Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
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    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

Most Recent Posts

"Damn it." Noel whispered to himself as he notice the small trail of treats he left behind him. He placed his over sized back pack on the ground and started to retrieve the fallen candy. He had cargo pants but he felt better looking formal and he definitely wanted to make a good first impression on the ladies. Well I'm sure any type of girl wouldn't approach him now. Who'd even want to talk to a boy wearing a suit with candy in his hair and who's picking candy up off of the floor.

Noel ignored the thought not everything was about women. Right now he had to get all his lost candy before some one stepped on them. As he picked up his lost treasure he noticed a small girl walking towards his direction with an angered expression on her face. "Fuck!" Noel shouted picking up the candy faster. Who was that and why are they walking towards him. Noel had no clue right now he had to focus on getting the candy and getting the hell out of there. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" He continued to shout as she got closer.

When he looked back in the girls direction a boy came to her side and began to talk to her. This was perfect his distraction was Noel's perfect chance to escape. He hurriedly picked up the rest of the candy and slowly stood walking back into the crowd of students. He hoped he disappeared from their sight so he can just go back to his bag and eat his candy in piece. "Yes! Home free!" He happily shouted seeing his large bag in the distance.
You need help bud ^-^ I'd happily give you assistance.
I'm sorry I swear only introduction posts are that long.
Sirens, gun fire, blood everywhere, the hunt. It all happened so fast. One moment Don was having a drink to cool himself down from a long tiring day of work then in the blink of an eye it all went to shit. Bar fights were common in the establishment Don goes to. Now and then someone would get caught in the cross fires and the fight would escalate even more. Well I don't know why but today was a terrible day for one of those annual bar fights to break out.

Who'd of think someone like Don would do what he did. It even shocked the costumers and bartenders. How one of the two biggest men in the bar at the time was killed in front of them. The big guy didn't mean to hit Don but when he did something in Don clicked in he felt fine. The pain from the strike to the back of the head was gone and he wasn't feeling tired or depressed anymore....he felt....alive. That's when a little voice inside his head said 'Its all a fantasy and if you close your eyes the pain will go away."

Don did as the voice instructed and opened his eyes. Everything seemed to slow down and before Don knew it he raised his mug and bashed the head in of the guy who bunbed into him. As he did so he laugh psychotically. Not to long after his little show begun the mug shattered over the man's skull he was dead long before that though. When Don stood back to his feet his suit was painted in blood and he whore a chaotic grin.

Some were throwing up while others ran out the bar screaming for their life. Don was just simply exiting the establishment. As he opened the door and the cold breeze met his face he snapped back into reality and looked around like he was drugged. Before he could get a grasp of the situation cops had already arrived and had their guns aimed at him like he committed a serious crime.

With out a second thought he ran in the directions of the woods cops quickly tailing him to take him down. Don was frightened, thrilled he felt alive. His body was fighting itself. He was going insane and the gun shots wasn't helping his stability. The more he went deeper into the woods there more these mysterious bright lights called out to him.

Before he knew it he was headed in that direction. It didn't take him long to reach the Carnival. The people entering was dressed weird and very oddly. Maybe Don could hide there plus his shirt being covered in blood would make it loom like a costume. He could just lie and say its fake blood and he's dressed as a zombie. Don decided to go with his plan and entered the Carnival getting few glances here and there. He wore a very frustrated expression as we walked between people. Unkowm to him his grip on reality was slipping away with every step he took.
Wait! :( I'm a terrible bad guy plus Noel would most likely try and find a way to change his destiny. o3o He's also the comic relief.
^-^ I'm fine with anyone being Demon lord.
Noel rushed through the crowds of students. No body knew why he was in a rush he was just always in one. I guess he was use to having to be somewhere as soon as possible. As he rushed candy fell from his pockets as if his pockets were a water fall and the candy was the water. To make his rushing even more chaotic he attempted to pick up the falling candy. It was crazy because while bending over his over sized backpack would smack and knock unlucky students off their feet. If he was trying to get attention he was doing a pretty damn good job.

After Noel finished his contest of seeing how much candy he can pick up before knocking over a student he reached the hall breathing quite heavily. Noel was so excited to see his new classmates. He thought his dad would of never let him go. Good thing he brought up the fact that he couldn't run the business without being fully educated. His father didn't even take a second thought into it and enrolled him into a school. Noel could expload into candy from how hype he was. He looked forwards shoving an unhealthy amount of candy I to his mouth as he waited.
I agree with your terms Vamp and I'd like to start of with the strength increasing ability first anything after is up to you to choose.
Noel Gallagher



"Busy busy busy!"

Noel is first in line to inherit his fathers work. Even though his father hasn't died yet and he hasn't gain full control over his family's business he is still paraded with mountains of work to do for the business. It was a part time job at first but its sorta full time for him now. Unable to have a full rest and not enough time to even brew coffee he turned to candy which he soon became addicted to. Besides having a job he stills act childish.

"Dream..... In all seriousness to have more rest during my breaks between jobs....joking... A house far away from the city is my dream and a little family.....I guess..... Oh! And world domination... I got to make money some how...."

Noel can manipulate his muscle structure to increase his strength, speed, flexibility, reflexes, stamina and dexterity.
^-^ So what about enemies maybe a new Akatsuki to challenge our heroes.
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