Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuySenpai


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As Akira continued to follow his Sensei, traveling at Sayuri's side behind the other three he began to consider what might lie ahead. The bloodied cloth did indeed suggest that the there had been an attack, it was almost certainly the traitor as well as nobody else had any reason to be out there, though the question who or what had inflicted the wound? While a wild animal was certainly a possibility it wasn't very likely, most creatures were docile and not many would attack a person in the trees. The only other reasonable explanation was another person or group was behind this and given that the traitor was nowhere to be seen meaning he had either escaped from them, been taken by them or was working with them, Hirudora's words indicated this was indeed the case. Eventually he broke his silence and called out. "Hirudora! Can you deduce whether the other individuals are from this land or another? It may offer some insight as to what we can expect to face and where they might be heading."

Akira's gaze then shifted from the front to Sayuri, the one team member he knew the least about and had barely even spoken to. Glancing forwards to see Chinatsu's back he considered the relationship he had established with her, it wasn't quite a friendship but it was certainly an uneasy trust, he just hoped that when the time came they'd be able to work together as her long range archery and his close quarters swordplay could prove a lethal combination if used effectively. His head then turned back to Sayuri and he spoke once more. "Sayuri, what combat techniques do you use? While the topic of conversation wasn't typical or especially interesting for Akira it was very relevant and could potentially lead to more talking between the two, and that wouldn't be a bad thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


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Hayate's Match

A collab between ChromeHound and Fieryfly

Hayate fights against an unexpected opponent. And gets offered a drink.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maria 127
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Maria 127

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mia Inuzuka
Mia was out shopping for new clothes and food before going to the ninja store to get some of her weapons fixed and sharpened, she was happy because she got the customer regulars discount. She smile before saying to the guy behind the till."I'll be back later to collect my stuff, see you then." she then left taking her other stuff home and putting them away. She smiled now that her fridge was fully restocked, then stroked both her ninkun as they came up to her. She sat down at her kitchen table to have a bit of a rest while she sipped her drink of water. She smiled content with the way her life was going then she remembered that the Chunin exams were happening in two days. She got up so abruptly that her chair fell backwards creating a large bang as it hit the floor. She sigh's before picking up the chair and quickly going to pack her things.

Mia Inuzuka watches the different fights with interest. What drew her attention was her team mates fights, as she watched Masami's fight with keen eyes. she watched how her teammate delt with high speed and power attacks that were one of the traits of the Inuzuka clan. She smile as her fellow Inuzuka tried to find away around Masami's bacugan. When Masami won she decided to leave the stadium to go congratulate her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Invoking a new dynasty perhaps?
Talk about the daimyo dynasties.

A collab between Gerontis and Lesli.
Summary :

Meisa and Zakito talking about what Meisa has in mind with the role of the daimyo and what she has in store for the nearby future.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fieryfly


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eiji Emiya

Finally Eiji managed to get back to the arena's, Sachi still on his arm. The whole meeting with Kensuke had been... weird. That was the only word for it and that annoyed Eiji because he would prefer if he could give it a word with an e. Estranging? No, that didn't quite do it. Then he realized that he never wondered about who's children Kensuke was actually dragging back to their mom. He doubted that the boy had children of his own. He was quite young and the kids were of Sachi's age.

He shifted the little girl on his arm. She was tugging on his hair, but Eiji let her. His eyes shot around to see if he could find either Kuni or Ryu. Hopefully they had found each other for that would make finding them much easier. And if they had found each other he hoped that they got along. He didn't want to lose more students so it was vital that their teamwork was up and running from the start. It would help if they liked each other.

Slowly he strolled through the crowd, scanning it for the two youngsters when finally he spotted them. He smiled slightly, hoisted Sachi up a bit and quickly walked over. "Kuni, Ryu," he called out to the two Genin. "I see you two found each other. Sorry for the wait. I had to take care of something." He send a meaningful glance to Sachi which Kuni would probably understand, but then quickly turned his attention to Kuni. "Are you okay?" He asked as he leaned forward a bit to get on eyelevel. "Real answer please. What happened during the match?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yoshikuni Sadako

Hearing Eiji call out to them, Kuni would instantly move to drag Ryuu in the direction of his voice until they faced him. Upon seeing Sachi in Eiji's arms, she stuck out her tongue at the young infant, knowing what her response would be, before moving to pay more attention to what Eiji was saying "It's fine. The moment Ryuu said that you had to go look for someone I understood. I hope Sache didn't give you a hard time." She said and made a silly face towards Sachi.

After a moment, Kuni stopped and looked at Eiji with the regular smile on her face "I'm fine, don't worry. After the match I went and spent a bit of time with Reyna. She is really nice and a bit shy, so I decided to show her around and then walk with her until she had to get back to the hotel. She has a really strict bird looking after her." She said, and then took a bit of a breath before looking in the direction of the arena for a moment.

"I saw Reyna used lightning around her body to deflect my Earth hand technique, so I decided to try and push her into the swampy water, where I thought her lightning techniques would spread out thoughout the water and also hit her, but she also had a summon so my attempts to push her back didn't work. After that I decided to bring the water to her. That also didn't work, because I didn't think all the way through about how much water would be sent to her by using explosive tags within the water. After doing that, I started feeling a bit dizzy, and I realised that if I kept on going then I would most likely start seeing blurry as well and I didn't want to reach that point, because then it would be hard for me to counter anything she might've had. So I chose to resign from the match by claiming that I am retreating, and hopefully the people who were watching would think that I chose to do so to think about a new strategy against her and as well to recover a bit of chakra."

Kuni finished her explanation and looked at her sensei, hoping to get his approval for her way of thinking. She had no idea if that is what people would see, and she figured that they could also see it as a failed assassination or a poor choice, but that was what she chose to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kensuke Nimatsu - Konohagakure Team 7 Jounin

After having delivered both children to Aiko again and having said goodbye, he went for the Amegakure hospital, but not before creating a clone that was supposed to find and pick up Shisen and bring her to the hospital aswell. Once more did his limited knowledge of the city's rudimentary lay-out aid him in quickly finding his way there, not that there weren't any signs leading there ofcourse. Once inside he asked for Ezuri's room, and went upstairs to find his unlucky genin. It was a low blow of fate that he had to face the surviving Hon twin, the one who had already fought his last two matches against Hyuuga clan members of a way larger calibre than Ezuri was now. He found the room with a mildly conscious Ezuri propped in the bed, and sat down on the chair next to the bed, and began to read one of the magazines lying about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ryuu was surprised when he was suddenly dragged in a different direction. This girl was strong, and upon seeing Eiji Ryuu deactivated his Sharingan. Seeing as it would have been a useless waste of Chakra at this time. The boy waited respectfully as Kuni went on talking about her match. Ryuu could tell she knew what she was doing. Drawing back from a match to avoid wasting too much Chakra, a smart move in his book. The boy nodded slightly in approval towards Kuni, although he watched little Sachi. He was trying to hide it, and was doing a good job except for his eyes giving him away, at hiding his jealousy over having parents that actually care about you. Ryuu chose not to speak at the moment, seeing as he had no particular reason to say anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Saki Yamanaka

On a break.

Saki thought about it. Both her team members had lost their match. What were they going to do now? Stick around the exams and just watch other matches? Saki had just some lunch and she was pondering on visiting one of her team members, but she liked the peace she was having now. Nobody that wanted her to do something or talk about anything she wouldn't like. It gave her time to think about the future. Not that she had anything big planned. No, but the future also meant training with her current team, Frankly, she was feeling a bit bad for the thoughts but she wasn't expecting much.

One of the team members had been too reckless and lost a match that had went very easy for his opponent. She had thought that the Hyuuga were a formidable kind of foe, but from the last match she had just seen one getting whipped without much of a sweat. Why had Kensuke allowed his student to fight while they weren't ready? Perhaps it was a lesson, but then Saki couldn't personally agree with it. Walking down the street, trying to not get too soaked by the rain, she thought about it. What would she have done?

That was a silly question, she thought to herself. She wouldn't allow her students to participate until they were fully ready for it. The exams weren't a place to learn something if one wasn't ready for it. That made her think to her chuunin match. Was she then ready for it? Her guts kept telling she wasn't ready. But somehow she had made it, even though her legs were trembling that bad that it was a miracle that she could still keep walking. Deciding that the thoughts were a bit heavy, Saki's right hand went to her pouch. Grabbing her wallet, she checked the content. Coming to a halt, she quickly counted the money she had on person. It wasn't that much, like if she had won the lottery or something, but it was good enough for now. Now she knew what she was going to do. Something that already made her smile.

She was going to shop as nobody needed her for now.
Time for more Saki alone time!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kimi Iomaski
Kirigakure ANBU and spymaster.


Pressing her back against the wall, Kimi had a good view on the beast. Not that it was something hard as it was quite visible, due its huge size. For a moment, Kimi thought about her plan. She had managed to group several ANBU and they would launch their counter attack soon. The problem was that they were kind of divided. The leadership of their current Mizukage showed that they were unprepared for any assault. Kimi had some thoughts about it, growing not angry on the beast. But on the current Lady Mizukage. She had seen the anger and disappointment in the eyes of the ANBU that had gathered with her.

But now wasn't the time to waste time and breath about such thoughts. Right now many civilians would be transported to safer grounds while more would be rallied in defense. The first counter attack would be with just a few ANBU groups and now, while she was this close to the rampaging beast, Kimi felt insecure. The beast was so powerful, what could a few groups of ANBU possibly do against it?

Clenching her hands into fists, she narrowed her eyes and tried to regulate her breathing. Giving into such weak thoughts would lead to weak actions! And that would all lead to her death. An explosion was heard, followed by others. Kimi peeked around the corner as smoke was raised and the beast was being attacked from a distance. Grabbing three kunai, with explosive tags attached to them, she took a moment to gather her courage. Here goes nothing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A collab between Lesli and Sketcher

Summary: Katsu goes to consult his sensei about his earlier performence at the exams.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lesli


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Second Rounds of the Chuunin Exam!
The Semi-Finals!

Around five days later.

A crowd was being gathered. Everybody seemed to be curious on what would announced. There were already several bets going on, about who would make it through the semi finals. But then it became quiet as the announcer from the previous time cleared his throat. Everybody's attention was settled on the man who pulled out a small scroll and rolled it out.

''Good day everybody.'' The announcer began. ''Today we have gathered to witness the second round of this chuunin exam. Before we start, we wish every participant that is on board all the luck.'' The man continued on with the formalities, which annoyed and bored many a person. But eventually he came to the part where everybody was looking forward to. The part where it would be revealed what everybody wanted to know.

''On Field One, the match between Koike Hon and Reyna Azuma.
At Field Two, the match will be between Shikaroku Nara and Masami Hyuuga.
Field Three will house the match between Hayate Hyuzu against Kaya Irozaki.

After the announcement, the crowd started to gain some volume. The bets were starting again as it was known now who was fighting who. The arena's would again differ per field as Field One was composed of a lush grass field with several boulders spread over the field. While at Field Two the field was composed out of what seemed to be a simple village, much like the previous match between Hayate Hyuzu and Shiya Guujin. Only the buildings were now more built from wood.

The Third Field would be a field where a river would split it in half. There would be one wooden bridge where the opponents would start from and then from there would have to fight their match. Right now the crowd was heading on their way to see how the fights would go. Who would eventually make it through this second round of the Chuunin Exam.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ChromeHound


Member Offline since relaunch

Getting awakened,
Getting information,
Had some sort of medicine.

A collab between Chromehound and Gerontis.

Summary :

Shikaroku wakes up and has a chat with Hiron about the last match and what may happen later. Then they hear of the announcement and Hiron answers a very important question of Shikaroku. Fun times!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LillyDove


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Chinatsu Hon
Konoha Team 6

Chinatsu was still a bit angry with Akira. She didn't like him much and he didn't seem to try to change that. But she didn't care about him, she would help Sayuri and Hiroshi along with Hirudora as she knew to respect them as her team mates. Chinatsu didn't consider Akira to her team mate and she didn't need some nobody genin on her team. She had a member of her own clan on her team as her Sensei which was nice and she had a Cho on her team which was also nice. Akira came from a lesser known and renowned clan, it only made sense that he was below the three of them. Hirudora was well respected summon of her Sensei and Chinatsu was sure she had great stories about their victories.

Chinatsu decided to train twice as hard as she was now in order to continue being on the top of her team because anything less was not acceptable to her. She was set on being the leader and nothing could stop her from her goal. She even had her own little helper who was waiting to help the process along. Chinatsu didn't pay any attention to Akira as he spoke to Sayuri.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LillyDove


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Shisen Inuzuka
Konoha Team 7
A Reflective Time to Bond

Shiro was curled up on the bed next to Shisen as she laid in the hospital bed and stared up at the ceiling. Arashi was asleep and probably dreaming about chasing flaming bunnies. Though Shsien was unsettled and it was because Arashi had gotten hurt in the match against Masami Hyuuga. She had lost the match and it wouldn't be so bad if she had not allowed her ninken to get hurt. A minor injury wasn't a big deal but the injury had stunned and paralyzed the ninken which was a huge deal. Shisen thought she failed in protecting her ninken from harm and it was weighing heavily on her. Even though Arashi was almost back to normal and didn't seem to care about the injury.

She sat up in bed and decided she couldn't just lay in bed anymore. Getting up she woke up both ninken and whistled to get them to follow her out of the hospital room she was in. Some nurses were startled by Arashi and others wanted to pet Shiro but Shsien didn't let them. The small white ninken needed to be treated like a ninken and not a companion animal like most canines were. In the beginning Shiro needed to learn to only trust and allow Shisen to touch her until she was ready to be in a team. Once they were outside they found an open area where Shisen pulled out a ball which she kept with her to help with Shiro's training. "Alright you two, get the ball," Shisen said, as she threw the ball. She watched as the ninken raced after the ball and laughed as Shiro tripped over one of Arashi's paws before she could reach the ball.

Arashi was now heading towards Shisen with the ball in her mouth and her head was held high with pride from having the ball. Shiro raced towards the older ninken and jumped up onto Arashi's back like she was clinging to her. Shisen laughed and shook her head with a small smile. She watched as Arashi tried to shake the smaller ninken off but the small one held on rather tightly with her claws and fangs. Arashi dropped to the ground and began to roll over to get Shiro away but Shiro let go and darted towards the ball as she pawed at Arashi. Finally the older ninken let go of the ball and the smaller one was able to get it before darting off towards Shisen. A second later Arashi caught up and grabbed Shiro by the scruff of her neck. Now Arashi was padding back to Shisen and when she got there the older ninken dropped Shiro. Then used her right paw to shove Shiro at Shisens feet.

Shisen laughed at how Arashi presented her 'ball' to Shisen as Shiro chewed on the actual ball. Shiro was presented as an offering and shaking her head. Shisen picked Shiro up and held the small white ninken up so she was eye level with her. "You're a mess," Shisen told the ninken.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sadako's Birthday

Kuni is a year older, but...

Six days ago

With help from two awesome people~

The sun barely begun shining on Amegakure. The birds who took their chance in the break in the rain started to fly throughout the village, letting out their tweets and landing on different buildings and in the wet streets as the light came upon them. The people in the market and in the different shops had begun setting up and preparing for another day filled with many visitors from the different villages, with many hoping that they will have enough supplies for all of the people that may come to them throughout the day.
As the sun came out some more, it's light begun shining some more on more buildings in the village, and eventually covered all of Amegakure. As the light grew stronger, it begun to go through the covers of a window in a certain building. It appeared as if the resident of that apartment did not wish for the day to reach, and made extra efforts to ensure the light won't reach her.

Kuni laid in her bed as she felt the light still manage to reach her eyes through the covers of the window. Moving to lay on her side, She shut her eyes tight, trying to forget that she even saw a bit of the light. Staying like this for more than ten minutes, she realised that she is unable to go back to sleep now that she knew. Moving to lay on her belly, she went and struck the bed with her fists several times before stopping, just grabbing the pillow and holding it tightly. She didn't want this day to come. She wanted anything but that.

Yet it still came.

Slowly pushing herself away from the mattress, Kuni moved to sit on the bed and looked with an annoyed look around. The room was mainly clean and organized, except for the shinobi outfit she wore yesterday. It had been quite a fun day, as she met two new friends. One who she hoped she'll get to see again sometime, and another who she knew for certain that she'll see again, as he was her teammate. Getting up from her bed, she grabbed the outfit on the floor and threw it into a small basket in the corner, which had been empty until that moment. Walking to a small desk in front of the bed, she looked at a picture on it. A picture of her younger self with her mother, both smiling with no worries in the world.

Moving the picture so it's face had been on the desk, Kuni glanced at the back of it for a moment before going to the closet, taking out her casual outfit and then went to shower. After finishing to shower and getting dressed, she went and grabbed the first thing she could eat, which was a small bowl she had prepared to herself last evening. A small cereal bowl with Cherries was waiting on the small kitchen counter, with a banana next to it and a note that said 'Add Orange juice'. Quickly cutting the banana into even pieces and adding it to the bowl, she went and added the orange juice, only to then realise what she had prepared. It was her mother's favorite breakfast. Did she do this to herself on purpose or just randomly? She had completely forgotten.

Sighing, she went and ate it, trying to ignore the fact she had realised. After finishing and throwing the bowl and spoon in the sink, she went back to her bedroom and sat down on the bed.Looking at a calendar above her bed, she went and marked the date. which was March 15, by taking a sticker from the drawer next to her bed. Moving to sit on the bed properly and putting her hands on her knees, she closed her eyes and focused. Son? Can you hear me? She asked in her mind, focusing only on him. She knew it was the only way for her to contact him now.

"Barely," a deep voice responded. In the depths of Kuni's mind, a large, solid cage stood both tall and wide before her. It was clear who the occupant was before the booming voice even came from its walls. "As slightly refreshing as it is to hear anything at all, it only comes in the form of your voice and only after days of silence." There was a subtle inflection of anger, though it wasn't clear who it was directed towards.

Staring at the cage, Kuni couldn't help but feel sad, but she knew she had to focus on him and not on anything else if she wanted to be able to hear him even a bit and not just look at a cage without being able to do anything "I'll find a way around this thing Son. I promise. But for now, I thought you should know, even if you can't do anything about it... It's my birthday today. I'm 15 years old, which is nothing compared to you, but... Seeing you can't see everything I see now and such, I figured I should put that extra effort and let you know. Oh, I also lost my Chuunin Exam, but that doesn't mean I didn't get the rank. That will be announced at the end of the whole event, and I'll be sure to also let you know then how things are going." She told him, hoping he hears everything, because she wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to keep focusing like this on him.

A low grumble came from the wall before her. The Yonbi inside seemed to be pondering her words. "You failed your promotion exam, yet you didn't..." Son Goku reflected, letting out another low grumble that was apparently his equivalent of humming. "That interests me little." The sound of movement came from inside the walled cage. "But you are only fifteen, yes? Rather young. I suppose I never accounted for your age before."

"fifteen, yeah. But how are you doing in there? I hope you are not too angry or upset. I know I would be if I was placed under such conditions, but at least you are not alone in this. At the same time this happened to you, I was affected to, which greatly irritates me, but at least we are...somehow... together in this. Do you get what I mean?" She said and wondered how he felt about the whole deal.

A scoff was heard. "Together... that's stretching the word," Son claimed first. "While before it was bad enough my fate was tied to a child and my free will was stripped of me, now I cannot even communicate at will nor can I even detect the outside world. Furthermore, I can feel this seal trying to rob me of my power. This is worse than before on a scale you cannot possibly understand." The giant beast let out a long, exasperated sigh. Or perhaps a groan of disdain. "You were foolish to let this happen."
Looking down to her feet, she knew very well what he meant. He had seen her not try and stop Meisa "I'll make this up to you...Somehow..." She told him before looking back at the cage infront of her "I suppose apologizing won't be of any value until this changes, so I won't apologize until then. But for now, I need to go. I think I'm starting to get a headache which makes it harder for me to stay here, so I'll-"

Before she could finish her sentence, she opened her eyes back at her bedroom and allowed herself to fall back on her bed while sending her right hand to her head. She indeed started to get a headache, and it made it impossible for her to focus on Son and keep the communication between them going. Letting out a sigh, she moved back to a sitting positiong and rubbed her head for a couple more moments. Looking at the clock, she saw it was still somewhat early in the morning. Closing her eyes again, She let out a deep breath before getting up, opening her eyes and then within a minute she was outside of her apartment already, heading down the stairs of the building towards its exit and soon enough being in the street.

The sun was shining rather brightly for a day in March in Amegakure, and Kuni thought it was somewhat odd. After looking at the cloudy but bright skies for a bit, she begun making her way throughout the streets. She saw people who already started heading to the different shops, to try and beat the many people who came for the Chuunin Exams. Giving a single thought to Reyna and wondering how she will spend the day, something suddenly caught her eye. A young boy and his father, down the street. She moved to lean on the wall of one of the structures as she watched the two.

"Dadd! Come on! Let me get it! I want to be able to protect you and mom!" The boy told the older man, who laughed in return "You are still too young. And besides, like I have told you, I'm capable of protecting us. I am a jounin in the village." The boy made an annoyed face before his dad picked him up and placed him on his shoulders "Don't worry now. One day others will look at you as you will protect them. Some might even view you as a kind of hero among many heroes in the village. Every single person who helps protect the village is a hero to the village, and you need to remember that." The older man said, and the young boy patted his dad on his head "You are a good hero then! Good hero!" He said and kept patting his father's head.

Shaking her head a bit, Kuni snapped out of her odd trance that she was in while observing the two. She had no idea where it had come to her so suddenly and she resumed walking, and then looked a bit down as she begun to figure out why it had caught her attention. The fact that her father never went to find her earlier, and when he did, she turned him down. Was she feeling sad about it now? She shook her head a bit, remembering why she had decided to react in that manner.

But then another part in the father's little speech came to her. That all of the shinobi in the village are heroes. She begun passing through the market as she thought about the last time she had heard the word, and the last person who told her he had expected to see her as a hero, and how it was a rather short time ago.

After thinking about that talk of her and Ryoku, she felt kind of sad for having reacted the way she did. It made her think that she is sometimes too compulsive with her reactions, and that maybe she needs to understand how to react better. And before she realised it, she stood at the entrance to the place she had been going to. Walking inside, she begun to pass between the many similiar objects until she had found the one she had been looking for.
Her mother's grave.

Moving to kneel in front of it, she placed her hand on it as her eyes teared up a bit "H-h-hey mom... It's that t-t-time of the year again... I didn't get anything because I didn't know what would make you happy, like every year... So I thought that a hug would do the trick..." She said before moving to hug the gravestove and beginning to cry. Her tears fell from her face onto the gravestone and moved across it and the writings on them, which read:

Hanako Sadako, Born March 15th 437, Deceased 20th December 473. May her soul rest in peace

After about a minute of hugging the gravestone, Kuni moved a bit away from it and wiped her face, only to realise it had begun raining a bit now. Looking back at the grave, the tears kept flowing on her face "You always knew the best present for me... How'd you know I w-w-wanted a bit of rain?" She said and wiped the tears away again before putting her hand on the gravestone. Looking at the direction of the village, she just barely managed to see it through her teary eyes and the rain "It hurts everyday, you know. Every day you are not there to be with me..." Kuni mumbled to the grave and looked back at it.

Being there for about an hour, Kuni kept talking to the grave, not caring if it doesn't reply back to her. She expressed all the feelings she had felt throughout the day, including her wanting to make things better for Son Goku and how she should consider apologizing to Ryoku because he had been merely wanting to tell her the truth and she was seeing from her own point of view due to being hurt that he allowed to do such an action. She was still furious at him, but she figured that he deserved better. He is the leader of the village for a reason, after all.

"...And the last thing I think I can tell you that I feel sad about is that without you, I kept on feeling a bit of lonely." She said and without noticing, her hand moved to her belly. Upon noticing it, she raised her eyebrows "But... I guess I shouldn't feel that way anymore, because I have Son Goku with me now at all times. Which also means I need to be a lot more careful. But at the same time, I feel like its harder for people to understand me now. I keep feeling Eiji tries his best, which is awesome for him to do so, but because of his daughter and role as the Jounin Commander, he isnt always around..." She said before feeling the rain become slightly stronger.

Moving her hand from her belly to her face to wipe away a bit of raindrops and tears from her face, she slowly begun to stand up "Although, even with him being so busy, I think that I could always count on him being there for me and caring for me. You could say that I found a dad in him, and he is the best dad in the world. And I should probably make it a bit clearer to him from time to time how much I appreciate him." She said before taking another look at the grave, and now smiled to it as the rain became even stronger "Thanks mom. This really helped me clear my mind a bit. I think... I think I know what my next steps should be. Ryoku said that he expected to see a hero in me and that he couldn't. I guess I didn't think of myself as one, but... I should start to. Because if the Yonbi's Jinchuuriki will not be a hero for Amegakure, who will be?" She asked the grave, which merely stood on its spot. Kuni then gave a wave to the grave "I'll talk to you in several more months mom. Take care." She said before beginning to head off in a slightly light jog.

As she made her way back, she felt as the rain begun to become lighter. Feeling like this means she can take things a bit easier, she decided on walking instead of continuing to jog. Her outfit was already soaked in water and there was no reason for her to add a bit of sweat into it. As she made her way through the streets, she decided to take a little shortcut in an alleyway. As she walked through, she suddenly noticed a bunch of cardboxes that were flipped and slightly moving, with a leg of something small stuck out of it. Stopping next to the boxes and moving them to the side, she saw a small kitten that was trying to take cover from the rain and now had no shelter. Feeling sad for the kitten, Kuni gently went and placed a box above the kitten in a manner that wouldn't trap the kitten, but would give it cover, before continuing to go in the direction of her home.

Even if it was only a small thing, she already felt a bit better. Perhaps she should head to Eiji's place and see if he is there with Sachi. Last year she hadn't spent any time with him on her birthday, but perhaps this year it could change. Perhaps...

Perhaps this is the year when she will finally take a step forward and stop looking back at her mother's death.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The mysterious corn wielding stranger with a hat!
Kiyomi Sato-Hon,
Konohagakure Jounin of Team 2 and Hokage Apprentice.
Just a day out.

Summary :
The first of my random writing moods post that actually survived and to be ever posted. I sometimes just decide to write a post for a hour and then check it on spelling and grammar mistakes, but also on if I use some more sophisticated and refined words in a correct way that still makes it enjoyable to read it, though I always delete them afterwards. After some argument, see the first hider, I have forfeited my chance of victory and this is a sign of my most humble defeat. Hope you like it as much as somebody else did.

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

One week after the arrival to the Wolf Country

[b][center] Two assasinations, three scars later ...
The dawn to a revolution?"

[b][center] Suzaku Uzumaki
Konohagakure ANBU

That should do it. The ANBU sealed the letter with a seal that the Hokage can undo in less than a second, and attached the letter to the leg of his trustworthy summon, Kestral." You know where to find Lord Hokage, Kestral. I am counting on you to deliver this to him." He was rewared with a squak as he attached the letter. After a few seconds, Kestral flew away with his message, and quickly disappeared into the darkness. Maybe it was the last message he sent to his home village and he was unsure whether he picked the last words when he adressed Hisoka. Looking at the dark sky for a few seconds, he then turned and walked into the center of his room. Most of his gear was there, prepared for tomorrow´s mission.

Suzaku was not very fond of assassinations that lacked purpose, but these were different. His previous two assassinations proved tohave an effect on the country he never expected - upon exposing the vulnerability of the Kiri presence, more and more people started to act. Some only with words, but others in more direct actions. Riots, raids on outposts, guerilla tactics were commonplace in the Wolf Country. All in a weeks worth of work. And tomorrow, he will commit another one - but as he thought about it, was he going to assassinate a puppet leader, or the liberty of a nation?

After all, his mission was simple - kill the current leader and find a replacement for him, one that is willing to bow to the supremacy of the Leaf Village. Could that be considered as killing liberty for a whole nation? Maybe., Suzaku thought for himself.If the people will refuse to follow him, they will do what I just showed them - and the Leaf will intervene again." Knowing full well that his actions might start another chain of events that can cause untold destruction, he layed down on his back, staring at the ceiling of his room. Closing his eyes, he calmed won his thoughts, untll one of them became dominant.

Duty is duty, Suzaku. Lord Hokage trusts you ...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
Avatar of Gerontis

Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Five days ago!*

For the sake of sake.
And Kumogakure.

A collab between Red Fox and Gerontis.

Summary :
The top of Kumogakure has undergo through some changes and another office within the top is being changed. One that will make a shadow step into the light, to guide others as a right hand.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Red Fox

Red Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hiroshi Hon & Sayuri Cho
A not so dead lead, part 3

Sayuri turned her head at the question." Ah, my techniques. Not that much, I am afraid. My main focus is on Kenjutsu - this sword is a gift from the best aunt in the world, and I trained a lot with it. Besides that, I am using Water Release. Though I have much work to increase my skill in it. And I am developing a Space Time Technique - I am calling it The Red Flash. It is nothing great right now, but I hope that one day, I will be able to complete it. What about you, Akira?" Sayuri asked back, but she kept her eyes peeled on the country before her. Hirudora was silent for a while after being asked by the young boy, which was a bit unusual, even for Hiroshi.

" I cannot confirm it. We are moving way too fast and I have to focus on tracking. Maybe if we get closer, I will be able to tell. But we are still heading in the right direction." Hiroshi listened carefully to the response as he hoped did everybody on his team." What will you do if it turns out he is being assisted by others, Hiroshi?" The blonde Jounin was silent for a while, considering how to form his response." You know very well what I will do, old friend. The odds may be against us, but we are still bound by our duty to the village we serve, and we should not forget that. I am aware that my team is composed of only three Genin."

" But I have faith that they were trained and raised well, prepared for being fully fledged Kunoichi and Shinobi. I have supreme faith in their abilities and their skill." They continued in silence for a while, before Hiroshi continued." Should they be too much for us to handle, we will retread and leave it to the ANBU Black Ops. Our lives are more important than this mission. I will do what it takes to protect my comrades." Hirudora seemed to be satisfied with the reply, but Sayuri was greatly surprised by it. She was praised together with the rest of her team, and that meant a lot to her. Way more than she could explain with words, so she instead remained silent and nodded. It was Hirudora who interrupted the silence again.

" We are rapidly approaching them now, Hiroshi. It seems they stopped. It might be an ambush, but it could mean that the wound was more serious than we anticipated. What will we do, Hiroshi?"

" Complete the mission, Hirudora. That is what we will do."
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