Hey there fellow RP'ers!
I'll try and make this as short and sweet as possible, but this is a RT after all...
Here is about me and what I am looking for in my potential partners :
~> Please be active. At least a reply a day or every other day.
~> Looking for someone to write as Crowley to my OC.
~> No one-liners. I'm no advanced writer but I enjoy detail.
~> Absolutely no controlling my character's, no matter how slight.
~> I only RP over PM's, as that's my comfort zone.
~> I love darker themed RP's, as to me they have more plot / story to them.
~> Please PM me if you are interested in RP'ing together, instead of posting in my Thread, as I likely won't see it.
~> Because characters and partners can be underage, I will not partake in sexual / adult themed RP's.
~> I enjoy character images, and prefer realistic ones.
~> I only write female roles, and prefer M/F or F/F gender-paired-RP's.
~> I only accept 3rd-person. 1st makes me uncomfortable.
~> I am looking for someone to write the vampire role.
I am looking forward to RP'ing!
Hope to hear from you!