Avatar of smilies
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  • Old Guild Username: smilies
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    1. smilies 11 yrs ago


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Call me smilies, or Mia. Whatever makes you happier.

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*** This plot's original credit lies here, with Elite Skills user ManaMana, with their permission, of course. ***

The social lives of Elton High School students are centered around cliques. Elton has five major cliques: the populars, the jocks, the brains, the goths, and the artists. If a new kid comes along, it becomes a tug-of-war...an all out battle to see who can get the new kid to join them. However, there's one group that no one in Elton knows about. They refer to themselves as the 'cliqueless,' and are, basically, a group made up of one person from each clique. When the newest student at Elton, stumbles upon their little lunchtime hideout on the rooftop, she/he becomes the only person in the school who is really cliqueless. However, with people battling for his/her attention, how long will he/she be able to keep it up?

[ !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!! ]

If you join, you'd better be able to commit. If one person leaves in the middle of the roleplay, we'll have to start the entire thing over. Post as often as you can, and don't join unless you know you'll have time. I understand you have a life, so if there's a reason you can't post for 2 days or more, let me know. If you just up and disappear, I'll have to assume you're not interested. Thank you.

Wow, looks like I've already got six takers. I'll put up the thread now.
Wow, looks like I've already got six takers. I'll put up the thread now.
Kentsukan said
For some reason, I have a feeling our characters will either get along great, or hate each other.

Pffft, I can't wait to see your character then. c;
*** This plot's original credit lies Here with Elite Skills user ManaMana, with their permission, of course. ***
The social lives of Elton High School students are centered around cliques. Elton has five major cliques: the populars, the jocks, the brains, the goths, and the artists. If a new kid comes along, it becomes a tug-of-war...an all out battle to see who can get the new kid to join them. However, there's one group that no one in Elton knows about. They refer to themselves as the 'cliqueless,' and are, basically, a group made up of one person from each clique. When the newest student at Elton, stumbles upon their little lunchtime hideout on the rooftop, she/he becomes the only person in the school who is really cliqueless. However, with people battling for his/her attention, how long will he/she be able to keep it up?

This is just the introductory plot. It'll be a very relaxed, comedy-based plot. There's no apocalypse threatening our characters; this roleplay is a slice-of-life kind of thing where I just want people to have fun. Think of it like a sit-com. However, there will be high casual standards with a three paragraph minimum, or two if you're suffering from writer's block.
[ The Social Totem Pole ]

The Populars: These are the glamorous, beautiful rich kids who basically rule the school. Hanging out with one of them is like hanging out with a celebrity, and as far as they know, they have everyone in the school eating out of the palms of their hands.

The Jocks: The jocks are almost as well-liked as the populars. Everyone in Elton goes to watch the games, so the athletes who play them are like the school's stars. They're under a lot of pressure, though, as losing too many games can damage their star status.

The Brains: These are the smart kids. They're the ones getting all the academic awards, and the ones the teacher can always call on to answer a question or do an equation on the board. A lot of kids think they're just know-it-alls, show offs, elitists, or all of the above.

The Dorks: These are the kids you can see playing card games at the lunch table, reading comics, and talking about World of Warcraft and League of Legends. They're near the bottom of the food chain, and are always picked on by those bigger and stronger than they are. Even so, they are true to who they are and would never change that.

The Goths: The rebels, the artists, and the lovers of darkness. Nobody talks to the goths. Yes, it does have to do with the fact that they're scary to look at, but also has to do with how reserved they are, and the hatred they seem to have for the people they go to school with.

The New Kid: The new kid just got here, and thus, does not have a place on the social totem pole yet. Therefore, it is the goal of every clique to get them to join their group.
*crosses fingers* Anybody interested?
LoneSilverWolf said
Okay I hope this is what you were looking for. The Avatar is sized at 150x150 since I don't know what they will allow--I can always resize it later if need be.

asdf;; I really like it *^* The only thing would be if it's not too hard to change the font to something more feminine/lacey/cursive-ish kinda, if that's not a big struggle? But if it's complicated to do that, then no worries. ^^ Thank youuu! I'll definitely credit you in my signature.
LOL, just realized there's Sara and Fara. Should be interesting.
sam4books said
I'm probably gonna end up making it so Baq rarely uses his bloodbending. With him I kinda want to explore the healing nature of bloodbending anyways (getting rid of bloodclots, preventing blood loss, maintaining wounds, etc.) Also I'm thinking of having him use his own blood in the way a waterbender will use their own sweat? Like he would launch drops of blood as projectiles or something like that.But yeah, I agree. I kinda want Baq to stay away from the whole puppeteering thing a lot of bloodbenders have. He definitely wouldn't have the same expertise as Naotak. Tarrlok? Maybe. But I think he'll basically be on the same level as Katara when it comes to that stuff. Maybe his powers still sort of rely on the strength of the full moon? That way he won't be able to use his puppeteering abilities unless nature allows it.Plus, I would think it would be easier to manipulate something within yourself than something that belongs to outside influences.


Anyways, Snake, I think 6 plus the lead is fine, but maybe you'd want to cap it at 10 or 8 to limit the confusion? Whatever works for me; that's just a suggestion. ^-^
iSuspect said
@Smilies: Nice bio. And yes, Occupation as in within the X-Men. BTW: Accepted!

Thank you! :3
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