Avatar of Skull
  • Last Seen: 4 mos ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 593 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Skull 11 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Space vampires and werewolves try to stop a Mummy AI from spoiling their human food roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 like
5 yrs ago
5 yrs ago
omg it's been a very long time since I've been on here...
7 yrs ago
"A creepy old man cut my hair off!" - Thor
7 yrs ago
My OOC is complete. I will now go outside and enjoy the beautiful sun, until it gets too hot, then scuttle back inside where Horizon Zero Dawn awaits me. Finally, I get to play you!


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Potentially interested!
Thanks Ruby! Love your avatar.
Asian medieval supernatural/mythical fantasy.

Yes, please!

I like the animal clans idea. Maybe these clans all serve an emperor or empress, and they nominate each player as a representative of their clan for an important mission like protecting the next heir to the throne. Or maybe the heir was kidnapped and we have to go rescue them. Or maybe we all serve under one clan and a rival clan kills our leader so we go on a quest for revenge! Or maybe a village needs to hire warriors to protect them against bandits or monsters! Just brainstorming ideas for the plot.

Even though it's been about two years, I've forgotten a lot of what I've RPed on here. RL has been wild, but tings have settled down and life is going great, which means I can finally take some time to RP again. Going to be extremely rusty, so I consider this my reintroduction. Hello, again!
Hey all.. I’m gonna be pretty spotty posting on this site for awhile. I have to take care of a family member going through serious health complications. I’d still like to continue and will most likely post by the end of the week. Get your responses in whenever you can.
Nice. I’m down for the prompts idea. Don’t know how it would work in Arena though. Tbh I never post here. Just saw rap battles and figured why not? Lol. @tigersloth
Hijacking this thread. Super corny but what if we played as any character we wanted in a multiverse battle rap. ex: Captain America vs. Scooby Doo and you’d have to diss the other players character. Or throw the whole battle rap concept out the window and have everyone just freestyle in a cypher while staying in character.

Just a thought.
@Arthanus All good man. Thanks for keeping us in the loop!
Anyone else looking to post something up before the story moves along? I can give til the end of the weekend before I do. Also, I’ll be sending out PMs to those who haven’t posted anything. Hope everyone’s having a good week!
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