Riagan's eyes widened as he watched Wildflower and Leila spring to the defense of the pups against some loner watching them from some overhang. The fur about his ears bristled- how hadn't he seen that wolf before? Before he could even snarl the females were already howling and growling. The hunter took the chance to quickly understand the situation- this wolf was a stranger to them and the girls were weary- but he hadn't done anything aggressive toward the pack. If push came to shove they would all out-number him.
The dark gray wolf called out to the loner,
"I believe its in your best interest to leave, loner. You're a threat- one which I'm compelled to deal with-"
But before he could even finish he saw Wildflower and Leila take off. He sprang up and barked after them,
"Where are you going?! You can't go alone you idiots." He took off after them, straining to catch up with the lead huntress and Leila.