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    1. smilies 11 yrs ago


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Call me smilies, or Mia. Whatever makes you happier.

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“Hating requires caring. In which case, I couldn't possibly hate you.”
― Alyson Noel

"The Basics..."
Name: Sabrina Jade Winokur

Mutant Alias: Flip-Side

Nickname: Sabby/Sabs/Brina - These are nicknames that Sabrina grew up around. "Sabrina" as a whole is a mouthful that sounds more elitist, while the essence of her existence was centered around ease and apathy. These nicknames sound more casual to her, though she typically just goes by Flip, an abbreviation of her alias, because it's shorter and in her opinion, and much more catchy.

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Field Agent - Leaning towards indoor recon activities as opposed to outdoor expeditions.
Substitute teacher

"The Appearance..."
Description of Appearance: Standing at such a daunting 5'6", Sabrina is considered short or of average height by most people, her height seemingly exaggerated by her petite frame. She has pale skin with a smattering of freckles sprayed across the bridge of her nose still fading from adolescence. Her photosensitive eyes are a light hazel with flecks of green sneaking into the corners of her irises. Her long, messy, nearly white-blonde hair is carefully styled to appear as if she just rolled out of bed in its rumpled, wavy glory.

Style: Sabrina is never seen without a pair of UV-protectant sunglasses. She's your average trying-too-hard-to-not-try-hard girl, usually sporting leggings and a casual shirt of some sort. She enjoys t-shirts with snarky sayings, plaid flannels, and the same patterned sweater you can find in any store aimed for teenage girls. Combat boots seem to compliment her every outfit. In general, her outfits probably mimic the high school wardrobe she still hasn't grown out of.

"Delving A Little Deeper..."
- Sarcasm / Dry humor
- Techno and chillstep music
- Though she pretends not to, shopping and fashion.
- Audio books
- Surprisingly enough, Disney musicals. They're a weakness of hers.
- Smoking, both marijuana and cigarettes [ Well, it's not that she likes to slowly destroy her lungs. It's just an enjoyable habit of hers that she'd prefer not to break. ]

- Movies
- Serious situations
- People who "can't take a joke"
- Being fixated on doing "the right thing" as opposed to simply having fun, or going with your gut.
- Cooking
- Teaching, even though she's a substitute teacher.
- Optimists or exceptionally bright people.

Mutation: Sabrina has the ability to sense the gravitational pull of every object. Because everything has mass, everything has its own gravitational pull (though obviously, the gravitational pull of the Sun is greater than that of a pen or car). Though she is blind, she can sense a vague silhouette of every object by sensing their centers of gravity and the gravitational pulls they exert. She can also manipulate those pulls, as well as her own center of balance. For example, she can walk on walls, the ceiling, etc., by manipulating her personal gravitational force and center of balance. She can twist the force of objects to be drawn towards her, though with her admittedly loose control of her abilities, attempting this often sends objects flying towards her face. Using gravity, she can use this to jump exceptionally high as well as exert impressive strength upon an object at a standstill by using the force of, well, gravity to drive her body towards this. Unfortunately, this is a rather painful variation of her ability, as she literally slams herself into a wall or the like to break it.

Strengths: Sabrina's prime ability is being able to dodge attacks by quickly changing the gravitational pull of certain objects, or being able to lock someone/something towards an object (or being pinned against the ceiling, etc.) for a small period of time while she escapes. Her main utility is the strength of diversion or a disengagement to allow others to fall back.

Weaknesses: Sabrina is blind, the cause being a detached retina that her drunken mother didn't notice. She is extremely vulnerable in outdoor situations where there is not a ceiling or wall for her to cling to, or force others upon. Though she can see by sensing object's gravitational pulls, she can only "see" outlines of objects. As a result of this, she can't identify people from a distance, only by their voices and defining features such as ridiculous heights, being overweight, etc. This makes Sabrina an easier target than others may be.

Personality: Sabrina is a sarcastic, witty young woman. Her sense of humor is warped in some people's opinions, finding humor in controversial, racist, sexist, and other topics of the like. Though she laughs at "corrupt" humor, Sabrina is a good person at heart, at times. She is generally apathetic to the majority of people she meets. She feels no strong feelings towards people simply because she couldn't care enough to judge them or their character. Her lack of opinion often leads her in the wrong direction, often making mistakes that she's too proud to admit she made. Her pride is perhaps her biggest flaw, running headfirst into a dare or bet without thinking of any possible repercussions.

One of Sabrina's highest priorities is maintaining a semblance of collected emotions and slight disinterest in most circumstances. Her temper is usually under check, unless a spike in anger could prove interesting in a situation. Sabrina's blunt demeanor often labels her as rude, but she can at least be trusted not to sugar coat things. Blatant and sardonic remarks sometimes get Sabrina into situations she'd best avoid, but she always follows through with her decisions. Her witty sense of humor sometimes joins in a conversation at the wrong times. Sabrina typically fails to sense the gravity (pun intended) of serious situations, usually deciding that one can never go wrong with a bit of humor.

"Delving Even More Deeper..."
History: Sabrina's mother was an alcoholic. She was good to her daughter when she was sober, showering her with motherly love and affection in the form of various material objects in vain attempts to make up for her drunken fits. It was extremely uncommon for her mother to actually hit Sabrina. Even drunk, she had slight standards. Smashing objects? Throwing things? Those were more of the norm, until one day when Sabrina was eight. Her mother, shit-faced as usual, threw a dish across the room, and in Sabrina's direction. The glass shards scraped her eyes and took extensive surgery to repair. The injury resulted in a detached retina that she couldn't pay to be fixed. Blinded by glass fragments, eight-year-old Sabrina probably activated her abilities at this time. Her intoxicated mother was slammed against the tea cabinet, the wardrobe falling on the old woman and consequently killing her. Social Services assumed that Sabrina's mother had ran into the wardrobe instead of investigating to search for the mutant truth that lied behind the situation.

Jumping from foster home to foster home, Sabrina was constantly removed from a house because of her "poor juvenile behavior." She expressed her blind (more puns!) fury at her mother in the forms of petty theft and messy graffiti. It was extremely difficult for Sabrina to learn while blind, especially under the limited-budget care of Social Services. She was only ten when she was already smoking cigarettes stolen from parent's houses, which in junior high and through high school, eventually led to marijuana. Though she never engaged in "hard" drugs, Sabrina stayed an on and off casual smoker throughout high school. During her junior year, Sabrina was arrested for illegal possession of marijuana. Panicked, she attempted to escape by throwing off her center of gravity and breaking through a solid wall to reach freedom; obviously, she isn't the brightest strategically. However, Sabrina didn't spend time in Juvie, because it was at this time that the X-Men Academy found her. Using their government connections, they managed to drop the charges and crimes pinned on Sabrina for both destruction of property and possession to enroll her in the X-Men Academy.

Other: When going into planned combat, Sabrina uses a specially designed suit to allow her abilities to be used to their full extent. Her boots are clad with solid carbon steel, easily one of the hardest metals known to man, surpassed only by the non-metals diamond and ruby. She also has custom-fit "shoulder pads" that allow her to smash into walls and other objects with less stress put on her body, and becoming more effective by being lined with carbon steel to make her smashing more effective.
iSuspect said
Just a Quote in general. And yes, do you see it in the character sheet where it says 21-30?Also, just added the Mutation section in the CS.

OH DUH-- //shot Yup, I knew that. *headdesk* Thanks xD
Working on a CS now. Question though: by Character Quote, do you mean a quote that was used in one of the X-Men movies, or just a quote in general? And by all grown up, do you mean 20's or later?
Dsnake1 said
Accepted. I like the backstory and the naming culture of the nations isn't really established so your shiggles are in deed embraced.

Thank you! *^*

sam4books said
And finished!

Your character is super interesting >w< Ahh and Snake, so how is the bloodbending going to work so it isn't super OP like it is in the animes? (Though from your writing skill, Sam, it seems like you obviously wouldn't god-mod)
LoneSilverWolf said
Sure thing, I have a lot on my plate tonight, but I SHOULD be able to get this tomorrow--thanks for requesting :)

Ah, thank you! *^* Oops, I just realized I had "you can't smell smilies without lies" xD I meant "You can't spell smilies without lies." Edited in the request form.
Smilies is a male :P So it's 5:3
XxLyraxX said
he's so adorableeeeeeeeeeee!

Huehue thanks <3 I can't wait to roleplay with him.

TruelyAwakened said
Accepted. And I believe so.

Thank you! Ahhh, I played the Freak (he was an asshole) in that one xD
Name: Hayden Cho
Gender: Male
Role: Oblivious Guy
Age: 16
Bio: Hayden perpetuates the exact stereotype of a typical FOB-- "fresh off the boat." He speaks fluent English, but has an obvious Korean accent. He is extremely intelligent, which was why he transferred to the United States to study in a higher education facility with the true American experience. His Korean tendencies show through his demeanor. He's a perky optimist, always finding the bright side to a situation. It's extremely difficult for Hayden to grasp the magnitude of serious situations. Often, he's simply oblivious to other's anger or sadness. He's awful at "talking through" things with others, partially because he sometimes can't understand their sobbing English, but also because he's simply ignorant of such things. He just can't read people's emotions. Hayden's exaggeratedly flamboyant personality causes him to be on the receiving end of unbridled bullying from his peers. Luckily, Hayden's social incompetence keeps him from realizing that he's being made fun of, so insults easily roll off of his back.
Appearance (real only please):
Other?: Hayden is extremely intelligent, as well as an adept at the violin.

PS I think I was in this original one o.o I'm not sure. I forget what roleplays I was in-- //shot I recognize Savi's username, though. Was the thread called "Life Lessons"?
OHH okay! That makes sense. I wasn't sure if Savi took the spot or suggested he be added. I'll work on a CS for him now. ;D I think I'll interpret "oblivious" as in... Doesn't ever realize the gravity of any situation that might be serious. So he'll be real cute //shot And spice up those awkward moments of course!

Unless you guys would prefer a socially awkward type for the CS.
I'm confused, is the Oblivious Guy accepted?
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