Avatar of Sketcher
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    1. Sketcher 11 yrs ago
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Irisity said
5 hours, G3n.

<.< 5 hours of wait.... >.>
Here, have a hilarious video.
So who's next? If no one posts, we'll move on.
OutlawedPanda said
G3n I got you, my friend. Motivation time! You are a great writer! You are a skilled craftsman! You are the best of the best! No! The best of the best aren't good enough for you! The best of the best look up to you! You are a handsome man. We ladies love a handsome man. There you go! Motivated yet? Become one with the post!

All you need for motivation is a...
Gnar The Missing Link said
No, but just be reasonable with your posts is all I ask. Just a rule of the thumb; if you have to ask if it's too gory, then it probably is too gory.Edit: Oh, and another thing, if everyone would be kind enough to PM their Skype info, I can set up a group channel for us so we can all chat and stay active with one another easily.

This kinda is based on a pretty gory anime...
A young boy walked out of the Taxi in the busy street, carrying a half full backpack with him. He looked forward at the familiar building in front of him. He was eager to step out of the rain but hesitant to walk in through the doors. Clicking his tongue, the boy took the first step and then the rest came easily. He knocked on the door and waited for a moment, slightly propelling himself forward with his toes and then falling back on his soles in a loop. Finally someone answered the door. "Aiden! Come right in," said the woman. "Mark! Aiden's here!"
Aiden sat beside his friend in his bed. "You sure this is safe?"
Mark looked at him skeptically, "Of course it's safe, blockhead," he scolded his friend. "I tried it before during the beta. Plus, the scientists made sure it's safe to use or something, so it doesn't damage your nervous system."
After a few moments of silence, Aiden grabbed the Nerve Gear, ready to put it on but stopped again. "What if I get paralyzed?"
"You won't get paralyzed! Stop being such a wuss and-- Ow!"
The friend rubbed the back of his head as Aiden's hand hovered over it. "I'm putting it on," he muttered. "But if anything happens to me, you're accountable!"

Laying back on the small bed, he put the gear on. "Don't you dare tell my parents about this," he said jokingly as he turned the machine on.
Can we start and go into the game?
I don't think that'd be too easy with this many people. That works best with 3 or 4.
[Collab between LaXnyd and Sketcher

That was the last question Aiden wanted to hear. "Normally three or four days but sometimes custom orders can take as much as a week or depending on the requested material, month," he said. "However, I have quite a few swords ordered so I won't be able to get any more orders done by... Well, according to the gentleman who left, next week but even then..."
He heaved a sigh as he leaned back in his seat. "Is there perhaps anything in specific you were looking for?"

Three to four days? That didn't seem too bad. Cloe didn't know if anyone in the revolutionary army was particularly picky about their sword other than "Why don't I get a Teigu," so she supposed that three or four days was an acceptable rate. That meant about a month for ten swords - and that was assuming that he had no other orders besides the one Julian might give him.

"I see..." Cloe nodded. "how about repairing swords? Can you do that?"

"Well, it all depends on how damaged the weapon is," he answered. "If it's not shattered into several pieces, it shouldn't take too long." He looked the woman over briefly, trying to see if she had the weapon on her. He paused for a moment, still bothered by her question about the length of time it takes to forge a weapon. "If you're looking to buy new weapons as well, we still have some rather well crafted swords and spears that you could browse."

"Ah, excellent." Cloe smiled, putting the sword that she was examining down and looking over the rest of the weapons on display. If she was going to try and convince Julian that this store would be a good supply for the revolutionary army - after all, it wasn't like the rebels had the luxury of being able to go into a store and ordering swords, after all - then she would need to show him a sample of the work.

"...how much for this one?" she finally asked, pointing to an ordinary sword on display. It was a sample piece to judge the quality of the store, after all - she shouldn't be doing it any favors by choosing an exceptional masterpiece only to disappoint Julian when he realizes that it isn't the store's actual standard.

Surprised at the choice, the boy got up from behind the counter and walked over. He looked over the sword for a moment before making a brief "ah" sound. "That'd be 10 silver pieces," he said. Even though the weapon wasn't too impressive, the price wasn't too hefty for something like that. He walked over to the back of the room and disappeared from sight for a moment. "I'll be right back," he yelled.

Ten silver pieces? That wasn't that bad for Cloe. In fact, she had exactly ten silver pieces on her at the moment right now. One would normally wonder just what on earth a Teigu was doing carrying around enough gold to buy a sword when all she promised to Julian was to get some ice cream while he was finishing up the meeting.

Well, she could eat a lot of ice cream.

Taking out her coin bag, Cloe waited for the young blacksmith to return from the back.

After a few moments of metal clinging in the back room, he finally came back with a sheathed sword. They both had the same hilt. "That display's a bit old and you know what they say about unused swords," he said jokingly. He half unsheathed the sword in his hand, revealing a sharp edged sword with the same shape. "It's pretty light-weight too, so it's pretty easy to wield even for a child." He sheathed it completely again and leaned his hands on its hilt, waiting for a definitive answer about the sword.

"Deal." Cloe smiled. While she would miss the ice cream - it wouldn't be much of an exaggeration to say that her purchase here had saved the entire stock of ice cream for the vendor she had been looking at prior to the disruption - she knew that the revolution came first, and every single bit helped. Every single soldier, every single helper, every single blacksmith...

Every single weapons dealer. Even if it had to be through an intermediary.

The boy held out the sheath, smiling. He and the old man could have something proper to eat for days now. He waited for the woman to take the sword and toss him the coins still with the innocent smile on his face. He was tempted to ask what she would do with the sword but it wasn't really any of his business and there's no point in annoying a customer when there's a chance they might come back.

Taking the sword, Cloe opened the bag of coins in order to assure him that it really was ten silver pieces inside before handing it over to him. With the sword actually in her hand, she moved it around in the air, trying to get a preliminary feel for it.

Not that she herself would be using it. After all, she had her own "Teigu" to aid her in combat.

"Thank you very much." she smiled. Hopefully, Julian would finally conceed that she too can do something useful with money. Then again, she didn't know for sure - her little brother blasphemously believed that ice cream wasn't a good use of money. Such insolence. Such foolishness. Oh well.

Doing a little curtsey, Cloe turned and left the store, her parasol in one hand and her newly purchased sword in another.

The boy waved as she left. "Have a nice day," he called out after her. His attention quickly turned to the sack of coins and he mouthed the numbers as he counted them one by one. After having counted them all, he dashed upstairs, leaving it on the counter. "Gramps! We're having something nice to eat tonight!"
Is no one else posting? :/
(also, back, Lax )
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