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    1. Skye Autumn 11 yrs ago


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Apologies for the recent delay, I'm in the middle of moving and stuff doesn't go as smoothly as planned...I'll try to get a post up within the next 24 hours, but I can't make any promises as of yet.
Bump of justice for the european time zone!
Bumped the Interest Check fittingly, as I'd kinda like to have 1-2 more people in. But regardless, we're not gonna stop the IC flow now. I'll fit them in as they come (assuming there will be any), and if it's gonna be just the three of us, then so be it.
We're semi-open for recruitement again! Due to the loss of two participants, I'm looking for one, possibly two more people interested in this thing. OOC is up and running, IC has also started. I have a way or two to squeeze your character into the story, so no special requirements there. For relevant info, check this threads opener and the OOC as well as the IC part. If anyone wants in, post here or write a CS right into the OOC - or PM me if you prefer it that way.
It was very much alright, really. In a dialogue kind of situation I wouldn't even mind shorter posts.

And now for the awkward part. I don't really wanna kill off Jasmine already, but well, Venom is kind of not there anymore it seems...
I might come up with a more elegant solution, or a more creative one.
As Verin speaks up, James turns his focus of attention on him. While looking at the Gangrel with a distinct hint of disdain, he seems either unsure or indifferent of what to think of the Brujah.
"Your belongings are waiting for you in the prepared apartments. If you need anything beyond that, speak up to me or any guard inside the building mentioning my name, and I'll see what I can do for you. But remember that officially, you're leading an investigation, not preparing for a war." At the latter question, he directs a theatric sigh.
"Considering that we strongly believe in someone on the inside of the tower being the culprit or working with them, we exclude the thought of a werewolf connection. The Sabbat would be unlikely, but arguably not impossible. -If- either of the two occurs, you're still obliged to disable or end them. You'll be under full protection should this situation arise. Everyone involved is officially acting under my direct command, and we take full responsibility of whatever consequences your actions cause. Assuming you -do- act within the limits your orders, that is. Needless to say, if you feel that Seven or anyone else of the team is endangered for whatever reason, return to the tower immediately." There was no pause in this last statement of his, yet it is somewhat obvious that the 'or anyone else' part was added on the fly. James briefly turns his attention to the woman who has yet to say a single word before looking back at Verin, should he feel like adding any more arguments.
James narrows his eyes on Lloyd for a brief moment before answering in a surprisingly calm tone, considering those more provoking statements.
"Yes, Mister Haythorn, correct in all points. I am glad that you were able to follow. You don't have to bother with the grave insight of this undertaking, just with the execution. She says 'fetch', and you fetch, to put it bluntly." He keeps his neutral and cold stare up when Lloyd looks over to the girl. No indication is given if he is hiding his anger over the Gangrel, or if he truly feels indifferent about his words. His entire demeanor so far would imply the latter, but he might as well just be a pretty good actor.
"And, of course, you are free to act as you see fit -if- Seven declares a Camarilla offical as one of the culprits. You are to trust in her judgement, no exceptions. Not for the Camarilla, not for either one of you, not even for me." He doesn't even comment on Lloyds rejection of the apartments, obviously he could hardly care less. The same could be assumed for the condition the tables surface was in, by now.
"Anything else?", the Ventrue asks, surveying the faces of his other two guests at the table.
Just taking a moment to mention that I absolutely love Lloyd.
...anybody still with me?
James only nods, counting the absence of questions as a 'no'.

"So. If anybody asked, you'd say that you're hunting a traitor. If -I- ask you, outside of this room, you'd also be hunting Marcus. This is what you'll tell our men standing guard at the crime scenes, what you converse about when you're anywhere other than here. No exceptions. No mention of the actual theory. Nobody is in on this other than you, me, and LaCroix."

As if to signify that he's done with the topic, James finally sits down on the chair he kept avoiding until now. This could mean one of two things: either he was done with the most serious issue...or he was just about to get to it.

"That is the first half of your job. From what I know about you, you should be able to succeed at it reasonably well. Besides dossiers to the murder victims, full access to the crime scenes and suitable apartments inside the tower, there's one more thing we'll supply you with."
-His eyes turn towards the corner where a certain Malkavian is sitting, remaining there for a brief moment of silence before he continues.-
"One of the best interrogators at our disposal. Seven is very gifted at getting each and any information out of a person, if need be. This might help you greatly if you run into possible suspects and witnesses. However..." -His gaze turns back to the others, looking at all of them sternly, yet none of them in specific.- "...you must not lose her under any circumstance. Don't let her out of sight, don't let any harm come to her, don't leave her alone. Specifically no breaks of the Masquerade. She's in the same boat as you, and her next transgression -will- be her last. You're not allowed to let this happen. If you have to decide between the mission and Sevens well-being, decide in her favor. It's unlikely that the murderer - or murderers know how useful she is, but losing her is a failure condition of this endeavor. There's..."

The repeated mention of her name actually seems to wake up the girl, which is only implied by her expression growing more and more sour. Until she interrupts the speaker, that is.

"I'm not a damn car key, jerk." - she declares in an incredibly monotone voice, which doesn't take away from the fact that she just openly insulted their host. James however only portrays an odd grin. Odd because it doesn't quite seem to suit his face. Even through the mask of perfect composure, the attentive observer could see how much this displeases him, but for some reason he refrains from reacting. It's obvious that he doesn't tolerate such behavior, yet he forces himself to take it as a jest. His words sound a lot colder for the entirety of the following sentence, though.

"Part of your qualification for this job is your capacity to restrain someone by force, should a situation arise. Expect this to be necessary."

If Seven understands James' implication, she doesn't show it. She doesn't really react to anything other than her name, it seems as if James angered her by using it and turned irrelevant shortly afterwards. The girl returns to staring at nothing in particular.

"She is the wild card up our sleeve. There's no telling what she'll be able to find out by 'asking nicely', or even just visiting the crime scenes..."
He made it sound pretty easy considering the group had to put up with the antics of a Malkavian. And Seven was not just your everyday run-of-the-mill maniac, either.
"Ideally, this whole deal will be over sooner than we all expect. The fine lady..." -he nods towards the corner- "...pointing at a random passenger and you taking them out, for example. Uncover who's behind the killing spree and bring them back to me. Or have Seven 'interrogate' the culprit, she -will- be able to tell if you got the right person, and if she passes judgement you're allowed to end them where they stand. Then you get your clean slate. Simple enough, isn't it?"

He folds his hands, leaning back. It feels like there won't be much more explanation from here on out, unless someone demanded it. This impression is reinforced by the Ventrue throwing a glance at his watch - an unfitting gesture considering the gravity of this matter.
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