Lyke was in the middle of the drink when the shark took a great bite out of his phone. He almost spat his drink out, but realized what a big waste of alcohol that would be. So he swallowed a large quantity. So nice and refreshing.
"Well, then. I guess that would help." he finished his drink, then looked outside and saw the angry woman fall into the pool, "Aw, crap." He turned back to face the group of friends, propped his head on his elbow, and said, "Hey, Kev, let me help you take your mind off of the phone. You and you friends, party in my room, 3 in the afternoon, 'llright? Here's my room number." He produced a note with just a room number, and handed it to Kevin.
He headed outside the bar to DJ and the woman, walking sternly and showing a face of displeasure. Along the way he grabbed the towel off of the hands of a towel-boy.
He approached the two in the pool, standing at the edge, and said, "Yo, DJ, could you please return to your booth, I'll speak with you ASAP." He began talking to the woman. "You 'kay, Miss? I suppose this is mostly my fault, I told to change the music to the 'Pop' genre, and he played that song. I'll have him change his music shortly. Meanwhile," he tossed her the towel, "here's a towel, if you would like anything else, just ask."
He relaxed his face and his shoulders too, and leaned back on his heels, aware of the crowd staring at him, the woman, and the DJ. He closed his eyes for a moment to ignore it all.