Name: Omaz, “The White Snake”
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Breed: Half-orc (human blood)
Omaz just barely reaches six feet in stature, his human ancestry weighing him down at the low end of the orc average. He is neither bulky, by orc standards, but respectably built with strands of lean, whipcord muscle. His body has all the hallmarks of a soldier: calloused hands and feet, weatherworn skin, a helping of scars and a back used to stiffening. His facial features are undeniably orcish, affected only subtly by his human blood. Compared to many other orcs in the company, in fact, his visage has a predatory cast. He could be called handsome - if in a savage sort of way. Rather than the common mottled green skin of other orcs, Omaz is pale like white jade, only the faintest touch of green is noticeable.
- “The Boogeyman”: Omaz has a reputation within the company as something of a phantom. His coming is usually unannounced, unexpected and unpredictable. He seems to tread without a sound, no matter the terrain underfoot. It’s a recurring joke to warn new recruits to “beware the ‘company ghost’,” only for Omaz to scare them out of their wits later on. This reputation has utility as well, for Omaz in an unparalleled cutthroat and has served the company in many high-profile missions where stealth is paramount.
- “Kingslayer”: Although nobody can confirm it, it’s rumored that Omaz is responsible for the deaths of the company’s highest-profile targets. Enemy commanders, local lords, company rivals - nobody is safe from the “White Snake.” Whether by intentional assassination, happenstance on the battlefield or in single combat, important people have a habit of meeting their end at his hand.
- “Historian”: While recordkeeping might be lost on some of the company’s more simple-minded individuals, Omaz collects and maintains the company’s history in a series of annals. Every great deed, every tusker, every battle is recorded in these annals. To Omaz, these are the company’s lifeblood - memories that immortalize its legacy.
- “Venom”: It’s a mystery how Omaz accumulated such knowledge, but he can craft dozens of poisons with a variety of effects. Medicine and culinary art is lost on him, but when it comes to debilitating substances, he’s the tusker to see. New concoctions are tested on prisoners too lowly to be ransomed, and any unfortunate enough to have a bounty on their heads. He coats the edges of his weapons in poisons and toxins, ensuring even a slight cut can have lethal effect.
- “Versatile”: Omaz might not be as accurate as a tusker that’s spent most of his life as a spiker, or as fast as a dedicated warg rider, or even as deadly in an upfront combat as a blade; however, he can do just about anything asked of him to a significant degree. Hours of cross-training have given him a broad understanding of different weapon styles and tusker roles - useful information both in the field and the war room.
- When he’s not sneaking around and intends to fight more conventionally, Omaz dons a suit of orcish armor, complete with vicious trimmings and trophy racks. He wears a sweat-stained gambeson underneath the plates to prevent chafing.
- Omaz carries a falcata-like sword typical of those used by other tuskers. This is often accompanied by a jagged shield strapped to the forearm that is just as much a weapon as it is a defensive tool.
- Vials of poison are tucked into Omaz’s belt, should he ever need them.
- The company annals span stacks of books and scrolls that are stored away in Omaz’s quarters. He keeps a pen and parchment handy if he needs to record details that will be added to them later.
- Daggers, miscellaneous gear and situational weapons are carried from time to time.
(You can invent a tribe, name regions and countries and cities and so forth to pull this one off, but most important is how they came to Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi and where they served in the unit.)
Personality and Psychological profile:
Be sure to relate this to the character's history; the history ought to explain the character's outlook anyway.
Relationships and Acquaintances:
Nearly every newbie hears the legends of the “company ghost” not long after getting broken in. Omaz is content to let seasoned tuskers amuse themselves with these jokes; he relishes the attention it's given him and knows that he’s given even these regulars ‘the spook’ at one time. His semi-official role as company historian has put him in good graces with the upper echelons and anyone curious about the unit’s past.