Aiden was muttering to himself as the men left and the stranger walked in. He was able to flash a quick smile. "Oh, it's nothing," he reassured the hopefully potential customer. Though if she asked for a custom weapon, that could be troublesome. "Just some noble who refuses to understand how forging works... Anyway, what can I do for you?"
The boy had a rather friendly visage, having forgotten about the issue with the nobleman. He still had other issues in mind but he wasn't about to annoy someone who could potentially push him a bit further to getting dinner.
"I have some rather newly forged swords and spears if you were looking for anything like that."
There was a singular curved edged sword at the back of the room, behind the counter, dangling from a coat-hanger which could've be identified as Tengu by any well-informed observer if it weren't wrapped up in cloth.