Avatar of Skwint


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21 days ago
Current Valentine's Day. Also know as Singles Awareness Day. S.A.D. for short.
4 mos ago
@POOHEAD What hair?
4 mos ago
I like spam.
4 mos ago
Are we breaking knees?
5 mos ago
Wear your brown pants.


Not sure what you were expecting, but there's nothing to see here.

Most Recent Posts

So tell me now
If this ain't love then how do we get out
'Cause I don't know

That's when she said "I don't hate you, boy. I just want save you
While there's still something left to save."
That's when I told her "I love you, girl, but I'm not the answer
To the questions that you still have."
I was almost hit by a pickup truck walking home from work in the middle of the night. It only missed me by maybe a foot. The driver didn't slow down at all, so I would have been very broken indeed had I not listened to the little voice in my head that told me to stop walking.

The voices sometimes have good ideas.
I've no more f*cks to give
My f*ck fuse has just blown
I've been searching for my f*cks all day
But they've gone and f*cked off home

I've no more f*cks to give
My f*ck rations are depleted
I rallied my f*ck army
But it's been f*cking defeated
I went to an arcade yesterday and beat the previous high score on Galaga.
@HaleyTheRandom's assessment is accurate. I, too, live in a small town. We don't even have a movie theater anymore. There is nothing to do around here.

Unless you like bowling, I guess. We have bowling.

Here's a health to the company and one to my lass
Let us drink and be merry all out of one glass
Let us drink and be merry all grief to refrain
For we may or might never all meet here again
Shanty time!

Lord above
Send down a dove
With wings as sharp as razors
To carve the throats
Of them there blokes
What sells bad beer to sailors

HP: 11/11
AC: 18
SPEED: 30 ft

And just like that, the battle was over. All in all, Atone hadn't felt like he contributed much, though saving the life of the druid certainly must count for something. His thoughts were then interrupted by the sound of clapping. It appeared as though someone had enjoyed the spectacle that had just occurred and was now offering the participants a 'deal that they'll most enjoy'. Atone wasn't so sure about making any sort of deal, but if this man was in need of assistance of some kind then he was obligated to at least hear him out. Thus, Atone made his way to the conference room to hear this man's request.
Not very good at just paying attention
Not very good at remembering things
I'm not very good at pursuing redemption
I'm not very good at concealing the hand that I play
When I'm trying so hard just to beat you
I'm not really good at controlling my fate

I'm not really good at controlling my anger
I'm not really good at subduing my hate
I'm not really good, I'm not really good, I'm not really good
I am bad at video games even though I play them often.
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