Avatar of Slendy
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2872 (0.78 / day)
  • VMs: 6
  • Username history
    1. Slendy 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Currently battling Sophomore year and lack of anime time!
8 yrs ago
I guess I'm back.....
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8 yrs ago
*Explodes into confetti* O(≧∇≦)O Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!!!!!!
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8 yrs ago
Some people say J stars Victory Vs. Is a spam game XD well if you fight a spammer and loose become yourself or maybe, just maybe become better at the game so you can wreck the spammer :o *gasp*
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8 yrs ago
D: Sims 4!!!!!!


HAPPY 2000 TO ME!!!!!!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Gender: Male

Update: I've been gone for a bit and have attempted to come back. I've got college related stuff to deal with now and it's crazy for me but I'll try to be as active as my schedule will allow me to be.

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What does the grades mean by the way? O.o
"Our School is proud of having such fine warriors"

"The names Hidetoshi....please don't say my last name..."

Hidetoshi Hazuki





Martial Art:
Muay Thai
The physical and mental discipline which includes combat on shins is known as "the art of eight limbs" because it is characterized by the combined use of fists, elbows, knees, shins, being associated with a good physical preparation that makes a full-contact fighter very efficient. Basically he's trained to lethally use his limbs and joints in combat.


Club (optional):

Other info:
Hidetoshi comes from a yakuza mobster family. The Hazuki is a rich family obviously becoming wealthy through illegal ways. Born and raised by a mob Hide actually didn't turn out as uptight and delinquent like as you'd expect the child of a mobster to be. Yes he looks like a delinquent but is far from it. He follows all the rules but has the expression of a delinquent and sometimes that could lead to a lot of misunderstandings. His last name would also get him into a lot of trouble. Gangs would line up to take on the great Hidetoshi of the Hazuki Clan. There's even a gang that claims Hide is apart of them. He possibly is but doesn't acknowledges it when he knows it can lead him into a fight. It's not that he doesn't like fighting it's just sometimes he gets tired of fighting weak opponents.

Character theme (optional):
@SlendyYou know what I thought would be funny? If Slendy happened to meet Matt and talked about some epic quest to reach some special house/fortress/building (whatever jargon he wants to use to convince a med-fan character), when really it's the "adult store." If he like promised challenges along the way and treasures, I can see him acquiring Mat's help to help ease getting to the porn shop. Of course, when they get there, I think The Black Knight is going to be confused to all hell. lol

Slendy would be good at that! XD he'd maybe say 'if we go deep into 1x1 we'll reach a breath taking fortress, within it contains treasures, swim suit treasures, and if you into those weird treasures, school girl(Cosplay) treasures!'
;-; My engrish!(spelled wrong on purpose) Its terrible!
(Causal to 1x1)

Today Couldn't Get Worst...
The ear straining ring of an alarm clock is what woke Slendy from his long and peaceful sleep. The young man awoke and leaned up from his messy bed to rub his eyes. A yawn soon followed as he stretched and looked around his completely trashed room. For a second he had the brief motivation of cleaning his room but it quickly disappeared once he was starting become more awake and less zomibe morning person. It seem like the normal day in Causal for the boy, he even made himself a bowl of cereal and plopped down on his couch to watch some cartoons. With bowl in hand and spoon in his other, a tentacle sprouted from his back and grabbed his TV remote.

With one swift movement the tentacle turned the TV on. Slendy filled his mouth his delicious cereal only to spit it out once he seen the cluster fuck of kbots that were attacking the city. Well it was more of a summary of what was happening, you know, with serveral cities being turned into battle fields. So shocked by the scene that played out on the screen he nonchalantlly changed the channel. Its not like he could of done anything to help anyways. For all he know he could be imprisoned because he went against orders, or maybe simply showing up to a battle. Slendy wasn't the brightest and wasn't fully sure how disbandment effected his over all situation.

Putting his cereal on a table that sat in the center of his family room Slendy decided he had to do something. After all there's this nice adult store somewhere in 1x1 that he hasn't visited yet and he can't sit by as kbots parade through anywhere they seem fit, they could destroy that adult store and make a true enemy out of Slendy. He stood and stretched as if he was preparing himself for a workout. Then with the snap of his fingers he was in his room. Even though it was just a few feet away he was in a 'rush' so walking would take to long. Slendy grab his usual street clothes and ran into his bathroom, washing up, getting dress, and running out of the bathroom as if it was on fire.

He also grabbed his mask and slid it on around his neck. Slendy was ready for what ever came his way and ran to he exit of his apartment only to stop by the door. "Crap!" He shouted disappearing as he touched the knob of the door. He returned to the door same as he left but this time he had his BB gun with him. "Click Clock!" He mimicked the sounds of cocking the gun. "Let's go kill some porn stealers!....there has to be a better phrase for that..." Slendy spoke to himself as he teleported from his home, in causal to 1x1 interest check. It was quite a leap so his cool down mode was on and he wouldn't be teleporting like that for awhile. He must of been going in the right direction because faint sounds of gun fire could be heard from everywhere.

"Damn....I seriously hope they haven't got to the adult.....I mean i seriously hope no one is dead..." Slendy looks around his pistol out and ready to swiss cheese any suspicious object that frightened him. His mission consisted of stealth and small man teams, not armies and machines hurdling bigger things at you. Slendy's eyes quickly darted to the right. His lifeless and pupil-less eyes twitching a bit as a small group of knots can be heard. The sounds weren't heavy, at first, but now and then there was a pretty big something following the much smaller ones. Slendy climbed to a roof to get a better look and discovered 4 H kbots and 1 N kbot.

The once faint sounds of gun fire was more closer as a small men squad of peacekeepers were pursuing the kbots that was on the move. The Pk's weren't doing to bad either they even shot down two of the H kbots. Their success in taking two out rewarded them with the remaining Kbots attention. Slendy wasn't sure if the Pk's were prepared for a head on assult from the N kbot so he had to lend them a hand. He leaped off the roof which was a good 2 stories and fired a few rounds of bb gun bullets enhanced by fire thanks to manipulation ability. The bullets were a direct hit but the N kbot was fully functional. The bullets were still BB's after all and the flames were taking their sweet time engulfing the N kbot.

Before he hit the ground teleported again reappearing closer to the N kbot. "Keep shooting!" He shouted. Hopefully they can distract the last two H kbots while he deals with the larger one. Breaking off into a sprint Slendy continued to fire more rounds into the bot. It simply responded by going on the defensive and blocking the bb's with its crab like arms? Once he was close enough Slendy punched the bot with a great amount of his strength not breaking the machines defenses but forcing it's back into a near by building. Its large arms were heavily dented but it was far from being destroyed, though now it couldn't do as much destruction as before. "Damn what are you!?" He shouted teleporting again advancing towards the N kbot, although this time the bot was on the offensive a effective ofesive none the less.

Before Slendy could reach the machine vice versa happened. He was tackled by the overly grown crab and was hurdle through the air. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" He shouted as he spun attempting go regain his center of balance as he teleported again. Now he was pissed flames flaring and now tentacles moving through the air like heat waves or a ripple within water. "That's it!" He vanished reappearing underneath the N kbot his tentacles viciously ripping through the bottom of it as if it was plastic. The machine roared loudly and with all its remaining energy planned for a retreat. It didn't hesitate to escape so it moved as fasted as it could which Slendy didn't see coming. The N kbot crushed his left leg in its attempted escape causing Slendy to fall to his feet from the pain. "F-Fire! Kill it now!" Slendy winced as the Peacekeepers, who were obviously successful with dealing with the other kbots, fired upon the crippled machine causing its movements to stagger before they knew it the bot was collapsing head(?) first into a building with no signs of getting back up. "This day can't get any worst..." Slendy said to himself as he used a tentacle as a cruch and limped in the direction of the 1x1 territory.
Woah I was gonna sign up for the plugging mission. o3o/ But then the Commander requests for help in GIC! I just wanna say that this is so cool how it's actually coming off as an actual war. Anyways, is the plugging mission nullified by Commander Kurai's request or is it still open? >~< I'm probably just dumb, could I volunteer for the Plugging Leaks?

:D Attempt number 2 I guess?
Woah I was gonna sign up for the plugging mission. o3o/ But then the Commander requests for help in GIC! I just wanna say that this is so cool how it's actually coming off as an actual war. Anyways, is the plugging mission nullified by Commander Kurai's request or is it still open? >~< I'm probably just dumb, could I volunteer for the Plugging Leaks?
Warning all information contained within the following file was required from a secret underground lab


I'm being briefed about it now. XD
Warning all information contained within the following file was required from a secret underground lab

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