Avatar of smilies
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  • Old Guild Username: smilies
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    1. smilies 11 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
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Call me smilies, or Mia. Whatever makes you happier.

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Name: Kellen Elias

Age: 16

Picture (Realistic Preferred):

Godly Parent: Hephaestus

Years at Camp: 3

Weaponry: Crossbow. Her arrows are coated with the hardest metal known to man, carbon steel, which is also magnetic. She uses these magnetic properties to retract the arrows back to her for reuse after firing.

Fatal Flaw: Cowardice and Paranoia

Special Abilities (Limited to 2): Kellen is gifted with the art of metal bending. Though she can't manifest metal, she can manipulate nearby metal easily. She is also gifted with a general knowledge of how to use most to all weaponry, and how to build them.

Other (Background information, etc.): Kellen suffers from severe social anxiety, caused for the most part by her disfigured face, inherited from her father. Her right cheek appears to have a sort of burn mark that travels from her lower lip up towards her ear, though she never received any burns as a child. She is extremely paranoid of others, earning herself the general label of a nut job of sorts. She's often seen talking to herself, or rambling at the world. She's a diagnosed schizophrenic who suffers from extreme psychosis. She would rather be on her own crafting a new weapon than talking to her peers. Kellen only speaks when absolutely necessary, or when enthusing over her passion of weapon/technology forgery. She is extremely crafty and can create genius innovations, however, she is extremely limited by her failure to perform under pressure and under the expectations of others, and even herself. In battle, Kellen prefers to keep her distance, a classic coward. In a fight or flight situation, she would definitely prefer to take flight than to fight her way out of conflict. Though she isn't brave, Kellen is actually very loyal to those she's bonded with-- and, as a result, clingy-- and will undoubtedly go back to help those few special people.
Kellen's mother, a diagnosed schizophrenic, knew of Kellen's demigod status and metal-bending abilities, but nobody believed her because of her condition. Kellen couldn't control her abilities as a young child, afraid to touch metal objects like silverware, because the objects would contort and bend in Kellen's grasp. However, Social Services deemed Kellen's mother unfit to raise a child when Kellen was 10. A knowing Social Services worker that was actually a disguised satyr sent Kellen to Camp Half-Blood.
AgniSpirit said
Just make a huge, all caps bolded sign on your first reading 'closed'. And add a few exclamation points to get the message across.

Good idea! Hopefully, no one ignores it. ( So basically Blazion you're guaranteed the spot ^_^ )
Blazion said
Awesome. I thought it implied it could but I wanted to be sure to not step over any toes.My CS would've likely been up sooner but I got distracted. Dunno why but a friend prompted me to play 18 Wheels of Steel since I had it on my steam without ever playing it, so naturally I installed it, changed my name to AMERICAN TRUCKER and proceeded to wildly veer into traffic while singing (sobbing) the song Reflection from Mulan.

PFFT, that's awesome. I've been (sobbing to) Do You Wanna Build A Snowman for the past hour; I know the feel. xD Can't wait to see your CS.

DAMMIT, I just realized you can't change the titles of threads anymore, so I can't change the title from "Open" to "Closed"...
Blazion said
Working on a jock profile right now. It's cool if it's female? Or I can scrap it for a male since there's more females right now I suppose, I'm just nearly done the character. (Damnit Fabricant how dare you post before me)

Of course! I mentioned earlier the jock can be a girl or guy. ^^
Ooh, Catherine is rather interesting. You're right; I can't tell if she and Sabrina will love or hate each other. Sabs will appreciate the humor, but perhaps not the perfectionist side.
AgniSpirit said
We're just waiting for our Jock and Brain, correct?

Yessir. Well, with the addition of Izzy, now we just need a Jock-- who, contrary to popular belief, can be a boy or a girl. I don't really care.

Fabricant451 said
Izzy Sandoval Female The Brains Scholastic Bowl Team Captain, volunteers at the school library during study period, Honors Society ever since Freshman year, once tried out for the debate team but couldn’t commit due to too much workload. Izzy is a little know-it-all and if you don’t know it already, a single conversation with her will be more than enough to make that fact known. A front row, center seater and the first one to raise her hand, Izzy isn’t aware how show-offy and annoying her habits are. When she isn’t time and again answering questions – sometimes without even being called on – she’s correcting others for their grammar or their wrong answers to historical dates or chortling as the struggling students fumble for an incorrect answer. If ever there was a stuck-up brainy kid, Izzy fits the bill. The only time she speaks in class is when solving problems or telling the teacher goodbye. She is no stranger to rumors and insults, teacher’s pet and ‘snotty smart girl’ chief among them, and she does bring a lot of it on herself, but she sees no reason why she should have to apologize for being smarter than most of the people in any given class. It’s not as if she is going to be the valedictorian…but maybe the salutatorian. Izzy lives with her grandparents in a small ranch house; her parents split up while she was in middle school. Her mother moved to a different state for business and her father didn’t want to leave his family business behind. Neither could agree to a compromise and both wanted Izzy to live with them; Izzy was taken in by her grandparents – on her father’s side – and that put an end to that particular squabble. Izzy had always enjoyed school, but it was her grandparents who inspired her to take things seriously; neither of them were able to complete their education due to differing reasons and such a future wasn’t what she hoped for. Even her father left high school in order to work in his father’s small convenience store, becoming the manager in his father’s old age. Izzy’s desire to be the first in her family to get a college diploma became her sole goal, having the negative impact of hampering her social life. While other kids enjoyed their weekends by socializing, Izzy locked herself in her room with biology texts or math workbooks. She has no idea what she wants to focus on in college or even career wise, she just knows that she wants to graduate. The urging of her grandparents is what led Izzy to make an attempt at having a social life, it hasn’t been truly successful thus far but attempts have been made. Izzy once kissed a stuffed turtle when she was a child, but other than that she has remained single. Fabricant451

AgniSpirit said
oh ma gosh yay~ :D

All these characters look great. *^* can't wait to start ahh~
All accepted >w<
Fabricant451 said
Just curious, this sounds fun and I'm just wondering if it is pretty much one per clique. One jock, one goth, etc?

Yep, it'll be one per clique. @Supreme, the only thing I'd say is Jake looks like he's much older; this roleplay is set in high school.
Remember guys, it's not first come first serve.
LoneSilverWolf said
Here is the edited sig with cursive font--hope that's better for you :)

Ahhh it's awesome! Thank you so much. *^*
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