Talia Kohan

Prefered Moniker/Callsign: Runner
Nationality: Martian
Appearance: Talia’s short and compact; not what most might call ‘model status.’ He build is square and athletic, honed solely for the rigours of military service. Her olive skin and dark hair are characteristic of her Israeli origins. She possesses a stern face, strong and angular. She wears her uniform well, though has a distinct causal, or aloof flair in the way she styles herself. When not in dress uniform, Talia’s attire is very pseudo-military. She often pairs camouflage BDU pants and tactical boots with a simple tank top or other athletic wear. She’s hardly seen without her Vietnam-style bomber jacket, emblazoned with a huge back patch of the unit’s insignia. She keeps her hair braided tightly to her head in a Greek style, or in pigtails.
Personality: Talia feels a need to demonstrate she can be not only a skilled pilot, but a capable leader. Being a native Martian, she’s developed something of a need to fit into the UNE fold. For this reason, she can be introverted and self-critical. This, coupled with the desire to lash out at the FCA and represent her native
Dauntless colony gives her a strong burden to bear.
In light of her personal struggle, Talia’s strong-willed and willing to do whatever is needed of her. She values the principles taught in the UNE military academies and is a proponent of collectivism. Talia’s squad is her family and she’ll fight tooth and nail to see them through the mission. She does her best to exhibit a good example for her subordinates. That’s not to say she’s soft; she’ll bark, and bite, if that’s what it takes to get them in line.
History: Talia hails from the formerly-independent
Dauntless Martian colony.
Dauntless was forcibly annexed by the FCA just several decades ago, cutting it off from trade with Earth and other independent entities. For a time, the occupation was relatively peaceful, though it inconvenienced the colony’s economic standing.
However, when the purges started and colonists instrumental to Earth’s interests on Mars started disappearing, many started to realize the danger of their situation. The Kohans were one of the families that attempted to flee, and part of a much smaller number that made it out successfully.
When news of
Dauntless’s treatment reached the desks of UNE leaders, it opened up to the Martian refugees, granting many asylum within Earth’s orbit. Talia and her family had left everything behind in exchange for their freedom. As she acclimated to Earth’s society, Talia made the decision to enlist with the UNE military. With nothing to lose, Talia was intent on taking the fight to the FCA and repaying the UNE’s hospitality.
Having already served two tours of duty on the edge of UNE space, Talia now operates aboard
UES Halcyon as a squad leader.
Personal Effects: Talia keeps a little notebook on her person and jots down anything she thinks worth writing: ideas, thoughts, grocery lists, do’s and don’ts, etc. It also contains lyrics to songs and poems, in varying stages of completion. She takes effort to keep it hidden from others.
She also keeps a flag of the
Dauntless Martian colony emblem hung in her quarters.
[More TBA]
Skills: Talia makes a habit of exercise three or more times a week, duties permitting. This primarily includes weightlifting and calisthenic exercises. That, poetry, songwriting, singing, recreational shooting and tinkering with firearms make up Camilla’s chief interests.
Motivation: See History.