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    1. SMS 10 yrs ago


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Current I missed RP'ing, gonna try to be active again.
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I think I've developed arthritis recently. I should probably invest in a better mouse pad or something.
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Saw "Kimi no Na Wa" for the second time today in the cinemas. It got even better on the rewatch.
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I finally finished Persona 5. I love that game so much.
8 yrs ago
I'm really really enjoying Persona 5 so far. So sorry if my replies / posts become a tad delayed over the following weeks.


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"Jealous? Would you prefer if I was, Lance Corporal sir?" She said with an emphasis on his rank. Although she was present when Jean mentioned his name to the rest of the platoon earlier today, she wasn't one of the people he addressed at the time. Kalisa isn't one to use someone's name unless they tell it to her specifically, so hearing it secondhand might as well be her not hearing it anyway.

Back onto the situation at hand, she wasn't particularly jealous about Diana and Jean. She had just met these people, so she found it hard to be so. Though digging a little deeper, maybe she was jealous at how Diana was crushing hard on the Lance Corporal. "Nice to meet you too, Diana." Kalisa didn't have any crushes growing up, so she wasn't familiar with the feeling.

The Darcsen gave the blonde a sincere smile. Although she was teasing them just a moment ago, she was glad that the new girl didn't seem to mind that Kalisa was a Darcsen even after Jean mentioning it. Though, if Diana was crushing hard on him, that would mean she's not discriminate against their race.

"I wish I wasn’t jealous but I am. Because, I want you.”

Kalisa blinked at Diana's response. Before she could get a word in, she noticed a familiar face walking closer to them and turned to him. "Oh. Hey Daniel, what's u-?" She was about to give a small wave at him before he spoke.

“You’re both idiots.”

Kalisa's eyes widened at his sudden outburst and she took a half-step back. Daniel continued his onslaught on Diana and Jean, as Kalisa watched on the sidelines. Although he was a little harsh on them like an officer, it seemed more like he was at his limit with the sickeningly adorable moment between the two and wanted to vent his frustrations.

His own eyes widened at the realization of what he said when he finished, and promptly stormed off without another word. Kalisa let out a small sigh of relief before giggling at the situation. "Well, what do you know? You can make a face like that too, Daniel." She was worried that he had his heart closed off after her previous conversations with the guy went rather badly. It looks like there's still something there after all.

Diana seemed to take it rather seriously though, as she dropped onto the ground and was crying. "Don't mind him too much. I'm sure he doesn't entirely mean everything he said. Or maybe he was the one who was jealous?" She playfully responded to the crying girl as she shrugged.

@Ithradine@Landaus Five-One@LetMeDoStuff
"Is that so?" Kalisa gave him another weary smile. "Happy to hear it." Her response was sincere. Although they barely knew each other, she was glad to see someone familiar alive and well. War tends to be very indiscriminate about the casualties, so the chances of making it out alive is often low.

"Where are you from?" The question was partly her curiosity as well as her grasping for something to talk about. It was a simple enough question, without being too personal. Red hair isn't something she was used to seeing, so she was curious as to what part of the world he was from. The Darcsen had noticed that he was tapping his foot however. "Ah, I guess he really isn't much of a talker." She had noted earlier before the battle that he kept his responses short, so she decided to keep it short also to avoid annoying him further. After hearing his answer, she began to feel the fatigue catching up to her. Her eyelids were starting to droop and her posture slumping a little. "This'll work." She straightened herself before she continued.

A small yawn. "Would you mind if I take a nap real quick? This charge got me good." Without really waiting for a response, she had begun to adjust herself on the box she was on to a more comfortable position. It wouldn't do good to keep annoying Daniel if he was uncomfortable around her. Although she would have preferred to move away herself, the fatigue glued her to the box. She leaned back on the wooden plank that was on the wall for support, and set her rifle to her side. She made sure to unload the gun before she did so, just in case it fell over or something so it wouldn't fire off accidentally. "Let's get through this later alive, OK?" After finding a good position, she closed her eyes and nodded off shortly after.

She wasn't sure how long had it been since she talked to Daniel, but the face of the dead Imperial from earlier had spooked her in her dream. It caused her body to involuntarily jolt, which broke her sleep and almost knocked her off the box. She was leaning over to the side a little already, so her fixing her seating arrangement earlier prevented the fall. She caught herself from falling over by using her arm, and the sudden movement definitely woke her up.

"Looks like I won't be having good dreams for a while." Although she tried to wave it off, she was still somewhat haunted by it. It was her first human kill too, not exactly something to forget anyway.

Kalisa slowly opened her eyes, her vision still blurred as she blinked. The Darcsen had readjusted herself on her seat to sit up straight once more while using both hands to rub her eyes. As her vision cleared up, she was greeted by the sight of the Lance Corporal staring at her in curiosity. If the rubbing of her eyes didn't completely wake her up, this did. The girl stood up from her seat, faced the officer and saluted. "I still haven't had the chance to introduce myself yet, haven't I? Private Kalisa Larsen, reporting."

She didn't notice it earlier because of the chaos, but the Lance Corporal had a similar hue of his hair to hers. "...Is he-?" A part of his scarf was peeking through his collar, and the pattern etched onto it looked very familiar. It seems he is one as well. "It makes me happy to see a fellow Darcsen in the squad, Lance Corporal." Even if all else fails, there was someone she knew she could trust. "Your head doing alright? Didn't jog your memory too much?" She gestured at the general area where the bullet had hit his helmet earlier.

”L-Lance Corporal, why are you looking at her?”

Her head turned to the owner of the voice who had just arrived. The new girl's face was beet red, and she was pointing at Kalisa. The Darcsen blinked a few times. It took her a moment, but then something clicked in her head. "Oh, you have an admirer already, Lance Corporal?" She jokingly said out loud to the both of them. A little fun here could help get her mind off of depressing thoughts.

”U-Uh, I wasn’t daydreaming of the Lance Corporal.”

"How oddly specific of you to mention that." Although she's not one to tease, the blonde was just too adorable. Someone told her that girls who are as red as a tomato around the person they liked tend to get jealous over the smallest of things. It seems like this was one of those moments. She also wanted to see if the Lance Corporal had reciprocated the blonde's feelings. A sly smile forming on her lips.

@Ithradine @Landaus Five-One @LetMeDoStuff
Kalisa was panting as the adrenaline from her first kill slowly dissolved. The soldier kept his gaze onto her as he slid down, so she was staring back at his now expressionless dead face. The Darcsen mentally apologized to the corpse as she closed her eyes. Killing someone was surprisingly easily in the moment, but it wasn't easy to swallow. Opening her eyes afterwards, she knelt down and closed the eyes of the deceased Imperial.

Keeping low, she took a look at her surroundings to check if there were other Imperials nearby. She was met with the spectacular sight of the madwoman's bloody smile. "A-any time, uh- sis." It was unnerving, but at the same time it gave Kalisa some relief that she was on their side. Not a sight she'll forget for a while.

A few more friendlies had arrived, and it seemed like they have gotten control of the trench. Everything happened within the span of a few minutes but so many things happened. The rest of the squad from earlier had caught up and were now in the trench with them.

Kalisa kept to the side as everybody huddled around the Lance Corporal. It didn't seem like a good idea to suffocate the officer with more people, so she kept her distance and watched. Shortly after... Lucia was it? Had dropped into the trench quite literally. She was a mess. It looks like she might have had to pull the trigger on a friendly. The Darcsen didn't know what to say to her. She wanted to comfort her, but she didn't even know how to handle a situation like that, and a part of her didn't ever want to learn how. She was thankful a few members of the squad were already on it. The Lance Corporal and a few others went up to her and started calming her down.

Not wanting to ruin the moment, she took a look at the others who were present. She had noted a particular red head who had just arrived and sat down on a box, and slowly made her way over.

"Hey, glad you could join us." She gave the guy a weary smile. Perhaps she was looking for someone to talk to as well. Kalisa still hasn't had the chance to introduce herself to anybody else besides Daniel, so it didn't feel right to start chatting up the others. She sat down on one of the other boxes before letting out a big sigh of relief. Things got pretty intense, so her feet only now started to feel the pain and wear of getting to where they were. There was a small euphoria when she lifted her feet off the ground. The pain subsiding before fatigue settled in.

"You holding up alright? We got separated on the way here so I thought you might have kicked the bucket." She said the last part jokingly, but there was a part of her that did think it might have been true. It's hard to keep track of people on a battlefield such as this, so she was quite glad to see that he was alive and well.

@AtomicNut @Ithradine
The church was getting crowded. Slowly but steadily, more people were gathering at the ruined holy space. Several she recognized from the briefing, but also a few that weren't present earlier. She overheard one of the small groups that had formed had started to bicker, but was quickly stopped when one side backed down rather easily.

With his command, the Lance Corporal had rushed out as the gunners provided them covering fire. Kalisa let the adrenaline push her forward as she followed him a step behind on his left side, as she had now realized that they were not only headed towards the enemy trenches, but they were definitely gonna be meeting the Imperials face-to-face soon. Not a very thrilling prospect.

Killing Imperials wasn't one of the things she signed up for when she enlisted for the military. But in this war, it's kill or be killed. Nobody cares about your lineage, you're here to fight for what you believe in. And Kalisa believes that ending and winning this war would lead to the best possible ending for everybody. And that is what kept her going.

Patches of dirt would fly up around her, bullets grazing by and hitting the land. Kalisa found herself ducking for cover as they closed the trenches. The sounds of gunfire and screams of people being shot drowned out everything else. Except for one particular person.

"I am going to murder every single one of them I find on my sights."

The girl looked to the owner of the voice. She... didn't seem right. She looked fine and calm, but her actions were anything but. Taking the Lance Corporal's orders to heart, she ignited one a grenade on the body of an Imperial corpse before kicking it back in towards the trench. She thought it was a pretty morbid way of setting an example, but it proved effective.

Kalisa cocked a few of her grenades and promptly threw them towards the farther side of the trench, away from them to avoid hitting any friendlies. The girl then followed the madwoman down into the Imperial trench, and found herself looking at an Imperial soldier who was struggling to aim at the madwoman with his rifle. He was scared out of his mind, but he had his sights targetting her. Unfortunately for him, Kalisa was ready. She quickly took aim and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit and pierced him through his stomach. He reeled back in pain as he realized what had happened. He looked down and saw blood seeping through his clothes. He then looked at Kalisa, his shooter.

She herself was also shaking. She had fired her rifle before during training, but this was the first time she had actually fired at an actual person. She wasn't sure how to feel, but that he was aiming at a friendly, so she had to stop him. The soldier took this chance to try and aim his own rifle back at her, but the pain and his weakening body could barely lift the gun back up. Kalisa however, rushed forward the moment he tried to lift his rifle. Being a bolt-action rifle, reloading for her next bullet would have given the soldier a chance to shoot at her. So the next best thing would have been to just use her bayonet given their distance of several steps away.

Kalisa wasn't aiming for a particular part, she had just aimed to drive the blade into him enough to incapacitate him. The blade struck his chest, and pinned the soldier to the wall as Kalisa kept the blade pushed against him to keep him from moving. She was mentally apologizing to the Imperial, but kept a firm face to avoid showing any weaknesses as he struggled against her. It didn't take long before he stopped moving all together, and a look at his face revealed that the life has extinguished from his eyes.

The girl pulled the rifle back to release him from the bayonet, and his body crumpled onto the ground as she processed what just happened. Everything had happened in about the span of maybe half a minute, but everything felt like it lasted for hours. The gunshot, to the stabbing, his struggle, and his eventual death.

"This is war... huh?"

@LetMeDoStuff @AtomicNut
Kalisa wasn't aiming for any Imperials in particular, but she figured that not firing back at all would have given them unnecessary confidence in simply shooting at them for free. Leaving herself open for a moment, she left her cover and opened fire towards the Imperials as the squad she had been following pushed forward. Once her rifle was empty, she ducked back into cover and waited. She had heard someone shout to wait for the reload, and so she reloaded herself while noting the timing of the gunfire. Once the bullets stopped hitting the cover and ground around her, she once more left the safety of the broken wall she was behind and ran forward to catch up with the rest.

And it was a good thing that she did, seeing as the wall had finally broken down after another wave of bullets slammed against it. The unfortunate ones who stayed behind became the sponges for the next wave of bullets that came down. Kalisa heard their screams of pain, and immediately felt bad that she wasn't able to communicate the order to move to them and instead just followed her instinct.

She eventually found herself rejoining the squad that she was following earlier. She took one of the unoccupied pillars that was closer to the front of the destroyed establishment they were using as cover. They had all been tense watching the Lance Corporal rummage through another soldier's body out in the open. "Is no one gonna help him?" She shouted at nobody in particular.

But before anybody could respond, a bullet had hit the Lance Corporal's head. Time looked like it had slowed down for her as he fell over in front of all of them. The slow agonizing fall felt like minutes even. It was surreal, watching somebody get shot in the head in front of you. The Lance Corporal's body eventually laid on the ground, without so much of a thud or a splash. And the rest of the group was silent. Although there was still the hail of gunfire at max volume, Kalisa heard nothing but her own ragged breathing and heartbeat.

And then he got back up. It took Kalisa a moment to realize that he indeed was alive. His helmet apparently having saved him from splattering his brains out. Once she had regained her bearings, he had begun to pull the soldier's body once more towards them.

She found herself running out and helped him drag the body and himself into safety once he was close enough. The Lance Corporal had placed the corpse against the wall before pulling out his binoculars. "This guy is nuts." He just about luckily survived getting shot in the head and the first thing he does is to survey the situation and formulate a plan of action.

"You got balls, sir." Kalisa had unintentionally let out. "You got my support." Not that many people could take a bullet to the head and still be as levelheaded as he is after narrowly living. The plan itself was pretty basic, the gunners provide covering fire as they run up. Once they were up there, clear everybody out. Seems easy enough.

She had begun to double check her equipment to prepare for the upcoming charge. Ammo, several magazines, check. Grenades, a few, check. Rifle, bolt is still working, check. Bayonet, mostly clean, check.

"Alright, on your mark."

A small wave of relief came over her as the shocktrooper looked over and introduced himself. His handshake was something else though, and Kalisa's face twitched a little at the sudden gesture. "Nice to meet you too, Daniel." Her tone a little pained but still friendly. "Don't worry, I'll do what I can." His words rang true enough, so she chose her words a little carefully. Although she was trained on how to use a gun and was taught some close quarter combat in preparation for her role as a shocktrooper, she feels like she isn't entirely ready to actually start shooting at people.

Before either one of them could continue the conversation, the lieutenant had appeared once more before them all. Hill 58 was their target. Kalisa had grown up in the mountains of Diebal, so she had experience with traversing uphill in harsh conditions. But this is a battlefield, and so she isn't sure how much said experience would actually help her out here. Raining bullets don't exactly equal falling snow.

The lieutenant, however, earned her ire when he gave orders to a girl who looked younger than her to shoot anybody who had retreated without orders dead. He would have earned her ire regardless of his choice, but specifically handpicking this poor girl, named Lucia, felt like he was going too far. There's not much she can do right now however. These were orders, and any objections will surely result in being shot at.

Everybody had begun fixing their bayonets onto their rifles. Kalisa shortly followed after catching her breath and calming down after the lieutenant's display of dominance. For a moment, everything was still. Breaths were held, and Kalisa could hear her own heartbeat going off loudly. And then, it was go time.

The roar of gunshots and screams of soldiers as they charged was deafening. She didn't even hear Daniel's words to her before he went ahead and lined up to go up the ladder. Bodies were beginning to pile up, the unlucky ones who went first were promptly returned back to them as corpses. A few still lived, but they probably won't last long anyway.

The girl had found herself up against the ladder, she had unconsciously been walking forward and eventually got her turn to go up. Kalisa had let out a deep breath, before she found the courage to ascend. At the top, she quickly dove down onto the ground to make herself a smaller target. She took a second before she scrambled to get to her feet while still keeping low. She spotted Jean, one of their Lance Corporals, and Daniel running towards the right of her and chose to follow them.

@Ithradine @LetMeDoStuff
It's been several months now since Kalisa had joined the army. Day by day, she and her fellow recruits had been undergoing harsh training to prepare them for war. She had performed averagely throughout, not particularly standing out in anything besides her willingness to volunteer. Many times she had thought about quitting, the way her officers had barked at her on top of the harsh and difficult training they were in had started to crack her. But every time, she would remember the ear-piercing screams, overflowing bloodshed and deafening gun fire of that day. She would have to keep strong. If she backed down now, how could she face them?

Today was different. Some time before, she and many other people were told to get onto the train to be brought to the frontlines. The girl hadn't been keeping track of time since they first got on. She had been keeping to herself since the beginning of the trip, as a way of avoiding unnecessary attention to herself as a Darcsen. The intense heat didn't help either as she was sandwiched in the middle of her car. She had nodded off a few times in order to keep her mind off of temperature.

Kalisa was awakened by the train suddenly stopping and several people nearly pushing her down in the process. After getting off of the car, they were all gathered for a round of introductions. She found the lieutenant to be rather stiff as he spoke to them.

They were all soon dismissed whilst they waited for further orders. The people around her had begun forming groups with people they already knew. She had wanted to introduce herself to the Lance Corporals as well, as she mentally recalled the names and faces of those who went first. Though her plans were dashed when the lieutenant suddenly came back telling them all to get moving. The girl made sure to double check her equipment before she followed everybody else.

Her body had instinctively tensed up as soon as they arrived at the trenches. The smell was nauseating, and the sights weren't something to behold. She knew the frontlines weren't exactly pleasant, but this was something else. After a few more minutes of walking, she found herself standing amidst the other shocktroopers. She'd be rushing towards the enemy lines with them soon, so she felt now was the best time to try and get to know a few of them so that she and they would have someone to cover them.

Kalisa had spotted somebody with crimson red hair who had a look of intense concentration. "Is he nervous?" She figured talking to him might help him relax a little. The girl shifted beside him and gave him a pat on the shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, you alright? You seem pretty tense. It wouldn't do us good if you fumble with your gun later." She realized that she probably sounded condescending, especially for a Darcsen, so she backpedalled. "Oh, I'm Kalisa by the way. Kalisa Larsen. A fellow shocktrooper." She took a half step back and extended her hand for a shake. She had hoped that he wouldn't ignore her or else this would have been very embarrassing.

Sorry for taking a while, but here's Kalisa's (rough) CS.

<Snipped quote by SMS>

We are definitely still accepting! Would love to have you on board, and here is the discord link!

Awesome~ I'll join up in a sec.
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