Once everyone had gone to their places, Zachary walked up to the stand and coughed loudly, trying to get the attention of the recruits. When that proved unsuccessful, he tried a different method.
"ATTENTION!" he roared, waking every sleeping child within Wall Maria. Silence fell once more. "Listen up, maggots! I, Zachary Smith, am here to welcome you to my slice of hell. It's my job to make sure you little weaklings are able to become big boys and girls once you're done here. While only ten of you will amount to anything, I'll be sure to make the next three years will be the worst time of your life." He paused and let the idea sink in. "Those of you who do not make the top ten, of course, will be forced to join the Garrison and perhaps be lucky enough to be stationed at Sina and maybe some of you will join the lowly Scouting Legion. Ugh..." He shuddered at the thought of those scum. The self righteous suicidal branch. He looked over at the group once more. "Tomorrow, you will be tested so that we can see if you're suitable to use the Three Dimensional Manoeuvre Gear. Those of you who prove to be unfit will be sent home. Those who want a second chance will be given one but only one."
He sneered at the ex-Scouting Legion members who were assigned to the Training Corps to teach the use of 3DMG. "Those are your baby-sitters. They'll show you maggots around this dirt hole."
He stepped down from the stand as the Scouts glared at him. "Come on, kiddies," one of the scouts said jokingly. "First line with me!"
21:00 - Dinner Time
The to-be recruits had changed into their casual clothes, making their ways to the mess hall. Joseph followed suit and marched into the building. There were several tables and small rectangular pillars holding up the roof. The boy found himself in the line for food as he continued to follow the people in front of him. He looked around, inspecting the others there. There were some rather weak and flimsy people who didn't really seem like soldier material. Then again, he wasn't much stronger than them when he lived in the Stohess District.