Name: Emile Ciel
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Build: Well built and quite strong, though not apparently muscular or large.
Height: 1.78m
Weight: 59 kg
Personality: Emile appears to be a rather warm and kind boy. One might even call him naïve. Though once you get to know him, your opinion on him would change rather quickly.
At first sight, he’s a somewhat sympathetic kid who likes to make stupid jokes. While this impression isn’t really the result of an ‘act’. His training doesn’t allow this to be all he is. He can take a life without much difficulty after making up his mind about whether or not it’s necessary.
He’s somewhat of a bookworm. Well… was. Whenever he was at home, which was usually the case, and wasn’t training, he would either read, draw or play the one game he loved: chess.
Since he spent his childhood without a variety of friends, he wasn’t really able to develop social skills he would need to bond with his peers, which is why he can sometimes come off as a little awkward.
Background: To understand how Emile is where he is right now, we have to go back about 20 years, around 1994. The setting is Greenland, a beautiful yet cold night in the northern area with the skies painted in various colours by the aurora lights dancing slowly among the stars. In the somewhat vacant snowy area, a young, well built man marched through the unwelcoming weather. There was a river flowing just next to him, leading to a small icy cavern. The young man’s glittering eyes locked on the entrance, freezing for a moment. Freeing himself from the trance, he rushed forward, skidding down the ice and roughly landing on the side of the river and over to the entrance. After observing it for a bit, he lowered the muffler around his mouth, revealing his visible breath in front of his scrawny beard. The man crept in. After several minutes, a more feminine figure appeared, dressed equally well-prepared to counter the harsh conditions. She walked in as well, to be greeted by an enormous cavity with walls of ice leading down. There were stairs leading down, seemingly quite slippery. The woman took a step forward, a leap of faith if you will, and pressed her foot on the first step. Now the other leg. Again and again… The stairs weren’t ‘slippery’, somehow. It was hard as a glacier yet dry as rock. After the woman made her way to the bottom, she saw the man walking through a tunnel and away from the ground below. She cautiously followed him. Once she was out of the tunnel, she felt a gun held to her head and a question she wouldn’t really like to hear. Her job was supposed to be simple: follow the assassin, kill him and find the artifact. That wasn’t going to work now, of course… She identified herself as an assassin undercover sent to help him. Somehow, the gullible fool bought it.
Later on that night, both of them would learn that the artifact wasn’t in its place anymore. As they were returning to the exit, they found themselves lost, the paths they’d used to come there now gone. Struggling to get out in the freezing cold, the two got to know one another and would later share the same last name. Before long, Emile, the couple’s son was born. Emile’s father, Ian, betrayed the assassins without much delay, siding with his wife and the Templars, leaking information to them.
This is where Emile’s story begins. He spent his childhood mostly in his family’s house in York, only leaving to go to lessons or to ‘play’ outside. From the very start of his life, he was integrated into the culture of the Templars. An old and aged Templar took over his education for quite some time, teaching him the traditions of the Templars and their relationship with the assassins as well as several languages and about the history of the world. Somewhat symbolically, he was even trained in fencing and martial arts. Even with all of this, he’d have lots of time to run around and climb trees.
He’d always been skeptical of the ways of the Templars. Though he understood why they did what they did, he didn’t really like that he’d have to become one at a certain point. Still, he was interested in their dealings, though he wasn’t really allowed to join their meetings, so he started to find his own way to listen in. Once every year when the Templars would meet, he would climb to the attic just above the room over the roof and through a window. On his third time, when he was 14, he found some old tools in the dusty room. Some sort of a mechanism… Something he’d learned about… Though it couldn’t be that. That was an Assassin’s weapon, not a Templar’s. He dug into the box he’d found it in more, finding another with a small gun hidden instead of a blade. With the noise coming from the floor above, the traitor halted the meeting by excusing himself to see what was going on. As the man crept up the stairs, the boy’s ears twitched. Panicking, Emile dashed out through the window through which he’d come in. The same morning, he went back in, hoping to find something to explain what he’d found. Instead, he found his father waiting to see the culprit return. The boy didn’t notice him until he was already running his hands through the items. The cold and unexpecting voice came from behind. "So you were the one..."
Emile rushed his hand into the gauntlet with the hidden gun, quickly turning around and holding it up to his father, who was standing across the room. They had a long silent conversation before finally some voice came. A bullet left the gun, producing a small yet ear picking sound. The bullet pierced the man’s knee and before he could turn back to his son, the boy had disappeared.
Skills and Talents: Eagle Vision | Hand-to-Hand Combat | Acrobatics | Multilingual - German, English, French, Turkish | Chess | Drawing
Equipment: Hidden Blade - Usable as knife | Hidden Pistol | Earphone | Cell Phone | Pen and Notebook | Bag strapped across from his shoulder down to his hip on his back.
Relation to Assassins: The father, by blood, is an assassin but after having met his wife’s wife, who is a templar, he became a turncloak, leaving the Creed behind, as well as his allies.
Other: HAHA! Nice try. Read the rules.