Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnar The Missing Link
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Gnar The Missing Link The Calming Rage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The capital of the Aaester Kingdom stood gracefully with its mighty and sturdy walls unlike any other. If one were to gaze from atop the castle in the middle of the capital, and at its highest point, they would be able to see many different aspects of the city. In fact... two individuals were seeing the aspects of the city at this very moment.

A young child, no more than twelve stood beside a rather larger and heavy-set man, who was in the midst of eating a plump turkey. Drinking and eating till his heart's content. The Prime Minister continued to feast while a third figure walked towards the young child.

The third figure, a white haired man who was well-built, placed his hand upon the child's shoulder, before looking at the city. "My lord... How are you today?"

The young child said and did nothing, except stare at the city. He was trying to look at everything... and all the aspects of the city just like what he was taught from his master, the Prime Minister who was secretly corrupting him. Unknown to him, he knew not what was going on in the seemingly beautiful city before him.

An underage and starving woman fending off hungry dogs while in the midst of giving birth to a newborn child in a cold and dark alley- life; an old man being publicly executed by having his fingers plucked from his hands and his limbs nailed to a board before having his skin peeled from his muscles... only to burn his muscles and remove the charred remains and repeat the process until he was dead simply for questioning an official why he had to pay such high taxes that he could not feed his family- death; hundreds upon hundreds of tribesmen, women, and children, all naked and bare, being dragged by officials into the town's market to be sold to the cruel nobles who were all practically hungry for new toys to play with- suppression; a group of nobles out and about, enjoying themselves with food, drinks, women, entertainment, and children, all the while ignoring those who are starving and dying at their feet- freedom... and then the legs of a man running as fast as they could carry him, with a crude, and rather alien-like bow in his hands.

The running man turned, and pulled the string of the bow before an arrow appeared, and fired a massive glowing shot at the black cloaked man wielding the scythe behind him. It struck him directly in the chest, causing a groan before he crashed into the wall and barked out an order for his partner to go on ahead... to which the the second cloaked figure hopped on all-fours and began to leap from wall-to-wall just like a hungry predator in pursuit, growling as their yellow eyes focused on the young man... until they finally lunged themselves at the man... and pulled him to the ground.

Despite the struggle, the battle was over just as quick as it had started; the figure sank their jaws into the back of the neck of the man, snapping his spine and killing him instantly. Walking over towards his comrade who was in the midst of eating their prey, the scythe-wielder picked up the bow while still groaning, before taking out a scroll. Comparing the image of the man on the scroll to the now dead man, he confirmed that the two were the same and looked at the very top of the scroll, which read "Troublesome Tengu Users", before looking down the scroll. Finding the image of the dead man, the scythe-wielder drew a line over the man's name.

This was the greatest aspect of all among the Aaester Kingdom... the one that brought the most attention and even required the Jaegars, the Aaester Kingdom's most feared Military Personal and their strongest Tengu Users-


Smiling to himself, the young emperor turned towards the white-haired man, and simply tilted his head before answering his question.

"I... am happy today."
This here... was the true face of both the Capital, and the Aaester Kingdom. It would seem that hope has abandoned this nation and its people, leaving them to die and survive on their own with a corrupt ruler...

...but maybe hope wasn't so cruel?

Within this chaos and madness... were little symbols of hope left by the very first Emperor Oroboronuko; the Tengu. Each and everyone one of them are capable of performing a feat unlike any other... shaping the entire tide of battles in a moment's notice... and capable of changing this mad state of government were all scattered throughout the nation.

Where are they and their users? Or did they even have any users anymore at this point...?

No one truly knows... but perhaps, hope has lead them all to come here to the capital in order to stop the madness, ignite a revolution, and free the people... or maybe they were just brought in just to add further chaos and suffering to it all?

Only time when tell once the Tengu have assembled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Inside one of the most visited blacksmiths in the Capital, a young boy was seated in his chair, his feet placed on the counter. He had his head hanging down from the back. He stopped balancing when he heard the door open and hit the bell. Quickly straightening himself up, he looked at the customer.
"Hi," he greeted the man with a warm tone. "How can I help you today?"
The armoured man, who seemed like a personal guard more than a policeman or knight walked to the side of the door as another man walked in, seemingly unarmed.
"I'd ordered a dozen swords last week," said the man. The boy looked at him, confused for a moment. He didn't recognize him immediately but he recognized the man's family crest.
"I-I remember, sir," the boy said in return. "But forging weapons takes time. I remember you had put in a special order--"
"What?" The man's harsh and rude tone caused the smith to recoil. "How long could such a simple task take!?"
"Well, it's just that--"
"How many have you forged?"
"I'm still working on the third, sir..."
"Tch. Incompetent brat," he muttered. "They'd better be ready by next week."
As the man made his exit, the boy's visage changed, shooting a threatening glare at his back. The guard swiftly followed, leaving the small building. There was nothing he could currently do to speed up the process but he'd have to figure something out. He sat back, waiting for his next customer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


Member Offline since relaunch

"Which one should I pick, for today, Mr Chi Chi? Green, red, orange...or pink!" Baby Cakes was talking to her Tengu Magic Wolf, Mr. Chi Chi. She couldn't decide, what color pack of lollipops, she should bring with her on her journey. Mr. Chi Chi grunted, ~"Pick the red ones, this time, Baby Cakes"~ He said to her, telepathically. Baby Cakes started to jump up, and down, "Your right...I should pick the pink ones!!!!!!!!!!!!" She didn't pay any attention to him. "Ok Mr. Chi Chi, we have to be really careful, The Steel Hearts, were super mad at us, when we came back late from our last adventure." Baby Cakes, likes to go out of the secret hideout of Steel Hearts to find exotic flowers, and plants. She wants to be like her mother, helping to heal other Steel Hearts. They have gotten stricter, because of the reportings of the murders of Tengu users. They couldn't let The Jaegers get their, gross, and creepy hands, on Baby Cakes. So far she has never been caught, whenever someone, sees her, they just think she's a dumb girl, with a even dumber dog. Mr. Chi Chi was good at acting like a regular pet, it took some time, but with Baby Cakes and other Steel Hearts, Mr. Chi Chi had it down. Baby grabbed her backpack, she put her pink lollipops in her bag. She grabbed, Mr. Teddy (she didn't go anywhere, without him), and her special spike gloves, the only weapon, other then Mr. Chi Chi she needed. Baby Cakes may act like a little girl, but she's built like her real age, a nineteen year old girl. So she had to have protection, from Jaegers, and other creeps. Her parents' friend Chase, a Steel Hearts member gave her them, last month, for her nineteenth birthday. He knew that she didn't like to be ruled over, so he just compromised with her, to only go out for a few hours, and not to get caught. If Baby Cakes did get caught, she would sneak attack them, she was underestimated, most people don't think of her as a threat, which makes her the best assassin, and Mr. Chi Chi of course.

She went out the back door of her cottage, where her and her parents use to live together. She went into the shadows, a technique she learned, from Chase. She didn't have to hide, she could just walk out, but where's the fun in that? Mr. Chi Chi followed behind her. She started to giggle, "Mr. Chi Chi, you look funny, crouching on the ground, like that." Mr. Chi Chi just growled at her. They made it out , with no one noticing them. Baby Cakes sat her hood on her head. She was wearing a pink cloak, another way to stay unnoticed, she thought, no one would notice a girl with a neon pink cloak, and a red and black wolf. She jumped on the back of Mr. Chi Chi, ~"Ok remember, we have to be back before sunset, Baby Cakes."~Mr. Chi Chi said, knowing that he would have to drag her back to the hideout, because if he didn't she would be out here for years, collecting flowers. "I KNOW Mr. Chi Chi, let's go find some nice flowers, maybe these ones can heal serious wounds...or diseases!" Mr. Chi Chi just smiled at her, he loved how optimistic she was, always finding the positive in everything, even in this evil world.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It was the same bloody meeting. Same topics. Same discussion. Same nobles. Same pretence of being assured by the Emperor and letting the Prime Minister lie to him with a smile.




Sir Julian August walked down the halls of the Imperial Palace, having just left a meeting concerning the growing rebellion and how more and more of the nobles had defected. More funding for the Jaegers, more funding for the Imperial Army, more funding for the Prime Minister's salary. Really, with all of these allegations of massive corruption it's honestly a wonder that this empire hadn't fallen to rebellion yet.

On the other hand, it was precisely because the Imperial Army still held a great number of Teigu that they had held out against the rebellion. The young noble could not help but appreciate the irony of how it was exactly because of the weapons created in order to uphold the glory of the empire that the root of the corruption within said empire was able to survive. The Teigu had done their job - too well.

Well, he was trying to fix that, wasn't he? It was exactly to alleviate the problem - to attempt to tip the scales in their favour - that Julian utilized his Teigu, Alexandria - more commonly known to him as "Cloe" now - in order to locate the remaining Teigu. The Teigu was more than a weapon to him at this point - she was his friend, his advisor, his trusted confidante, his older sister. In the past nine years, he had grown closer to her than he had ever grown with anyone else he knew; not even his own parents - who, in his mind, were corrupt filth who he was glad to be rid of.

Looking out the window and staring impassively into the capital city, Julian thought about where Cloe was at the moment.


The Biological Teigu known as the Divine Armoury Encyclopedia was currently strolling through the town. She had gotten bored of waiting for Julian to leave the meeting and had informed him that she would be going on her "daily walkabout of the area".

She was eyeing an ice cream vendor when she heard what sounded like argument from a Blacksmith shop. Setting aside what promised to be another hit on Julian's fortune in order to investigate, Cloe stepped out of the way just in time to avoid bumping into an armoured man and his retinue of guards. Realizing that it must have been a potential customer/store argument, Cloe poked her head inside the blacksmith shop.

"...trouble?" she asked the young boy at the counter, gesturing to the departing group with her head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aiden was muttering to himself as the men left and the stranger walked in. He was able to flash a quick smile. "Oh, it's nothing," he reassured the hopefully potential customer. Though if she asked for a custom weapon, that could be troublesome. "Just some noble who refuses to understand how forging works... Anyway, what can I do for you?"
The boy had a rather friendly visage, having forgotten about the issue with the nobleman. He still had other issues in mind but he wasn't about to annoy someone who could potentially push him a bit further to getting dinner.
"I have some rather newly forged swords and spears if you were looking for anything like that."
There was a singular curved edged sword at the back of the room, behind the counter, dangling from a coat-hanger which could've be identified as Tengu by any well-informed observer if it weren't wrapped up in cloth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Hmm... well, it's good that no trouble actually came out of it." Cloe said with a smile. She left out the part about what would normally happen to people who angered nobles in the current state of the empire. And with that, Cloe looked around the store - including the wrapped sword.

Of course Cloe knew exactly what that wrapped sword in the back was. She was, after all, Alexandria, the Divine Armoury Encyclopedia. As the Imperial Librarian, she had detected the Teigu long ago and had instantly discerned it's identity. The Divine Flash, Raimei. Of all the people who had wielded it, this boy seemed to be the most unlikely. Of course, when you've seen the sword wielded by great heroes and powerful warriors, the boy manager of a blacksmith shop would be the last thing on anyone's mind, Teigu or not. Still, Cloe could not help but wonder if the boy knew what a treasure he had - and if he did, how far he had mastered it. If it had chosen him at all, that was.

Tearing her gaze away from the Divine Flash, Cloe looked around at the other swords. Julian had once said something about the Rebellion needing swords and weapons to fight, not just Teigu, after all. Perhaps she could do some of his shopping for him. Taking a closer look at one of the blades on display, Cloe noted it's craftsmanship.

"...what is your average speed for smithing a sword?" Cloe asked as she examined the blade.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Collab between LaXnyd and Sketcher

That was the last question Aiden wanted to hear. "Normally three or four days but sometimes custom orders can take as much as a week or depending on the requested material, month," he said. "However, I have quite a few swords ordered so I won't be able to get any more orders done by... Well, according to the gentleman who left, next week but even then..."
He heaved a sigh as he leaned back in his seat. "Is there perhaps anything in specific you were looking for?"

Three to four days? That didn't seem too bad. Cloe didn't know if anyone in the revolutionary army was particularly picky about their sword other than "Why don't I get a Teigu," so she supposed that three or four days was an acceptable rate. That meant about a month for ten swords - and that was assuming that he had no other orders besides the one Julian might give him.

"I see..." Cloe nodded. "how about repairing swords? Can you do that?"

"Well, it all depends on how damaged the weapon is," he answered. "If it's not shattered into several pieces, it shouldn't take too long." He looked the woman over briefly, trying to see if she had the weapon on her. He paused for a moment, still bothered by her question about the length of time it takes to forge a weapon. "If you're looking to buy new weapons as well, we still have some rather well crafted swords and spears that you could browse."

"Ah, excellent." Cloe smiled, putting the sword that she was examining down and looking over the rest of the weapons on display. If she was going to try and convince Julian that this store would be a good supply for the revolutionary army - after all, it wasn't like the rebels had the luxury of being able to go into a store and ordering swords, after all - then she would need to show him a sample of the work.

"...how much for this one?" she finally asked, pointing to an ordinary sword on display. It was a sample piece to judge the quality of the store, after all - she shouldn't be doing it any favors by choosing an exceptional masterpiece only to disappoint Julian when he realizes that it isn't the store's actual standard.

Surprised at the choice, the boy got up from behind the counter and walked over. He looked over the sword for a moment before making a brief "ah" sound. "That'd be 10 silver pieces," he said. Even though the weapon wasn't too impressive, the price wasn't too hefty for something like that. He walked over to the back of the room and disappeared from sight for a moment. "I'll be right back," he yelled.

Ten silver pieces? That wasn't that bad for Cloe. In fact, she had exactly ten silver pieces on her at the moment right now. One would normally wonder just what on earth a Teigu was doing carrying around enough gold to buy a sword when all she promised to Julian was to get some ice cream while he was finishing up the meeting.

Well, she could eat a lot of ice cream.

Taking out her coin bag, Cloe waited for the young blacksmith to return from the back.

After a few moments of metal clinging in the back room, he finally came back with a sheathed sword. They both had the same hilt. "That display's a bit old and you know what they say about unused swords," he said jokingly. He half unsheathed the sword in his hand, revealing a sharp edged sword with the same shape. "It's pretty light-weight too, so it's pretty easy to wield even for a child." He sheathed it completely again and leaned his hands on its hilt, waiting for a definitive answer about the sword.

"Deal." Cloe smiled. While she would miss the ice cream - it wouldn't be much of an exaggeration to say that her purchase here had saved the entire stock of ice cream for the vendor she had been looking at prior to the disruption - she knew that the revolution came first, and every single bit helped. Every single soldier, every single helper, every single blacksmith...

Every single weapons dealer. Even if it had to be through an intermediary.

The boy held out the sheath, smiling. He and the old man could have something proper to eat for days now. He waited for the woman to take the sword and toss him the coins still with the innocent smile on his face. He was tempted to ask what she would do with the sword but it wasn't really any of his business and there's no point in annoying a customer when there's a chance they might come back.

Taking the sword, Cloe opened the bag of coins in order to assure him that it really was ten silver pieces inside before handing it over to him. With the sword actually in her hand, she moved it around in the air, trying to get a preliminary feel for it.

Not that she herself would be using it. After all, she had her own "Teigu" to aid her in combat.

"Thank you very much." she smiled. Hopefully, Julian would finally conceed that she too can do something useful with money. Then again, she didn't know for sure - her little brother blasphemously believed that ice cream wasn't a good use of money. Such insolence. Such foolishness. Oh well.

Doing a little curtsey, Cloe turned and left the store, her parasol in one hand and her newly purchased sword in another.

The boy waved as she left. "Have a nice day," he called out after her. His attention quickly turned to the sack of coins and he mouthed the numbers as he counted them one by one. After having counted them all, he dashed upstairs, leaving it on the counter. "Gramps! We're having something nice to eat tonight!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OoTrillionoO
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OoTrillionoO A Sarcastic Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Malius walked the streets of Aester, around him the people went about their lives, the bustling life of the capital brought out many things for people. It exposed their greed, darkness, and jealousy. People would do whatever it would take to achieve the best that they could, and just as it was apparent for those who looked up from below that those above were evil, they didn't even realize their neighbor would slit their throat for a gold coin. Evil was everywhere, Malius searched for the one thing this placed seemed to lack. Perfection He had taken up his role and his very way of life for the very meaning of that word, the one thing that people lacked was perfection, those with noble purposes would murder for their cause, and even the greatest evil still could show caring for some reason of life. No, it wasn't the perfect person he searched for, but instead it was just perfection. A shiver went down his spine at the thought of it, something flawless, and something with pure perfection in every way. Just a glimpse could satisfy him for his entire life.

He unraveled the scroll of names he'd received from the capital. Those with a death sentence for carrying the capitals belongings, that which belonged to protect the empire. The Teigu. He walked along the path of an empty alleyway, only about 6 feet wide. He stopped walking as he felt a hand tug on the right edge of his coat. His eye flashed as he read into the future, barely catching a glimpse of the boy's motive. He could hear him whisper, a quiet, shaky voice permeating in his ear. "Please sir, could you spare me a dollar?" Malius smiled to the boy, nodding and extending his right arm up over his head to reach into his coat. The boy took this time to strike, unsheathing his dagger and lunging at the apparently rich noble that stood before him.

Malius's eye flashed with a purple light as the boy charged at him. Malius extended his right leg out, sweeping the boy's legs out from under him, he now was airborne, Malius slammed his arm down that had been raised over his head, crushing the boy's spine with his elbow, just above his shoulders. He bent down and with his left arm he caught the boy, inches from the ground. Malius leaned in, staring into his eyes. Such symmetry, such beauty. He had eyes with a bright blue brilliance, something rare. Malius breathed in, a deep feeling of ecstasy shooting through his body. Ah, yes. This is perfection, something only the dead can truly display. The boy had a face of complete symmetry, not even a millimeter was different on either side, it gave some sort of hidden beauty to him. Malius looked down and reached onto the ground, picking up the dagger the boy had been holding. The Doppelganger Daggers, a set of daggers that allowed to people to share their thoughts. Now, where is your sister? Malius thought to himself. He looked back into the boy's face to experience that pleasure once more, but his face froze. There on his face was a trickle of blood escaping his lip. He dropped the boy instantly, his latest artwork, defiled by that red liquid. Malius looked at the corpse and stood up, a look of disgust across his face. He yelled out of rage and swung his right foot back and buried it into the boy's stomach, there was no resistance and it sunk in deep, Malius's foot now stuck in his gut, blood gushing out of the edges of where his foot had been jammed. He quickly pulled it out, the boys entrails spilling out. Malius's eye twitched at the sight before him. He wiped his shoe off on the boy's cheek before turning, leaving the corpse in the empty alleyway.

The capital would consider this a success, whereas he would not. Still, he decided it was probably not best to simply return with only one of the daggers. He would find her sister, and he would redeem himself of this mistake.
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