Avatar of Sky Blue


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11 hrs ago
Current Once again, i am willing to be a therapist for anyone who is in need! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! I've helped other people on this ite before, and i'm sure i can help you too! :D
14 hrs ago
ugh... just got back from a huge rp break and the notifications are flooding in aaaaa
7 days ago
Willing to be a therapist for anyone in need! Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it! I've helped other people on this ite before, and i'm sure i can help you too!


Just your friendly author who likes to rp!

Most Recent Posts

I'm planning to have the first ic post be him waking up, but i need help with the zeroth post, witch'll be a random person's account of the bombs dropping before they die.
I understand perfectly! ok imma come up with a chrachter idea when you're done! :D
he could also take damage in water... now that im thinkin bout it.
It has the same stats as a human, except it is a shapeshifter. stats are the same in all forms, but as a weakness it takes him twice as long to heal due to his matter being unstable. we do a little deception.
Also, is it ok if i make my own race? it's pretty simple, not much lore.
...? why... why is it so... cold and dark?
What the..?
seems like fun! I've played dnd before, but not on this site before. even though i am a very chaotic person, i still try to be good in my campaigns, so i'll still try to stick to the plot. sorta. maybe?
i just need help with the first ic post
So i need some help with a story i'm co writing with a friend. So, basically, The story is, an evil organization of some sort takes the worlds nuclear weapons, and fires them upon the world, setting it in ruin. Now, some of the only people that are left are people who were underground, like in caves, or bunkers. The radiation has given some of the individuals that survived superpowers, and the story is supposed to be a journey across the wasteland, which is filled with monsters of mutated animals, to stop the organization. my character was frozen in a bunker, but was memory-wiped due to the radiation and the cold, so he has no knowledge of the outside world, or other people. also he's 17, and completely alone.
In Venting Thread 10 days ago Forum: Spam Forum
@Sky Blue, I feel you! I have a 10 month old and a two year old. I haven’t had a proper night sleep in years, and I am also avid fan of co-sleeping. (Positive scientific sources agree with the results I am getting out of it versus my country’s negative social norms on the arrangement.) Needless to say, my executive functioning has seen better days, but my fulfillment out of life has improved greatly.

Also, I want more babies! But, they’re kind of expensive, and we’re running out of room — you know, having five and all plus two super cuddly kitties.

I fully support the need.
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