Sitting in her office, Kiyomi's head was leaning on her right hand. Finishing a report, she sighed. Moving to the next paper, she started to read it while calmly drinking her tea. The earlier meeting with the Uchiha had first occupied her mind. The Guardians numbers were growing. Only she was kind of angry on herself for the fact she had suffered an attack. But it had became less with the new medicine. There was only a very small chance that an attack would occur again, at least that was what she had been told. But the less people knew it, the better. Not that she was scared it would be used against her. Her confidence in her skill wouldn't allow her to be afraid of that.
After some hours, she could feel the sun on her back, the warm rays shining through the window. Laying down the pencil, she raised her hands to rub her eyes. In the corner something started to growl softly. A big bandaged sword shivered, while it continued to produce the soft growling sound. Sighing again, Kiyomi threw the sentient sword an annoyed look. ''I know, I know. But this had to be done. We can go out in a bit.'' She mumbled, while leaning back. Turning her chair around, she threw a look outside. The warm weather would attract a lot of customers for the teahouse. Already there were some couples of seniors walking past the gardens of Azumi to head towards the Teahouse. Staring at the scene, Kiyomi thought briefly of something. Slowly then, she rose up from her seat. The bandaged sword slithered over the ground as she walked around the desk. ''Fine, just stop it already. I am not in the mood to keep patting you all day.'' Kiyomi mumbled as she crounched to pick up the bandaged blade. As a response, it shivered while it was placed in the special made sheath that would allow the weapon to stay at his master's back. Walking to the front doors of Azumi, Kiyomi decided to head to the training fields. Maybe some meditation would do her some good, before she would later think of something to do.
There were crows flying around the training fields. They all turned to Kiyomi and almost stared at her for a moment. They quickly dove back to the ground and a young figure appeared where the black feathered birds collided. He looked over at Kiyomi with an almost excited look in his eyes. He opened his mouth as if to speak but closed it again, not saying a word.
Samehada started to growl, at the sound of a whisper when the crows started to fly around. Kiyomi had already noticed that there were a lot more than usual. Actually, she couldn't remember ever seeing more than two or three crows at the trainingfields. Patting the blade with her right hand, she made it clear that she already was suspecting something. When the crows started to merge, Kiyomi raised her eyebrows. That was something she hadn't seen before. Interested, but also cautious, she noticed a young boy. Probably at her age? Kind of frustrated for a moment that she was bad with guessing people's ages, she tilted her head to the left. When the boy opened his mouth, Kiyomi was waiting to hear what he would have to say. But then he closed it, not saying a word. ''Eh?'' She said. Placing her right hand on her hip, she looked a bit confused. ''Yes?''
The boy straightened himself up, his cheeks turning a light tint of red. He shook his head quickly and spoke afterwards. "N-Nothing! I'm sorry for staring," he said, bowing to apologize. He glanced at her and got back up, making sure to stand up straight and show respect where respect is due. Blinking a few times, Kiyomi flashed a smile before she would continue to walk towards the nearby training field. Passing the boy, she would continue to walk a few more meters. Until she thought of something. Looking over her shoulder, she decided to say something. ''That was a neat looking technique you had there.'' That said, she was already turning around to continue.
A smile curled up his lips as he heard her words. "Ah. It's... It's a technique I created for hunting," he answered, making the tiger seal to demonstrate. "I call it Scattered Body of Crows." The tint of red slowly started fading, still visible on his cheeks. He lowered his hands to his sides, trying to suppress the proud grin on his face.
Turning around, Kiyomi came to a halt. She heard what he said and thought of how to react to it. Already she suspected that he wanted to request of her. Just like it had happened before when she had been at the training fields and somebody approaching her. She already sighed, mentally, by the thought of him asking to teach her something. But as long he hadn't ask that question yet, she would stay polite. ''For hunting? It seems good as a scout technique. Have you made it yourself?''
The nameless boy nodded at the question. "I'm still trying to master it but yes, it is my own technique," he answered. "It still needs some tweaking but it's still pretty useful to creep up on someone or an animal." He seemed quite happy to be talking to Kiyomi for some reason. It could've even come off as strange to most people.
To her it only seemed like he was happy or a maybe cheerful person. ''I have noticed that.'' She said, in a polite manner to not sound like she was trying to make a comment on how he had approached her. ''So, what are you doing here?'' She decided to ask. Kiyomi was avoiding to ask a name as it would lead to a personal talk, where she would likely have to hear his request or why he had approached her. This question, seemed to her, more safe.
"Training," he answered plainly at first. "I was trying to separate the crows as much as I could so that it would be more stealthy. So many of them together attracts attention, huh? I reformed when I saw someone coming." He scratched his cheek as he talked, hesitant to speak out. That made sense to her. ''Yes, it did attracted my attention. But I think it would be great in areas like dense forests or fields where you can hide the crows.'' She told him. Half turning around, she flashed another smile. ''But I guess that I should wish you good luck on training. You can be proud of having such a technique of your own.''
"Th... Thanks," he said, a smile of satisfaction spread across his face. He thought of asking something of her but he thought it would be too much to do that. He knew he still had to train a lot and hard beforehand. He simply stood, watching. Turning around, she would walk to the nearby training field. She wasn't sure about the number, but did that even matter? She didn't think so. After arriving at the field, she noticed that it had a field that was divided in two by a river. There were trees on one side, while the other side had a kind of evulated ground.
Heading towards a tree, Kiyomi's right hand grabbed the hilt of Samehada. Kneeling, she would place the bandaged sword on the ground before taking a meditation sit in the shadow of the tree. Closing her eyes, Kiyomi formed the Dog handsignal, while performing the advanced chakra control training. Meanwhile, she would use her heightened senses to keep watch over the surroundings. She found the sounds actually soothing. Nobody else but her and nature itself.
The boy stopped for a moment and turned to her. After a moment's hesitation, he quickly weaved three handseals, hard to make out. Crows started to appear from his body, almost as if tearing themselves apart from one another. Soon, the body had disappeared along with the chakra. The crows flew over to where Kiyomi had sat, the boy reappearing a few meters behind her. He knew that she would hear the flapping noise of the crows so he simply stood without announcing his presence.
Still Kiyomi kept her eyes closed, while holding on to the handsignal. Slowly, she half open her eyes as placing her hands on her ankles. Looking with a frown in the direction of the boy of before, Kiyomi sighed. ''I think that you have a request, am I right?'' Kiyomi said, with a more neutral tone in her voice. Now looking with a more stern look, she continued. ''You are here to request some training or what so ever? Cause then you're out of your luck. I don't take on more pupils just like that.''
The boy had a determined look on his face, his visage now completely serious. He nodded, confirming that he was there to request training. He didn't move, now almost glaring at her. His feet were placed firmly into the ground. "I think I deserve consideration," he said, the timid tone now gone. The response made Kiyomi look surprised up. She had to admit that he had a nice determined look on his face, but that wouldn't change the deal. She had enough on her head and taking on just anymore pupils without a good reason wouldn't do anybody any good. ''Do you now? On what ground?'' Kiyomi asked, her voice becoming more stern.
"I'm a qualified applicant," he explained, his hands at the ready. "And I know my word isn't enough. I'm willing to prove it to you, even if you would not have it." After his words, there was some silence as they would keep staring at each other. Kiyomi slowly got up from the ground. Dusting her clothes off, she would say a single word. ''No.'' Lifting her head up, she placed her fists on her hips. ''What is so hard to understand about that word?''
"It's easy to understand," he answered, almost snapping. "But it's not acceptable! I won't leave until you accept to train me!" Kiyomi's face didn't change. She stood there, with her fists at her hips while looking with a stern look. ''Listen up, punk.'' She snapped back with a more or less irritated tone. ''I decide who I train or not. I just don't train everybody, got that? Understood? Now scram. I am not interested in small flies that just have developed an own technique. That is nothing special or unique.'' She didn't like to talk like that to another person, but he was pressing it.
The boy now quickly raised his hands, weaving three handseals with incredible speed, his determination fueling his strength. Dozens of crows appeared from behind, quickly flying towards her, almost making him disappear. Afterwards, some smoke rose from behind the crows and a black shuriken flew through them. Lightning crackled through the air around Kiyomi. She had only clenched her right hand into a fist as the violent force was unleashed. ''You..'' Mumbling, she looked around to pick up a trace from the boy. The lightning would keep up a field around Kiyomi, deflecting the shuriken as keeping the crows from her. ''Scram off, punk. This is your last warning.''
The shuriken was grounded, stuck deep into the ground. The boy appeared behind where the crows were and he threw two more shuriken, though not at her. They were sent to her left and right, above her. The surviving crows concealed their location more or less, protecting them as well. The figure had seemingly disappeared among the crows. The shurikens' directions changed, flying towards one another. A string was now visible, connecting the two to the shuriken planted into the ground. The string was thin enough and the speed of the shuriken was fast enough to cut through skin. Some of the crows above her were simply flying above her in circles.
Narrowing her eyes, Kiyomi heard the sound of two objects flying towards her. Turning around, the lightning still kept forming a field around her. The sound of steel colliding against the lightning rang through the air. With the two shuriken falling to the ground, Kiyomi let the lightning fade away. ''So you are now looking to get a beating?'' She asked as she looked around. Samehada slithered over the ground towards Kiyomi, but she didn't pick the shark blade up. Using it against a genin? No way she would do that. Even while hearing Samehada's warning, she already had figured out that the boy had likely become one of the crows. She couldn't pick his scent up. Meaning that he had either went into hiding or turned into one of the crows. Bringing her hands together, Kiyomi slowly started to form several handsignals together to mould her chakra for her next technique.
As she was weaving the handsigns, the boy's figure appeared from behind some of the crows, the color of his blade matching the dark color of the animals as he thrust the weapon forward. Just then, the strings attached to the shuriken tugged from a different side, kicking them all up. The strings tightened and one of them flew to an irrelevant tree, the other two following, though the string attaching the two had lifted behind the boy, flying towards the two together.
Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she caught sight of him. It looked like she was turning around to face him, but she heard the movements of the shuriken also stirring through the air. It seemed to catch her off guard as her eyes flickered to the shuriken when the boy was close. Only one warning would be given for her next movement as it was all just a feint of Kiyomi to be too surprised. She narrowed her eyes to glare at him before she would use let an afterimage get hit by the boy, while she quickly stepped aside and raised her right hand to grab the boy by his shoulder.
As the boy got grabbed, the string of the shuriken pierced through his back, separating his upper body from his lower, but there was no blood. Instead, the body started to deform and turned into several more of the annoying animals around them. As the figure dispersed, the deadly string continued approaching the woman, now with her turned that way, from front.
Now she was genuinly surprised by the surprise of the boy. She had expected to catch the boy and then end this spar, but it seemed that he had a decent trick on his sleeve. With the string approaching Kiyomi, she had no other choice but to focus her attention on it. Getting caught by that wouldn't do her any good as she had seen that it cut through the clone's body. Lightning crackled through the air as Kiyomi formed it around her right hand. With a quick slash, she cut the string in front of her. Flexing her fingers, the lightning vanished away. Realizing she had used both Sparkle and Chidori Current against a mere genin, Kiyomi became more irritated than impressed. Sniffing the air, she tried to track him down by scent, until she had an idea. Crounching, she pulled out a kunai with a blinding tag, waiting for when she would pick up a movement of the boy.
Both of the shuriken flew past the same tree, now stuck into the ground. The boy saw that his plan hadn't worked out too well. He wasn't planning on cutting through her, rather having her jump out of the way to deal a blow in mid air which she probably wouldn't expect. He had to use his final weapon in a different way. For this one, he'd have to get out and see her himself. He leapt out from behind the tree the shuriken had approached and swung one arm towards her the moment he'd seen her. The crows above her flew down towards her.
There he was. She had heard and caught scent of him. Quickly turning around, she then heard sounds from above, but her attention - more a kind of glare- was focused on the boy. Pulling out a kunai, she started to walk towards him as lightning now and then flickered around her. The first crow that came too close to Kiyomi's liking was struck down as the fierce force lashed out. She kept walking in the direction of the boy, spinning the kunai around as keeping her lightning up.
As the crows got into the radius of the lightning, he let out a cry. "Baku!" The three crows exploded, the tags on their backs igniting. The repulsive force of the explosion threw the boy back towards a tree, though he was able to reclaim his balance at the last moment.
The only sound that Kiyomi could make was when she looked up with open wide eyes, full of surprise as she could clearly hear and smell the burning tags. Bringing up her arms, the dust that was whipped up by the explosions concealed the place where Kiyomi had been. Something grabbed the boy by his right leg. The hilt of Samehada wrapped around the leg of the boy, while it let out some kind of strange sound. ''You....'' The sound of Kiyomi came from above as she was standing on a branch of a tree. If the boy would look what was standing on the previous spot, there was some smothered ash of wood. ''You're quite persistent, aren't you?'' Pulling out a kunai, she glared down at him. ''Just give up already.''
He was struggling with the Samehada at first until he heard the words "give up". He shot a death glare at Kiyomi, filled with disgust. He could feel his strength getting drained but he quickly pulled out his black sword, stabbing it at the point where Samehada had started to wrap around his leg. An angry sound was now produced by the sword. It seemed to not like the last action of the boy, about to stab tiny sharp scales into the leg of the boy. ''Let go of him, Sharky.'' Kiyomi ordered. She still glared at the boy, spinning the kunai she had pulled out. ''Go home, punk. I already said no, haven't I?'' While Kiyomi asked him the question, the shark blade's hilt quickly pulled itself back from the boy.
He had his head lowered but his gaze locked on Kiyomi. "I'm not the type to give up in a fight I started," he said. "That means I won't stop until you accept to train me. I was hesitant at first because I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate but now it doesn't matter. I started something and I'm going to finish it." Grabbing the kunai at the handle, Kiyomi sighed as she then shook her head. Returning her attention back on the boy, she had a stern look on her face. ''Why should I take you as a pupil? What possibly is the reason why I should do that? Cause you want that? Just because of that? Is that how you go through life? Demanding things, not listening to what the other has to say about? Cause then I am already fearing for any innocent person that doesn't want to cooperate with you. Would you take something from a harmless person, just because you want it?'' Kiyomi asked him in a stern voice.
He sighed and looked up at her from where he sat. "I don't deserve to take something that I don't own. I'm not trying to steal from you. I believe I proved I was worth training when I repeatedly made you use lightning release." His tone wasn't arrogant, simply calm. Scoffing, Kiyomi placed her free hand on her hip as she raised her eyebrow. ''So you think you have pushed me around? That it is a feat to make me use lightning Release? Go back home, punk. You have seen the tip of the ice-berg. That doesn't mean you have yet proven your worth. To me, you can't prove your worth cause you're good in combat. I don't take pupils like that.'' Kiyomi told him.
Pausing, she tilted her head a bit. ''I want students that have a good willpower and are willing to learn. If you already proven your worth, why would you need me for? To get on a higher level? If you're already good enough as you have ''proven'', then why not continue alone and gain the respect of doing so?'' Kiyomi asked.
A smile curled up on the boy's lips, but he tried to suppress it. "I think you understood what I meant well enough. If I were to claim I was stronger than you, I'd have to be standing at the end. If I was arrogant enough to say such a thing, I wouldn't be here trying to prove that I'm worth training. If you simply take what I say out of context, of course you could make it sound like that's what I'm saying but that just means that you understand that I have a valid point." After having spoken, he fully suppressed the smile.
Something passed his face. The kunai had been thrown with a high speed and strenght. Kiyomi raised her eyebrow. ''Clever punk.'' She said on a more neutral tone. Kiyomi thought about it. He had some clever tricks, but should she really take him as a pupil? She had already noticed before that the Uchiha she had met before was also good, but that wasn't a reason why she would ask somebody to become her pupil. ''Why me? There are much better jounins out there that can mentor you.'' Kiyomi said, dropping from the branch to the ground after she asked him the question.
"I..." He heaved a sigh and looked down. "I've... admired you as a shinobi since I was young." He understood how that would sound vague so he continued to clarify. "My name's Tatsuya, from the Common Hon's." Kiyomi looked surprised. A common Hon? Samehada slithered towards Kiyomi, who stood there. Staying silent while the sentient blade produced a soft sound, her gaze became less stern. ''Admired...'' She repeated the word as she thought about it. Why would one admire her? There were so many more people that were more fite to be admired. The Hokages, past leaders and war heroes. ''Jeez.'' Placing a hand on the back of her head, she threw him a disturbed look. ''Why didn't you say that earlier? No, you just had to keep pushing. Now you will make me look bad if I say no after hearing that.'' Lowering her hand, she sighed. ''I still don't get it. Why would you admire me when there are so many better people?''
He smiled warmly. "Probably because you're more relatable for me," he answered. "You're just a couple of years older than I am and you're already a jounin." The smile was almost childish as he spoke. "And since you're from the same Clan as me, even the same branch as me..." Again, Kiyomi became silent. He said they were of the same branch. That meant he did know things about her. It wasn't that big secret that she was the daughter of Ilia Hon. Not certainly when she proclaimed she was the heir of the Lightning Flash. Kiyomi wasn't sure how to react to this all. She liked it that people liked her and admired her, but how was she supposed to react back? Just saying thank you and what then?
''And since we are from the same clan and branch, you want me to take you on as a pupil and help you further with becoming stronger?'' Kiyomi asked. It wasn't that she couldn't understand it. No, she fully understood it. She had done the same thing. Requesting and sometimes demanding from people that they should take her to train her. To make her stronger.
He gave her a confused look. "Is that strange?" he asked, trying to understand why she would ask something like that after everything he'd explained. He heaved a sigh and got up, leaning his back on the tree. "Of course, there's the fact that you're a skilled shinobi too," he added, wondering if she was asking if that was enough of a reason.
''It is strange. Cause it brings me to my next question. Why should I help you because of that? Where was the clan during the time of Katsuro's reign? Where you Hon's when I was suffering his beatings? Where you all when I was imprisoned, just because I was born out of a ''legit'' way? Well? Why should I help another Hon?'' Kiyomi asked in a calm manner. She didn't hold a grugde against other Hon's. But she wanted first to make some things clear. Her decision was already made, but she was giving him the first lesson already. That as long he didn't know details about her, that he shouldn't assume things that fast.
Tatsuya was shocked to hear the question. "Because I'm not asking for your help because I'm a Hon," he answered. "I'm asking for it because you're someone I look up to because you happened to be a strong and talented shinobi who I heard a lot about, since we live in the same area. Should it make a difference whether or not I'm a Hon?"
''No. It shouldn't.'' Kiyomi said. So far the boy was reacting in a manner she couldn't find a flaw in his reasons. She had tried to lure out a reason why she could reject him, but so far he seemed to have genuine reasons why he would want to become her pupil. ''Fine. I will give you one chance. You kind of impressed me before and only one chance is given.'' Kiyomi said. There was a brief pause before she continued. ''However, this means you're on a trial. Understood? I am not accepting you right away as a pupil. So don't call me sensei.'' Kiyomi said. Her tone was neutral, but she had the idea she was maybe too harsh on him. She didn't know him. But that was also the reason why she didn't yet accept him right away. He was still more or less an unknown person to her.
He stood still for a moment, not reacting at all, to anything. After a couple of moments, the child's face lit up, a visage of joy appearing on his face. He nodded, showing that he understood. "Yes, I understand completely!" Tatsuya answered. "I won't disappoint you."
''I doubt that.'' Kiyomi said. She crossed her arms out front of her chest while having a stern look on her face. But she was actually kind of happy to see so much joy. Kiyomi wasn't still sure if he meant it. He admired her? She could only think of one person who admired her, but he had a different reason for it. Actually, that was a different kind of admiration, she knew. ''Now, we are still not done. I am going to give from now one month time to prove yourself. I am not going to explain how you can prove yourself. You have to figure that out yourself.'' Kiyomi said as she produced three shadow clones. The clones would sit down, after taking some distance from her and Tatsuya. Each one of them performed a different handsignal before starting to meditate. ''I still don't know that much about you. Why not start with that?''
His eyes followed the shadow clones for a moment but he stopped when they performed the hand seals. "What would you like to know?" he asked, tilting his head. He felt that the question was rather vague. He could start talking about a great number of things to answer a question like that.
''You decide. The first thing you will learn from me is making your own decisions. I am not your mentor yet, so I can't even decide if you will do so. You need to make that choice yourself, pup.'' Kiyomi said, calling him a pup with emphasis. It was a bit fun to call another Hon a pup. She could remember that Kuni really disliked to be called like that. But traditions were traditions.
He smirked upon hearing the word pup. "Okay, then," he said, smiling. "Let's see... To begin; I'm 11 years old. I like reading and walking in the woods. I love playing shogi." He figured from her previous acts that if he said he disliked something, she might try to do it. "I hate being called a pup! It's degrading," he exclaimed. He looked for a reaction but kept going as he did so. "I find space and time ninjutsu quite fascinating! There are several techniques that could be forged for hunting, but the reason I'd been trying to create that one was because I was trying to understand how those kinds of techniques worked." He paused for a moment, trying to think of what else to say. "Even though I like hunting, I like animals too. I usually go looking for an animal preying on a weak one. Perhaps it's natural for big animals to kill the small ones but if I'm the only one who interferes, there's not really much of an effect on the balance of nature. I just want to save the weak little creature." He thought of talking about how he'd come to admire her but he remembered that he'd already talked quite a bit about that.
Kiyomi listened to what he was telling her. She only briefly smiled when he told her that he disliked being called a pup. It was indeed degrading, but she knew the reason why that tradtion was being kept. Much to the dislike of the ''pups''. The brief mentioning of Space and time ninjutsu caused her to briefly raise an eyebrow. She only knew the summoning technique variations. It reminded her of her failed attempts to create such a technique in that complex field. When he mentioned the last part, about animals, it caught her smiling again. Briefly, but she smiled never the less. ''I hate to break it to you, but I am not going to stop calling you pup. It is not only tradition, but has a purpose to it. But what more can you tell me? I already noticed you can summon crows, but what about a nature affinity?'' She asked him. The fact he was a Hon, meant the chance kind of big he would have the Lightning nature as his affinity. But she knew others Hon who had a different affinity.
A grin crept on his face without him knowing when he heard that she wouldn't stop calling him pup. "It's lightning," he explained. "But... I haven't learned any techniques in that area yet. I never actually attempted to." He was slightly embarrassed about the fact that he had no idea how to use a single jutsu of his affinity.
''That is no bother. It is already a step to know that. But what else should I know about you? I do know you're quite stubborn with some things.'' The last was a remark on the spar and how he hadn't given up on trying to become her pupil. Something that still caused her to be a bit to be confused. Maybe she should ask later why both Leo and Hayate wished to become her pupils, before they were officially assigned to her team.
"I like the word determined," Tatsuya huffed. "I think that's all there is to know about me, really. I don't have much of a story." He stared at her plainly, waiting for what could be another question. Kiyomi started to walk a bit to the right and then to the left. Seemed she was thinking about something. ''Or maybe that is all you know about yourself?'' She mumbled, sounding like she almost made a riddle from it. ''That leaves you to ask questions back. I will see if I will answer them however.'' Kiyomi said, stopping to look at him with a more serious look on her face.
"I don't have any questions," he answered plainly. He was wondering, however, if she was talking about herself when she said "that is all you know about yourself?". Gathering from what she said about her past when asking about why she should help him, that made perfectly good sense to Tatsuya. His answer made her tilt her head slightly. ''Oh? So you are just going to assume the rumors then? Or that you know enough about me?'' Kiyomi asked in a sarcastic manner. She wasn't intending to make a fool of him, but wanted him to think about it.
The boy shook his head. "Of course not. I wouldn't trust the rumours or what someone says about themselves," he said. "The best way to fully understand someone is to do it yourself, without accepting any information given by others' judgements." He didn't understand how what he said sounded like one thing to her and meant something different entirely. He made a mental note to working on how to word his thoughts better when the day was over.
Slowly Kiyomi raised her right hand. Lifting only her index finger, she raised her eyebrows. ''One.'' She said, not anything else. Then she lowered her hand, not explaining what she meant with that. ''I guess that is your own choice. Though that leads to me asking if you would trust me. I have given nothing yet to make you do that, so how are you to learn from me if you can't be sure if you can trust me?'' Kiyomi asked. She felt a bit like what she had read earlier. About a young stubborn boy that wished to learn from an old grumpy monk. If she only could recall how the story was called. Then again, she found the analogy in her head funny, cause she was only probably a few years older than Tatsuya.
"It's not..." He heaved another heavy sigh. "It has nothing to do with trust. You shouldn't simply go off what I told you about myself either. I was probably being biased about some things without even noticing it. It's because that's my judgement. If someone listens to something about another person, they'd think 'that's the truth' because there is no opposing view at first. Once that idea sinks in, it can change what the person would've thought if there was no influence at all. Is it so bad that I simply want to learn more about you myself?"
Again, Kiyomi raised her hand as she lifted her index and middle finger of her raised right hand. ''Two.'' Lowering her hand, Kiyomi placed it on her hip as she smirked. ''No, I think you're even right. But I hope that I ask questions to learn more about you. The fun thing about people is that you can often conclude how they are by how they react. How they word their answers. A more impatient person would question why I keep bother him with questions like these. A person that wouldn't get this lesson would just do whatever I ask. That means the person isn't able to decide for him or herself. Leading to self destruction. Its for those reasons, to name just two, why I don't just take anybody as my student. That and I still believe that there are jounins out there that can be a better mentor than I can be.'' She told him, but the last sentence was nothing more but a mumble as Kiyomi was still frustrated. She was learning more about Tatsuya, but she couldn't figure out why he wanted to become her pupil that badly. By now she was starting to look for the reason by herself. Maybe it was that she wanted to deny that people looked up to her? No, that couldn't be it.
He looked up at her hand as she counted up to two. At first, he thought it was a warning when she said 'one', since she went on to talk about how he might not have trusted her but that wasn't the case. He hadn't said anything that she would react negatively to. His eyes darted to the corners, seeing the clones. He decided to let it go, thinking he would learn what it was soon enough. "Of course, that's a different way of analyzing," Tatsuya said. "But the point is that you're not looking for the content of my words, rather how I say them. That wouldn't really affect your opinion of me as much as simply looking at what I say would."
Kiyomi seemed to ponder on his words. ''You can say that. But then again, I doubt my opinion is of importance. With that I mean that I first need to learn more about you, before I can form a true and not biased one.'' Kiyomi told him. ''Though there is always the body language that also is way to analyze a person. Though so far I have to admit that I still have yet to find something bad about you.'' Briefly, Kiyomi glanced at her clones who still sat down and continued the chakra control training. ''Let me ask you one more question before we will talk about something else. I want to know what your goal is. Not just what you want to achieve, but what you want to achieve with being my pupil. What is it?''
"Surpassing you," he said with a warm smile. "That's what I want to achieve by being your pupil." He knew what the answer would sound like and he could guess what kind of an effect it would create. "It's a goal I set for myself before I think of achieving any other 'life goals'."
A silence came over the field. Like the cold breeze that blew some of Kiyomi's hairs in her face. The bright green eyes stared at the boy who had told his goal. He wished to surpas her. Slowly Kiyomi raised her head to glance at the sky. ''Surpass me?'' She whispered. That really brought back some memories. Wasn't that not the same thing she had told Hiron? That she wished to surpass the Hokages? To make some changes when she would become one? While looking a bit up, to the sky, a sad expression dawned on her face. It had been some years ago since she had claimed that as her goal. Maybe it had gone too fast, cause how much time had she enjoyed to be under Hiron's mentorship? Back then, it all had been easier. Everything had been easier and the world wasn't then not a big scary place. Hiron was back then the strongest person in the whole wide world. But Kiyomi managed to break out of her thoughts as she turned her gaze back on Tatsuya. Now it was a warm smile on her lips. ''I guess that is a nice goal. Will be honest, I am not going to make it easy. I only wonder. Do you wish to surpass me in terms of combat capabilities or more?''
"To put it plainly... I want someone to look up to me and tell me the same things I told you here," Tatsuya said, thinking this was the best way to explain it. "I want people to see me as a great leader and a fighter. I'm concentrating on that one goal right now, and hopefully with your help, I'll start moving on the path to achieve it."
Again Kiyomi raised her hand and lifted up three fingers. ''Three. You have said three things that I once told my first mentor.'' She said, a little smile crossing over her lips. Lowering her hand, she sighed. ''But if that is your goal, I guess I can try to help you. But you need to understand that you can't learn only from me. I have managed to reach this position and developed my combat prowess and leadership abilities because I have been tutored by a group of people I respected. And still respect.'' That made her think briefly of those who weren't actually alive anymore. After a brief pause, she continued. ''But that is enough of that subject today. I think we could talk about your interests. You said that you wanted to research space time ninjutsu?'' She sounded interested, while asking her question.
He was quite surprised when he heard what she said at first. Even if she might still say "You're still not a pupil of mine yet", if this was the case, she had most likely already accepted him. A smile spread across his face once more. "Yes. It fascinates me," he said briefly. He went on after a pause. "Though I'm still finding it difficult..."
''You're not the only one. It is one of the most difficult fields of ninjutsu. I only managed to master a few summoning variations. But after some attempts, I focused on fields that I am better at.'' Kiyomi informed him. ''Do you have any summoning? Other than crows?'' Kiyomi asked. She realized she knew little about him regarding combat abilities as she had not read a profile of him yet. Maybe Hisoka would be willing to let her snoop around in what his profile would show?
He shook his head. "No, I don't," he answered. "I never had a contract with any of the animals for summonings." He looked up at her with hopeful eyes. She noticed how he looked at her, but she couldn't help him with that. She could summon three kind of summonings. First was Mister Usagi, her more personal summoning. The second was Ger, the huge bear that both she and Hiron could summon. The last was a more unique summoning and one that she only could. Unless Matatabi would be sealed inside Tatsuya and he could be able to bond with him. ''I know somebody who can arrange a summoning contract for you.'' Kiyomi began. ''But I can't guarantee anything.'' She decided to say, remembering his hopeful look.
Tatsuya's smile widened. "Is there anything else you wish to know about me?" he asked, remembering how she'd mentioned how she liked collecting information about people. To him, it wasn't a very valid way since reactions can be deceiving. There are some pretty manipulative people out there. ''You already told me that you have told me everything. If you hadn't, then Sharky here would have warned me so.'' Kiyomi told him. The sentient blade shivered briefly when Kiyomi mentioned his name. Sighing, Kiyomi shook her head. ''No, I won't.'' She mumbled, to the bandaged weapon. Turning her attention once more back to Tatsuya, she continued. ''I think I will just see what I can learn more. If I have learned enough during your trial, I will make my decision. If not, then I think my decision will be easy to predict.'' Kiyomi said. But she didn't want to dwell much on that whole trial topic. It was even better to keep avoiding to talk about it.
''I think I am going ahead with saying how your training is going to be. I want you every third day ready and able at Azumi. At 6 AM. No questions or arguments. Not even when you have just came back from a mission. The only reason when you don't have to expect me is when I have more important things to do. But even then so, you shall report your presence to Kazuo, the butler of Azumi. After you have done that, you shall start to train your knowledge in the library. From 6:30 AM to 10 AM, you shall read about the various subjects on history of both the Leaf as other subjects that are related to it. You are then allowed to have a ten minute break, before you will go to the dojo and start to train your taijutsu. Either alone or with somebody else. For now that will be your schedule until you will have managed to pass the first test that I will bestow upon you at a random time. Am I clear?''
She could say all she wanted about how his training was to come later but to him, this was training. He smirked. "Until what time am I to be in the dojo?" he asked. "Just so that I know until when I am to keep training. I wouldn't want to leave too early or too late." Kiyomi waited before she gave an answer back. ''Until the end of noon. After that you can go back home. For now, you shall do this every time in three days. The training will become more intense over time. But I will see if you can handle that.'' Kiyomi told him.
"Then I'll start coming there to train from now on," he said full of glee. He was quite happy with the current situation. If this month would do nothing else, it would definitely discipline him. During the the next month, he planned on coming each day. What's the point of waiting for two days? No, he wouldn't have it. "Thank you!" he said. He anticipated a response like "Don't thank me yet, I haven't accepted you."
''There is little reason to thank me yet. I am still going to make you pay for suddenly attack me. I won't forget nor forgive something like that easily.'' Kiyomi told him. The three clones behind her poofed away as she then sighed. How much time had expired? She felt a bit hungry and that brought up the thought she couldn't eat just anything anymore. Which was very annoying. ''My chakra control training is over. What are you going to do today?'' She asked him.
"Practice my shurikenjutsu," he answered. "I was going to home and read a book but seeing how I'll have time for reading later, I might as well try to get better at this." He pulled out a thin string from his pouch, gesturing to it. Kiyomi looked at the wire. Shurikenjutsu? Thinking about it, what duties did she have left for today? She had to head to meet up with the jounin commander for a briefing. Zakito had clearly mentioned both she and Kensuke should present themselves at his office within two days. Best would be if she would do so today. But she was interested in how Tatsuya would practise his shurikenjutsu. Walking towards a more flat stone, Kiyomi decided to sit on it. ''Go on ahead. I will just watch then.''
Tatsuya was rather surprised at what Kiyomi had done, but he smiled upon hearing her words. He pulled out a shuriken with the thin wire running through the hole in its center. He swung it, launching it towards a tree. It missed the bark by a mile but Tatsuya kept his hand in front of his face as if everything was normal. Leaning forward, Kiyomi let her head rest on her right hand, who supported her head. She kept careful watch over how the boy moved and reacted. By seeing that he had missed the bark, she didn't make any conclusions about it. She already knew some tactics of shurikenjutsu from Hiron. Missing the target was one of them.
He slung his arms to the left, making rapid handsigns. The shuriken returned from around the tree and towards Tatsuya. He tugged on its wire as soon as it got in front of him and snatched it out of the air as soon as it stopped. He then walked over to the tree, looking at something behind it. He lowered his head, disappointed in the result. She said nothing. Kiyomi had noticed he could weave handsignals at a rapid speed. It made her wonder if his speed was better than hers. But that wasn't really important. It was actually fun to see somebody else training instead of training with them or somebody watching her train.
He plucked another shuriken from the tree behind the one he had thrown the one he had on the string. He walked behind the trees and disappeared for a couple of moments. A couple of clones appeared near him. They scattered and he returned to his previous position, this time holding the two shuriken at the same time. Raising her head, Kiyomi wondered what Tatsuya was up to. She only hoped he wasn't trying to impress her. She wasn't one to be fast impressed by people. Not in terms of combat anymore. Anyways, the sight of the clones made her wonder what he would do with them.
He flinched and froze for a moment. After that, crows left the top of trees, signaling that the clones had dispersed. He had somewhat of an idea about where what tree was, where what obstacle was. He chose his targets and swung his arm, thrusting the two shuriken forward. They whizzed through the air and one of them separated from the other behind the tree and landed on a target made with a kunai. The second one struck the border of the target. He kept doing similar exercises, trying various challenges that could be applied in different situations during combat.
For some time Kiyomi kept watching how he practiced his shurikenjutsu. It was both amusing as interesting to see him train. With her own experience, she was however dragged in some memories. Slowly she could see a younger version of her trying to get good at shurikenjutsu. Of course, she tried less complicated challenges and often had Hiron watching over her training. Slowly the image faded away as she realized she was again dwelling on the past. That was unusual for her to do. Kiyomi continued to watch over Tatsuya, while he kept training. The temptation to give him some hints and tips was great, but she decided against it. It was too early now.
After quite some time, Tatsuya let himself fall on his back, several shuriken laying on the ground, his fingers bruised because of the tight strings around them. He tried to catch his breath, gasping for air. Normally, most people wouldn't use so many techniques trying to master some maneouvars with shurikenjutsu. Of course, he was still a long way from his targets most of the time, but he could see the shuriken moving closer to their designated destination.
Kiyomi was still sitting on where she had settled down. Her legs up in a meditation sit, she was leaning a bit forward with her head resting on her hands. With Tatsuya falling on his back, she slowly raised her eyebrows. This whole time she had just quietly observed him. ''You should probably eat and drink something. It is important to get some energy. Certainly after using that much.'' Kiyomi said. Her tone was more neutral, but she had a good intention with the tip. Slowly she decided to get up. Dusting her clothes off, Kiyomi thought of what she should do. Probably head to the office of the Jounin Commander. With Ezuri delivering the notes to Team 2 and 7, she should get ready as well.
Tatsuya sat up and looked at her, smiling. He nodded and forced himself to his feet. "R-Right." He felt that she was right. Some rest and food would do him well before tomorrow. He grinned widely to himself. "Then I should be getting home. Thank you for everything! I'll be at the Azumi tomorrow morning."
Kiyomi sighed out loud as she lowered her head, closing her eyes after hearing him thanking her again. ''I already told you to not thank me already.'' But as she looked up, she had a warm smile on her lips. ''Remember the times. Even if I am not there myself, you should start by yourself.'' Turning half around, Kiyomi shoved her hands into the pockets of her pants. ''Take it easy and till next time, pup.''
He nodded with a grin and started picking the shuriken up from the grass with rapidity. As he got nearer to a shuriken, he would quickly pocket it without wasting any time. "Of course I will," he said to himself, almost as if answering her. The smile widened as he picked up the last shuriken and leapt off.
Waiting till he leapt off, Kiyomi turned around. She would head towards the office of her uncle, but she thought about what had happened. While she was serious about not taking in another pupil, she couldn't help but to predict already that she would accept him. Sighing while close half her eyes, Kiyomi lowered her head. She was even liking some of his attitude already. Where was her strong willpower these days, she questioned herself a bit amused. Then again, it was kind of cool. Having a person admire you like that. ''Tch, pups.''