The tiny creature started wagging it’s tail more violently, seeing as the girl woke up. It started to jump around happily, the light squeaky sounds from it started to fill the room. Clumsily, he jumped off the bed, landing almost face first, both of his back legs sticking straight up into the air. It slid a little across the floor, the newborn scale preventing any serious injury. The back legs landed with a thud on the floor, as the reptile rose up, as if it was almost oblivious to how it landed there.
Swiftly it turned around again, looking up on the bed, trying to spot the girl. Tiny, tiny wings tried to fold themselves out, on his back, as he attempted to rise higher up, only supporting himself with his two back legs. It barely stood up, before returning to it’s sort of clowning behavior, and falling back on all four legs. It wasn’t like it was thinking much at this point. For him, the entire world was that room, and he explored it all the time. Little did the dragon know, that a much larger world actually existed outside the window, and the door. For now, it was all about exploration, food, sleep, and sticking to the pack of the two of them.
And the second requirement struck him. The tiny belly started rumbling, demanding more food. A pair of small ears flopped down instantly, as reaction to the sound. Barely knowing what it meant, besides the hunger for food, the dragon cried out at Grace, trying to hopelessly ask for help. The world had been kind to the reptile so far. And wether or not that kindness would be returned, was yet to be revealed.