Species Description: The Savarogs as a species are a rugged and enduring lot, with barely any pain receptors and a skin thick enough to outright stop even decent calibre firearms. The Savarogs as a race are best described as a humanoid reptilian sort, these hulking brutes of muscle and leather-like skin are fearsome foes when compared to the average human due to bear-like strength and an almost stupidly high endurance. Indeed, such is their strength that they could shattered a human's skull with ease.. Their intelligence often seems diminished compared to others due to militarisitc tendancies - however Savarogs are rather intelligent when it comes to engineering and applied scienes. They possess logical brains that lack much in the way of creavity, and speak in slow, deliberate tones.
On top of other natural advantages, the Savarogs may also fly into an immense rage when sufficiently angered. This action is incredibly dangerous to a foe, as in this state nothing but complete destruction will truly stop the enraged Savarog from brutally maiming it's target, and many more beyond that.
It is worth noting that Savarogs possess multiple sets of all vital organs, may go months to years without food and little water, and possess an almost immunity to nigh on all forms of toxin. Their skin is suited to deserts primarily, though rugged enough to even handle the vacuum of space for very brief periods.
Perhaps the, main though, disgusting, feature of the Savarogs is their ability to consume sentient flesh. While outwardly seeming to just be disgusting, by consuming the flesh of their enemy the Savarogs will eventually evolve to gain some manner of their power - for instance, eating nothing but the flesh of some hyper-strong race will make those Savarogs stronger. This process is heralded by an elite caste of, almost shaman like figures known as the 'Shapers.'
Gender Dimorphism:
There is quite a lot of sexual dimorphism between the two genders, as male Savarogs are hulking creatures, standing at roughly 2.5 Metres tall and weighing between 600lb. to 800lb. at the very most. Male Savarogs are normally of a rusty colouration, with anything from shades of yellow up to crimson being quite common, all males also sport a rather fearsome pair of tusks upon their bottom jaw – while only useful when unarmed, it is seen as honourable combat and the male with the biggest tusks is also likely to be in a position of power.
Female Savarogs are far more delicate than males of their species, while a male Savarog may survive numerous bullets and other such weapons, the female Savarogs are far less durable, being only somewhat above humans in terms of being able to take punishment. Many female Savarogs sport somewhat brighter colours than their male counterparts as well, as some may even have something resembling a bluish colouration. Female Savarogs are still at least 2 Metres tall and weigh between 450lb. to 600lb.
The Savarogs reproduce via egg-laying. However, it is also worthy of noting that female Savarog produced a tremendous amount of eggs in each clutch - upwards of two dozen leathery-skilled eggs that are about the shape of a rugby ball.
Sorgal: The rugged and stubborn peoples of the Vrakar mountains, while smaller than the normal Savarog strains, these creatures have the extraordinary ability to glide through the skies using long membrane-covered arms. These Savarogs also have drastically brighter colours than their more dominant kin.
Rikmor: Highly crocodile-like in appearance and form these few and far between communities of Savarog's dwell in what remains of their planet's waterways. Highly territorial and utterly devoted to protecting their lands, these creatures are tribal and highly dangerous.
Striyrdok: Rare and perhaps rightfully so, these creatures are born from an ever increasingly small strain of the mainline Savarog genetic code. These creatures are drastically more intelligent, drastically stronger and drastically more enduring than the normal Savarogs. Their DNA is used in the process of making the Vokar divisions.
Wrirkan: A docile and relatively peaceful subspecies of what can only be described as humanoid turtles. They are usually more stable as a group, even welcoming such tasks as farmers.
A Savarog without tusks:
Area in the Galaxy (Use map posted below):
i.imgur.com/YnlAW3h.jpgTechnological Description: Savarog technology is anything but beautiful. They are a harsh race, and their technology reflects this. Their technology is crude but more or less always seems to work, no matter the situation and the sheer amount of grim that the tech may have been exposed to it always seems to work. Their navy is a fleet of crude yet nigh on impossible to outright destroy, given their nature for building such durable technology.
Savarog weapons are brutal. Anyone who has seen them used will attest, their simplistic yet utterly horrific effects are infamous with many 'squishier' races that are in or near the Savarog's territories. To make matters worse, Savarogs frequently employ all manner of highly protective power armour, from advanced models with energy shielding right down to purely those that enhance physical strength. Most helms are fashioned to be leering skulls or other intimidating faces, even the basic grunt has access to powered armour affectionately referred to as "Srogas" or "skin."
Heavily modified Srogas from the Savarog's recent experiments:
However, in recent history, the Savarogs have found a race that is willing to look past their bloodthirsty nature – the Qulseoc. These highly advanced creatures have almost taken the Savarogs under their wing, or rather, tentacle.
History:The Savarogs dragged themselves from the waters of evolution upon their, once prime and beauteous world of Khragk – a world which was once filled with teeming forests and oceans brimming with life, now reduced to deserts and scrub lands. For the longest time, the proto-Savarogs had difficult lives as their world eventually fell into what can only be described as a massive biological arms race as each animal and primitive species (for they shared this world with many others) raced in an ever quickening race to become dominant.
The tribal history of the Savarogs is rich, their world's caves being filled with the art and long-lasting pieces of both Savarog and the numerous other intelligent life forms early cultures.Their massed biological war was still raging, and would do so until some...unthinking, Savarogs proposed a final solution.
As gathered, the Savarogs when they entered an age not unlike our own were still warlike, but their focus was forever on the nuclear as a method of securing them...and only them, as this world's owners. Day and night, the Savarog's (united against a common foe, the Savarog's will band together, unlike the tribes of today) industries churned out dangerous weapons that could exterminate whole ecosystems with the press of a button. Such a day came, one evening wherein 99% of all life on their planet was consumed in radioactive flame. Those that survived were exposed to radiation lethal enough to kill a human hundreds of times over.
However, through some trick of fate or unknown advantage the Savarog's which were not inside the indomitable fortress cities did not die of the radiation, granted many died of explosions and the latent nuclear winters, were almost stronger for it but feral – the origins of the Savarog's favoured animal the Vuagh, like Human and...highly radioactive dog. That was, for a period, their society. The Savarog's survived where almost all else died, their forests of life and oceans of opportunity reduced to sand and barren wastes...but them as a species, for once, being able to claim dominance.
Tribal warfare, horrid massacres, all happened after. Even in their modern age, the Savarog's were barely as advanced as humans, though avid in colonising, until they met the Quelseoc.
Government Description: Dictatorship of the Proletariat
Ruling Party: Federated Equality Coalition (Communist/Marxist)
Cultural/Religious Description: While not really a popular belief system among the whole populace, many of the Savarogs have their own pantheon of various different gods. In total, the Savarogs have thirteen gods in total, however, the only real god in which they – as a race – uphold is Jodrak, Lord of Iron. Worship however, has been weak since meeting the atheist Qulsoec.
As a whole, the Savarogs are a brutish and warlike culture that views themselves as the absolute superiour creature – not out of arrogance, but purely because on their worlds they literally are that. Savarog culture and hierarchy is based purely on might makes right, and in that the strongest (or in rare cases the most manipulative) Savarog wins dominance by simply beating the current leader in some manner of blood sport. At the top of the hierarchy is the tribal emperors, each lording over their own tribe, and at the bottom are outsider races (Qelsoec are honourary Savarogs when it comes to social ranking) and slaves of all races.
Savarogs are overall a deeply cultural people, and in that they are stubborn and highly traditionalist. Savarogs push with vigour that their culture must not be shaped and molded by any sorts of outsider race that is seen as inferior to the Savarogs themselves. Males are encouraged to become soldiers, or otherwise work in the base industry that the Savarogs have, while females are downright expected to be little more than homemakers and child-bearers.