But if you look at just her posts in Spam, Smiral is like the worst poster lol
my shitposting is better than legitimate content, so which is it really?
But if you look at just her posts in Spam, Smiral is like the worst poster lol
I hope your baby is cute and fat.
I am officially announcing my quest to win all the Spam Forum Games and therefore become ruler of the spam forums. As of this post I have already bested the bronies and posted the alphabet without their interruption. I have also begun my campaigns against the women of
"Men vs. Women Race to 1000" and "Google Picture War". Those who join my cause in my name shall be treated fairly in this new world once I am ruler. But those who stand against me shall be CRUSHED!
If you want the front page to be only kinda trashy you have to go out there and be the garbage man