Katsu was sitting behind a makeshift desk outside, on the side of the commonly traficked road. He was scribbling something on a scroll under some leaves of paper, almost as if concealing it. He sighed and dropped the pen, pulling out the coins he had collected that day, which weren't that many. It was the money he'd been given by his parents for his lunch, since he claimed that he would be out all day. Nothing else. The sign on the desk read "Katsu's Sketches - 100 Ryo per request". Perhaps that was a bit too expensive.
She had to buy milk, brown bread, sugar, coffee, peper, salt and what more? Kiyomi walked over the streets as she was a bit lost in thougths. Heading on her way to the groceries, she tried to remember the list. Humming some cheerful tone, she couldn't however put her finger on it. Maybe it was cheese? No, that was something they already had. Fruit? No, they had that too.
''Hmm.'' Kiyomi kept on walking as she then turned around the corner. Instead of continue on her way, Kiyomi stopped. A curious look appeared on her face as she noticed something.
''Doing some side-job, are you?'' Kiyomi asked while heading towards the little stand.
''Thought you only drawed poses for kenjutsu, Katsu. Everything good?''Katsu looked up at the familiar voice. As he'd expected when he noticed it, it was Kiyomi. He heaved a heavy sigh and leaned back in his seat.
"I'm trying to earn some extra money but so far, I haven't had a single customer," he said.
"I've been here since 5 AM, when the first old man left his house to go for a jog."''No customer?'' She repeated. Then an idea hit her.
''What if I pay you the double for a sketch? What kind of sketches can you do for me?'' She asked. Kiyomi was not sure, but she had some ideas herself. For a moment, she almost was starting to blush by the mere thoughts of it. Maybe she would request two sketches. But using her self control, she managed to avoid blushing as well paying attention to what he had to say against that offer.
Katsu smiled warmly upon hearing Kiyomi's proposition.
"No need to pay double. 100 Ryo is plenty for one drawing," he said and straightened himself up where he sat.
"What kind of a drawing did you have in mind?" He was quite excited to have his first customer, even if it was someone he knew who was probably doing it because she pitied him.
''Don't get stubborn with me, Katsu! I said I would pay 200 ryo.'' She told him. Placing her hands on her side to look a bit more, prideful, she continued.
''I want to pay an artist like a lady of my stature can!'' Trying to set up a strange accent to sound funny, Kiyomi thought about his question. Asking a direct sketch of Hayate? That would be too supicious. She had to be cautious and very cunning with this.
''I am not sure. I still owe a student and friend of mine a little gift. His name is Hayate. But I guess you probably don't know him.'' She replied.
Clever move girl! Nothing supicious about that. I should become an actress! Yes, that would be cool. Hehehehehehe."Hayate-san? Wait..." He squinted his eyes.
"Why would you give him a drawing?" He thought for a moment and almost laughed at some of the reasons he could think of.
"Anyway... I'm a man of ethics! For 200 Ryo, I'll make two sketches. I won't make one for 200 as long as that sign says 100 Ryo." She started to search for her wallet. But the fact he asked why she would do that, she had to restrain herself to not blush again. Not to mention to snap at Katsu for laughing. She could guess what he was thinking by just hearing that laugh.
''He is just a friend of mine. It is kind of my turn to give him something small back.'' She told Katsu back. Opening her wallet, she seemed to search for something.
Pulling out a biljet, she placed it on the table. It was much more than 200 ryo, but Kiyomi put her wallet already back.
''I don't have any smaller than a 1000 ryo, Keep the change.'' She told him with a cheerful voice as she thought about her second drawing.
''Can you draw me as the second one? I want to surprise my mother with something nice. And this could do it.'' Kiyomi requested.
His smile disappeared as he saw the money. He turned his head away.
"1000 ryo means 10 drawings," he said.
"How about this... I make the two you requested and then make eight more to complete it? Otherwise, I won't do it." Placing her hands on her hips, Kiyomi leaned a bit forward. Her eyebrows were already starting to go up as she wasn't going to comply that easy.
''How about another deal?'' She began. Kiyomi could understand it looked like she did this as a pity action, but it was not that at all.
''You will make the two requested and try to advertise with the remaining money. Once you have earned around... lets say, 3000 ryo, you pay me the 800 ryo back? See it as an investment from me in you.'' Kiyomi suggested. Straighten her back, she smiled.
''Sounds like a pretty neat deal, doesn't it?''He looked at her, crossing his arms.
"What makes you think I'll ever make 3000 Ryo? Even if I do manage to somehow advertise, I still don't think anyone would bother coming here just to get themselves drawn by someone like me," he retorted.
"I might not be making money but I have my rules. 100 Ryo per drawing." The question and reactions bothered Kiyomi a bit. Raising her eyebrows again, she waited a few moments before she then seemed to make a decision.
''Fine. This time. I will just do two request. If you would keep the other eight in store, I will think about what I want them to be. Is that any good?'' She asked. Though she felt a bit defeated, wanting to help him out better than this, Kiyomi couldn't help but smile. If anything, he would still have some more money than a meagre 100 ryo.
Katsu paused for a moment and reached for the money. He stopped right before his hand touched it and looked up at Kiyomi.
"You'd better keep your word," he said.
"I'm trusting you with my pride, okay?" He clutched the money and put it under his desk. He pulled one of the papers in front of him and his hand started moving at an immense speed. Kiyomi wanted to say something, but she just nodded. Already she was thinking about how she would give Hayate the sketch. And how she would hide a sketch of Hayate. If anybody, for example, her mother would find it. Then it would be very bad for Hayate. But she would come up with a way. Seeing a chair, Kiyomi decided to sit on it. Unsure how she should be sitting, she decided to go with a bit of a neutral one. At least, she thought it would be neutral. She had no knowledge about art. Placing her hands on her lap, she smiled in the direction of Katsu. But while she sat there, her eyes followed Katsu's movement.
Awesome. That is quite some speed he has there. How long has he been doing this for real?''After several minutes, seemingly drawing the same thing over and over again on the same paper and the same spot, going over it with different pencils and pens. He pulled the sheet out from under his head and raised it to display it.
"That's Hayate... Now onto the second drawing. Give me a brief description," he demanded.
Her eyes widened as she saw how he had made the drawning. It was just like him! For a moment, she simply stared at it. Realizing what she was doing, Kiyomi raised her right hand as a fist to place it in front of her mouth while she looked away. Coughing lighty, she tried to cover the blush on her cheeks.
''That is amazing, Katsu.'' She began. Trying to think of a reason why she was blushing, Kiyomi's brain started to work as a maniac. She had to think of something that was both reasonable as good enough. Lowering her head and hand, placing it back on her lap, Kiyomi started to blush more.
''Truth be told, I am not sure. I-I have never posed before.''"Drawing the poses is my speciality," he said, pulling out another paper.
"That's what I practice while drawing the kenjutsu stances." He looked up at her.
"Hm... I actually have something in mind. Mind if I try it?" Looking up, Kiyomi nodded. She wasn't sure what he had in mind, but she tried to fix her hair. She was rather casually dressed, but now she started to think if it was maybe good to ask if she shouldn't change. Only that would raise supicious thoughts. Why would she do that if the sketch was for her ''mother''? Realizing that she couldn't do that, Kiyomi smiled as she waited for what he had in mind.
"Alright. If you don't like it, I'll do another one," he said, bending over the desk once more. He repeated the processes from before when he was drawing Hayate. He glanced at her face once and squinted his eyes, memorizing every feature. He turned back to the paper and continued scribbling. He finally sat up and turned the drawing around for her to see.
"See, I even added the captions," he said jokingly.
The smile slowly vanished from Kiyomi's smile. The bright green eyes slowly seemed to darken by seeing the drawning he had made. Even the blush on her cheeks, the reddish tint, started to vanish as her face turned a bit pale.
''Oh.'' Kiyomi muttered. So that was how she looked like after an attack? After she spat out blood of her own due that damn thing near her stomach? Was it that bad? Thinking about it, she could see the face of Hayate, Keiko and others after they had witnessed her having an attack.
''That is quite... impressive.''He sighed and leaned back, the paper still in his hands. He tore it in half and threw it to each side.
"You didn't like it, huh... I can't blame you," he said, planting his head into the table.
"Gaaah!" He messed his hair up, his face buried into the paper.
"I can't even do this right!" Kiyomi stared down at her hands. The image Katsu had drawn was still fresh in her memories. The sight of blood on her lips and hands. How she had looked like. There was no word to describe it. Disgusting didn't cut it out. Scary wasn't all of it. There was no word she could use for it.
''I wish sometimes that I could trade with somebody else. You know, I have always complained about eating vegetables. Only now I can't. I can't cause I need to take medicines that will stop the ''attacks''. To stop throwing up blood and worrying people.'' Kiyomi told him, her head still lowered.
''My grandfather died almost a year ago. He... died because he smoked too much. He also coughed up blood.'' Kiyomi told Katsu.
''I wish I could eat apple pie again. That was our favorite dessert. I used to eat it with my grandfather. Often after a training or just because he was free of his duty. We would head to just grab some applie pie and sit down. Talk and laugh a bit.'' Kiyomi paused. She didn't even think why she was telling Katsu this. She barely knew him. But it had been on her mind for quite some time. She couldn't tell it to Hayate, Keiko or anybody else. It would just hurt them.
''After he died, I kept on eating apple pie now and then. Just as a memory to him. Now, since a couple of months, I can't. I can't eat it anymore. I really... m-miss it. Something as small as that. It is really painful.''Katsu looked up at her, figuring out what had gone wrong. He grunted and hit his head to the wooden desk, repeatedly.
"I'm an idiot," he muttered to himself. He sat up once more, now his forehead aching.
"I didn't..." He heaved a sigh and picked up the pencil again.
"Could I try again?" He hoped that another drawing would take her mind off what the previous one had made her think of.
Raising her head, she had a soft smile on her lips.
''No, you're not. You just didn't know. Besides, don't feel sorry. Please? If there is one other thing I really am starting to dislike is that people are feeling sorry. It is not like you wished me to have this.'' She told him. Trying to take up a pose, she tried to smile with more joy. This sketch would be for Hayate after all. She could still feel bad for witnessing how she looked like after an attack. But she would now do her best to not show it.
Katsu started drawing again, this time glancing up at her once every few seconds. After creating the first layer, he paused for a bit. He then bent over and continued drawing, changing the pose a bit. After several minutes he raised his hand, his eyes still locked onto the drawing, gesturing her to relax her pose.
"I'm done," he said. Kiyomi started to feel a bit of a blush coming. She was very curious to what he had drawn. But she felt suddenly a bit shy to ask.
''How was I? As a poser?'' She asked, her voice a bit soft as she realized she was starting to blush more.
"Pretty well," he said, raising his head with a warm smile. He took the paper with her drawing on it and handed it to her.

The sketch made Kiyomi yelp as her hands shot towards her mouth. Seeing herself like that made her head almost red like a tomato.
''It is beautiful, Katsu!'' She managed to say after some moment. Looking at it with cheeks, that were all red, she smiled at the sketch.
''Thanks so much. I think my mother will love it.'' She said. It made her want to ask for another one. But she had already suggested before that she would only request two today. Going back on her word wasn't an option.
''Are you sure by the way? I can spend some money to invest in you. Then you could have a better stand and stuff to use. I seriously don't mind helping out.''"I'm sure," he said, smiling.
"Thanks for being my first customer. I hope you were satisfied." He leaned back in his seat, glad that he was able to do something she liked.
"I hope to see you back here soon like you promised. I owe you, or rather, you owe me eight more requests." Taking the two sketches, she held to her chest. The blush on her cheeks became a bit less, but it was still present. Nodding, she kept smiling.
''I know. I will keep my word. Thanks for.... listening and... this. Thanks Katsu. I will see you soon. Take care.'' She wavered as she had something in mind. Walking around, Kiyomi used her left hand to brush a few strands of hair behind her ear while holding the sketches with her right hand close to her chest. Leaning forward, she quickly planted a kiss against Katsu's cheek.
''Thank you once more.''Turning around and walking away, Kiyomi looked at the two drawings. She couldn't help but to keep them close to each other. It made her shiver as she then pressed the sketches close to her chest again. Yep, her ''mother'' would love this as a surprise.
Katsu's cheeks turned bright red and his face lit up.
"Any time," he said, his tone unchanged but that was only due to his good control over how his emotions were revealed. He was quite happy. His face was still bright red and once she'd turned around, he leaned it down, trying to hide the colored face. Turning around the corner, Kiyomi looked again at the sketches. Though it had always bothered her, even this time the scar at her right eye made her happy. It was like the sketch just had something that caused her to smile. Walking towards home, she would first place the sketches on a very important place in her room. Then she would head out to buy some groceries.
The rest of Katsu's day was like the first half of it, yet he didn't mind the wait as much. He'd have company once again soon enough.