Character Full Name: Mavos Lunari
Gender: Male
Race: Moon Elf
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 179 lbs
Main Class: Mage
Subclass: Illusionist
Appearance:Mavos teeters along the average height of a typical Teu-tel-quessir male. His slicked back hair is at neck length, yellow like daffodils, contrasting with the glacial hue of his skin. The emerald in his eyes are dashed with flecks of gold, shaped like almonds, symmetrical to his low bridged, pointy-tipped nose, and even pointer ears. His cheekbones and jawline are carved taut and clean shaven.
He dons a red cuirass with gold trim over a doublet, whose colors match his puffy lavender breeches and purple-dyed, leather knee high boots. The doublet’s sleeves are checkered in squares colored in the likeness of his hair and skin tone, its loosely frilled collar, matching the ivory paint of his masks. No doubt a fashion most suited for a noble, and it is often concealed by his velveteen cloak that has an iridescent shimmer.
Short Biography:They say he came from Evereska, a fabled valley in the Western Heartlands; a haven for moon and sun elves. The Lunari reputation is revered among its arcane community, and as second eldest of four prodigal wizards, Mavos was destined for high status at the Academy of Magic. Yet Evereska’s safety net from the outside world was an unappealing luxury to him. Like most Teu-tel-quessir worth their salt, Mavos longed for adventure, preferring the dangers of the open road than to rot in isolation.
The dread of inertia became unbearable, and Mavos lashed out when attempted were made to rein in his wanderlust. After terrorizing Evereska with illusionary magic for years, the moon elf was forcibly exiled, freed to roam the countryside to his heart’s content. At least that's what the rumors say. This tale has many versions, each ranging from more benign origins, to horrific travesties, but all point to the same conclusion: Mavos Lunari desired adventure, thus received in spades.
Personality Description: To define the motivations for his whimsical nature is no different than diving into a pile of blades for gold. And if your efforts lead you to said treasure, you’ll quickly discover that you’ve pined for an illusion. Do what most do and avoid the headache. Should you require his arcane services, keep him at arm’s length — unless you fancy counterfeit thrills for fatal misgivings.
Treat every word as if coated in poison, no matter how buttery and delightful they sound. Disassociate any who paint him for a loyal companion, because deeper intent always lies in wait. And should you survive his insufferable methods, thank Kelemvor for not tallying your soul for having ever made his acquaintance.
Why have you come to Draydon? Mucking about Faerun’s paths, trails, and roads are delights unchanged, and Draydon has become a favorable rest stop between destinations. While he frequents all districts, he favors the Harbor rabble most; unwinding song and tales from his travels for entertainment.
Character Fighting Style: Mid-to-long range support with crossbow and illusionary magics. Distracted foes from his sensory spells make for easy targets, and is also a useful escape tool when the situation goes awry. A stiletto blade is ready for close encounters, but maintaining distance from his enemies is the most preferred tactic.
Primary Armament: Hand Crossbow
Secondary Armament: Stiletto Blade
Inventory Items:☾
Vasigra - Not a masterful bard, but an avid player nonetheless. This lute is a simple accompaniment, named after an old flame of import. So they say.
Enchanted Porcelain Masks - These items are meant for more than just theatrics. Each mask helps amplify Mavos’ illusionary spell craft. Happy, to influence desires. Sad, to conjure vulnerabilities. Anger, to shroud focus. You’d do well not to blink often. With his sleight of hand, a change of masks can appear as one living expression, or is he using magic to trick your eyes into thinking it so? For a short time, he can also assume the position of another person, though he isn’t the best at method acting I’m afraid.
Bag-o-Bolts - The fountain which springs ammo to his crossbow. Some are coated in various properties that are poisonous, hallucinogenic, and even... aphrodisiac.
Fredric the Firefly - An abiding pet kept jarred within an oval lantern. The insect is a useful guide in the dark, who illuminates when threats are in the area. Frederic also talks. Whether that’s of his own accord, or through a spell made to perceive as much, is undetermined.
Cloak of Clay - This dark velvet cloak has an iridescent shimmer. While it doesn’t grant invisibility, it can maintain a temporary charge from his illusionary magics, allowing him to blend into his surroundings for a short time.
Blank Sheets of Paper - An illusionist should always have these at the ready, especially when official documents are not on their person.
Coin Purse: 400 Gold (Technically 10 pieces of gold with 390 enchanted pieces of small flat rock)