending Confederates explicitly. The mindset means nothing to me, but the act of destruction does. Instead of taking the time to point out the flaws of history, educate people, visit these monuments, these battlegrounds, these tombs, and speak on the facts of them, they have taken the coward's path. They would rather just destroy and bury the past than look to it to learn how we have failed or succeeded. It matters nothing, not one ounce, how recent any of these things are because they are symbols. You can look to them to better understand not only the people who erected them, but also what they mean.

The term "slippery slope" has all but been forgotten in our time because we are into it so deep we can no longer realize how much further we are plunging. We can no longer see the hole, only the darkness of it.

Without being poetic, what do I mean? I mean that once you start down this road there is little coming back. Should we now tear down the Great Pyramids because the culture who made them abused and exploited slaves and worshipped a "heathen" pantheon? Is the Washington Monument now suddenly offensive too? What about the fact it was commemorated and commissioned long after George Washington was physically relevant? Should we consider how offensive the Vietnam Memorial might be to the Vietnamese? Is the Lincoln Memorial any less important to history because it does not accurately portray the man?

It has nothing to do with supporting "Southern pride" or the Confederacy. I am a Westerner, where the whole concept of North and South as ideals are alien. They are not my culture or have any real relevance to me as an individual.

The real issue, the very heart of my objection is that this is a meaningless gesture. It is pandering and slumming to people who, up until recently, had no real issue with these statues or their symbols. It has only become a matter of political convenience and social justice to focus on them. It is destroying far more than anything it is creating.


I have to agree from a martial standpoint that the destruction and domination of the Confederacy by the Union would have been the best choice if that had been the goal. But this was never the goal, not even from the start. An intellectual man could tell you that defeating and destroying your enemy down to their identity is the most intelligent option, but a wise man would tell you reconciliation and the reunion is more important.

Hindsight will forever be in the favor of those in the future, but the objective was not to defeat and control the Southern states and their rebels. It was more important to the people of the time to reunite the United States, a philosophy by which I abide. It was a classical example of Americans waging war on a moral matter rather than a factual matter. We have done this time and time again throughout history, with recent history proving this best; it would have been strongly in American favor if we had completely dominated Afghanistan and Iraq and destroyed not only the enemy, but it's sympathizers. We do fight in such a manner though; it is not our battle identity.

However, we as the United States do not wage that war. Especially not when the President at the time was assassinated and his message, emphasis and objective was to reunite. It made it a just war then in the eyes of the public, who then largely wanted to see his message carried out. His death convinced more that he was speaking the truth. It is in part the reason Abraham Lincoln is so martyred now.

The recency of the topic has no meaning to me. In many ways, even with that motive, history has proven who is right. Did they erect those monuments as a way to combat the Civil Rights Movement? Very likely, the time frame and rationale of being a "good rebel" suggest it. But who won that war? The American people, again. If anything it stands as good testament to the character of the nation.

We should focus not on the destruction of what we find offensive, rather we should focus on the constructive, such as bettering our historical education and dedication to the National Parks and Historical Sites of the country. The majority of the nation agrees, even with that Left-leaning poll's inherent bias.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gwynbleidd
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This thread just got gayer than SpongeBob's imagination.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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I will say in all seriousness that history is never black and white (lol pun). If you think the Confederacy was synonymous with someone like the Nazi's, you've been fed history and not learned anything yourself. The Union had plenty of flaws and the Confederates had plenty of virtues, and the opposite is true as well.

Confederate monuments being taken down is ok, though somewhat sad in my book since it's a piece of history. But calling them bad people is about as ignorant as...well as ignorant as a racist is, ironically enough. Slavery would have been abolished in the south within 20 years as well due to industrialization, just like industrialization had killed the slave trade in the North. The Union didn't one day wake up from a two hundred year nap and go "SLAVERY IS WRONG!" They freed the slaves for economic reasons, and to conform with how the rest of europe was acting. They knew transatlantic trade wouldn't go well if Slaves were being used. That and, if they could exploit immigrants, why have slaves when essentially the same work was being done for almost no cost by making the Irish do a lot of the shit labor, and others?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Also I will hasten to add that the other side of the Union that didn't like the exploitation of immigrants was because they were huge nationalists and wanted the Irish and Germans to gtfo their land and give them their jobs back.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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I have to agree from a martial standpoint that the destruction and domination of the Confederacy by the Union would have been the best choice if that had been the goal. But this was never the goal, not even from the start. An intellectual man could tell you that defeating and destroying your enemy down to their identity is the most intelligent option, but a wise man would tell you reconciliation and the reunion is more important.

Well I'd tell the wise man that he needs to go back to wise man college and retake his tests cause he ain't soundin so wise, but that's a discussion for another time. ;D

Hindsight will forever be in the favor of those in the future, but the objective was not to defeat and control the Southern states and their rebels. It was more important to the people of the time to reunite the United States, a philosophy by which I abide. It was a classical example of Americans waging war on a moral matter rather than a factual matter. We have done this time and time again throughout history, with recent history proving this best; it would have been strongly in American favor if we had completely dominated Afghanistan and Iraq and destroyed not only the enemy, but it's sympathizers. We do fight in such a manner though; it is not our battle identity.

However, we as the United States do not wage that war. Especially not when the President at the time was assassinated and his message, emphasis and objective was to reunite. It made it a just war then in the eyes of the public, who then largely wanted to see his message carried out. His death convinced more that he was speaking the truth. It is in part the reason Abraham Lincoln is so martyred now.

Hindsight is a bitch indeed, and I'm not saying they made hugely unreasonable choices in their situations. I will say they failed in a lot of ways, to truly reunite the United States and heal the massive gaping scare left by the Civil War, as practically no Southern man, general, or political leader was punished. No reshuffling of power in any significant way, no long term attempt to change any of the South's ideas on race or political identity. The moment the Union troops left, was the the moment the South began to chant "The South will Rise Again!" ect. Nothing had really changed, other than a stop to the massive violence and open rebellion, but to the Union leadership at the time, that was enough for them. And like I said, fair enough, but they still failed at the follow through and like many before them, left the problems to be dealt with by the people of the future.

Anyway, on to the topic we were actually suppose to be talking about. (But I am enjoying this! Just hard to keep these points straight in my head, cause I'll end up typing up a response only to realize that it was meant for another part or point of the discussion and end up deleting most of it. xD)

The recency of the topic has no meaning to me. In many ways, even with that motive, history has proven who is right. Did they erect those monuments as a way to combat the Civil Rights Movement? Very likely, the time frame and rationale of being a "good rebel" suggest it. But who won that war? The American people, again. If anything it stands as good testament to the character of the nation.

We should focus not on the destruction of what we find offensive, rather we should focus on the constructive, such as bettering our historical education and dedication to the National Parks and Historical Sites of the country. The majority of the nation agrees, even with that Left-leaning poll's inherent bias.

Sure, long-term wise I believe focusing on teaching history as objectively and truthfully as possible, no matter how hard that can be as we are inherently biased whether we try or not. However, I don't see why we can't do both. It sounds that the alt left has somewhat swayed that opinion of yours as well, as I don't think it has to be solely because people are "offended" by it. It is a symbol of racism, a constant, ugly reminder of a regressive, dark time built in a public place. This is not some guy hoisting a confederate flag on his farm, this is a whole street in my state's Capitol (Monument Ave, Richmond, VA) dedicated to honoring the "heroes" of the Confederacy. Hero's who defended the Confederacy's right to enslave human beings. It's not "Very Likely" they were built as a way to combat the Civil Rights movement, they were explicitly built to combat the Civil Rights movement.

You can build whatever you want on your property, display whatever horrific shit on your land, but when you have very clear, very undisputed symbols of racism, of slavery, in the middle of a major public road in your state capitol, then that is a very different story. That reflects and inability to move on from the past, to stop idolizing figures who ultimately stood for a terrible regime, and accept that what they stood for in the end was wrong. That's refusing who the victor was in history, and attempting to push a different narrative on a state government level (or at least, a city government level), which I do not agree with or stand by. It shows the opposite, not that the American people won, but that the South isn't done.

I do, however agree with your last statement. We should focus on our National Parks and Historical sites. The "Crater" should be our reminder of the civil war, not some idealistic statues of Confederate leaders on horses in the middle of the State capitol. That doesn't reflect the war accurately in any shape or form. A war torn stretch of land, filed with dedicated staff, artifacts, and smelly historical Civil War reenactors will go a lot longer in objectively showing the real, human side of the war, its reason for starting, and the lessons learned from it, then any (admittedly pretty) statue of Confederate leaders built for the wrong reasons, during the wrong time.

So Mr. Harbinger of Ferocity, tear down this wall the statues!
(sorry... couldn't resist.)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Just posted mah blob when the thread updated with your posts.

I will say in all seriousness that history is never black and white (lol pun). If you think the Confederacy was synonymous with someone like the Nazi's, you've been fed history and not learned anything yourself. The Union had plenty of flaws and the Confederates had plenty of virtues, and the opposite is true as well.

Confederate monuments being taken down is ok, though somewhat sad in my book since it's a piece of history. But calling them bad people is about as ignorant as...well as ignorant as a racist is, ironically enough. Slavery would have been abolished in the south within 20 years as well due to industrialization, just like industrialization had killed the slave trade in the North. The Union didn't one day wake up from a two hundred year nap and go "SLAVERY IS WRONG!" They freed the slaves for economic reasons, and to conform with how the rest of europe was acting. They knew transatlantic trade wouldn't go well if Slaves were being used. That and, if they could exploit immigrants, why have slaves when essentially the same work was being done for almost no cost by making the Irish do a lot of the shit labor, and others?

Oh it was certainly a war of spooked fucking idiots on both sides who thought slaughtering each other in droves would be a reasonable way of settling their differences. No doubt about that.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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@Skepic I'm a southern guy too. Birmingham, Alabama for most of my life. Born in Georgia and lived in Florida for 5 years as well. I can't agree more than the Southern pride shit is kinda weird and while I enjoy some of the oldie music it's made, I can't agree with its platform. In fact me living in the south has led me to be annoyed with it somewhat in a lot of ways. Like the fact I can't date a woman with a southern accent because I've become so annoyed with hearing it throughout school lmao.

But I don't think neo-confederates or white supremacists are the same thing as the Confederacy of the 1860's. Would you be ok with keeping up ir tearing down the statue of a man who freed his slaves, thought african americans should get a good education, and would petition for the slaves to be freed in general once the war was over? That's mah boi Robert E. Lee, someone who I really respect, tbh. I dislike the South a lot nowadays, but there were good and bad men across the Confederacy and the Union, and I just really hate the demonization of the Confederacy. There's a reason why not many people were hung or punished, like you stated. It's because the Union didn't think they were bad people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by mdk

mdk 3/4

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So... thought experiment here. We're talking about the tearing-down of statues, lots of Robert E. Lee good-guy fee-fees, I get it, brilliant commander, brave guy, etc. I'm just gonna list a few quotes.... give 'em a read and riddle me this: would you really want a monument to this guy? In your state capital -- no, wait, fuck it. In your nation's capital, prominently displayed, we're gonna build a monument to the guy who said this:

"There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."

"You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them, by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated."

"And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races.”

“There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races … A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in Kansas…”

“Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people. As long as blacks continue to live with the whites they constitute a threat to the national life. Family life may also collapse and the increase of mixed breed bastards may some day challenge the supremacy of the white man.”
Robert E. Lee

The question: would you really wanna let a monument to THAT GUY to stay standing in your capital?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Smash
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Brevity is the source of wit, and I seriously doubt that the idea you're trying to get across requires that's much verbage.

The question: would you really wanna let a monument to THAT GUY to stay standing in your capital?

I agree with MDK, shit CHANGES over 4 years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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All of our identities are soaked in myth. I grow when I examine these myths with a critical eye.

The Rommel Myth
Following the war, the Western Allies, particularly the British, depicted Rommel as the "good German" and "our friend, Rommel", hewing closely tothe tenets of the myth of the clean Wehrmacht. His reputation for conducting a clean war was using in the interests of West German Rearmament and the reconciliation between the former enemies- the United Kingdom and United Satas on one side, and the new Federal Republic of Germany on the other.The 1950 biography Rommel: The Desert Fox and the 1953 publication of The Rommel Papers added layers to the myth, which has proven resilient to critical examination.

The mythology surrounding Rommel has been the subject of analysis by both English- and German-speaking historians in recent decades. The reevaluation has produced new interpretations of Rommel, including his relationship with National Socialism, his abilities as operational and strategic level commander, and his role (if any) in the July 20th plot to assassinate Hitler. Historians and commentators conclude that Rommel remains an ambiguous figure, not easily definable either inside or outside the myth.

I know Godwin's law is on the rage nowadays, but the parallels are very stunning. Between hero worshiping, historical revisionism throughout the years, and racially motivated nationalism, the heroes that both you and me were raised on may not be as "heroic" as we originally thought. Besides, like I said in my previous posts, even if a man like Robert E. Lee was as great as a man the Southern mythos has us believe, he fought for an institution of racial beliefs and slavery. The very flag of the Confederacy at the time of the Armistice, The Bloodstained Banner represented that ideology. The white you see was to represent the bountiful cotton fields and the white purity of the south. Originally it was all white with the battle flag in the corner, but as you'd imagine, that becomes problematic on the battlefield where white is generally seen as a symbol of surrender.

Point being that no matter how much hagiography we take in on either of these two figures, the regimes they fought for and supported through military action treated human beings like cattle or worst. This does not absolve the Union or the Federal government of its own inhumane actions, but this also does not justify fighting over a statue of all things. Take them down, put them in a museum if you want to spend the money, and move on.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Andreyich
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So the reason to take down the statues always circles back to "I'm a little bitch that ran out of butthurt ointment." Good to know.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

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@Skepic I think you're confusing me with buying into what I've been told to by others, but (without meaning to sound condescending) I try to be an historian and I don't trust history books unless I know the primary sources or are recommended them by people I trust. This isn't a mythological depiction of Lee, but the facts. And as I said earlier, the Confederacy was different than the 'Southern pride' neo-confederates of today. And I believe I already mentioned that condemning them for being 20 years behind the Union and blaming them for that is a fallacy.

The confederate statues being linked to slavery, is like if the English empire was taken over by France in the 18th century and the English today would be synonymous with malevolent invaders, simply because they weren't allowed to continue after their Imperial era to the modern day relatively benevolent country they are.

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