There's not much for me to contribute. Bastian is unaware of the whole Favian situation being that he's not originally from that city. Unless you want a one-liner post of him petting the dog. :P
It had taken three days of tracking, but Matthew had finally found them. There was a group bandits that claimed to worship the Black God and have been causing all kinds of trouble. Taking them down would certainly be noticed by his father, especially since he was going alone. They were nothing but a bunch if uncivilized ruffians. How hard could it possibly be?
It didn't take long for the bandits to notice him. Walking down a road in shiny white armor wasn't exactly inconspicuous. The brigands began to gather at the entrance of the camp to face the incoming Holy Knight. However, they just kept gathering. Next thing Matthew knew there were fifty of them standing before him. Many them were armed with axes, maces, and warhammers; weapons that were ideal against an armored opponent. It was almost as if they were prepared for such an occurence.
One of the bandits stepped forward, presumably the leader.
"Are you so eager to meet the White God, Sir Knight?"
Matthew lifted Subjugator and leveled it toward the bandits.
"In the name of the White God, submit or be destroyed," Matthew shouted.
The bandit leader smirked and turned to his underlings, issuing a simple command.
"Kill him."
The tide of bandits fell upon Matthew. Tightening his grip on his weapon and shield he prepared himself to face the onslaught. He said a quick prayer asking the White God for strenght, and started swinging.
Matthew didn't return to the temple in nearly as good of a condition as when he had left. His armor was battered, dented, and bloody and his helmet was missing. A swarm of priests rushed to him to help him down from his horse. When Matthew recounted to them what he had accomplished they lavished him with the blessings of the White God. His father, on the other hand, was still not easily impressed.
"You look atrocious," his father told him.
"I vaquished the heretical bandits," Matthew told him.
"It took you an entire week?"
"It was a two day journey just to get there..."
"Then you should have been back in five. Where is your helmet?"
"It was dented in and obstructed my vision. I had to remove it."
"Clearly I didn't put enough emphasis on the importance of protecting your head."
"But, Father, I.."
"A Knight does not make excuses. Now go clean yourself up."
Yeah. Once its set up neither he nor the shield can move. He would have to take it down, turn, and then throw it back up. So he is vulnerable from behind.
Written Appearance: Matthew goes to great lengths to ensure his appearance falls in line with how a noble holy knight should look. He keeps himself well groomed and clean-shaven. Matt exercises frequently to keep his physique in order and keeps himself well-built and muscular, but not overly so. The rough and rugged facial features of his father have been tempered by the gentle beauty of his mother, leaving him with a strong jaw, but also making him appear far more kind and approachable compared to his old man.
Personality: Strength. Courage. Honor. Faith. Duty. These five principles have been beaten into his head since birth by his father. He holds himself to only the highest moral standing and always seeks to do what is right. Matt judges himself harshly and attempts to uphold impossibly high standards that he has set for himself. His duty as a holy knight comes first, everything else is secondary.
Matthew is on a never-ending quest to earn the approval of his impossible-to-please father. Besides his duty to the Church, this is his primary motivation.
Background: Born the son of a holy knight it was inevitable that Matthew would end up becoming one himself. He was taught in the ways of the Church of the White from birth and his father drilled into his head the principles of strenght, courage, honor, faith, and duty. Matthew looked up to his father and wanted nothing more than to earn his approval, but nothing he ever did seemed sufficient.
Thanks to the strict upbringing it wasn't all that difficult for Matthew to earn himself a place among the holy knights. He would always strive to take on the more dangerous and difficult missions in order to impress his father, but alas, it was of no use. His old man would never even given him so much as a pat on the back. To this day he continues to push his limits and repeatedly force his body to the breaking point all for the sake of hearing three words.
"Good job, son."
Current Story: Mattew is currently wandering the realm atop his trusty white horse named Silas. He seeks to perform great deeds in his ongoing quest to please his father. The more dangerous and difficult the better.
Weapon: Subjugator: Matthew's weapon of choice is an Arc in the form of a warhammer that he has dubbed Subjugator. The weapon has the ability to unleash blasts of concussive force capable of blowing holes through solid rock, rupturing organs, and shattering bone. The head of the hammer will begin to glow with a white light after which he has two options. He can either launch the bolt of energy forward with a swing of the hammer after which it will detonate upon hitting a solid object, or he can simple strike his opponent directly with the supercharged hammer. Hitting an opponent with the hammer does more damage as the concussive blast is more focused onto one area.
Ability: Shield of Faith: This ability allows Matthew to create a white barrier of magical energy in order to protect himself and others. The shield is in the shape of a half-dome with an eight foot radius ensuring plenty of room for others to take shelter behind it. The strength of the shield is tied to is resolve. As long as he holds firm and remains resolute the shield will not fall. However, he is unable to perform any other actions while maintaining the shield.
That's what I have for now. I'll add in a writing sample later, because it's currently 1:30 a.m. and I should probably do that sleeping thing. Let me know if anything needs to be changed, if it totally sucks, etc.