Jet Blanque
Jet Blanque

"I'm Human.. I'm supposed to be human."
Jet is fairly average with slight curves around her waist. More of a vase figure than a hourglass. With a farely light complexion she has a taller build at 5'7". Her eyes are a form of brown so similar to black it looks it. Her hair color seems to shift with her forms. Her original a soft blonde hair while her other form has thick looking, drowning, black hair. A good way to tell how far along is the transformation is her hair. One tattoo on the back of her neck is a pair of fallen angel wings and a heart is on her ankle. The origin of the heart is hard to get out of her willingly.
" 19.. no wait its been.. 24. I'm 24."
Rich or Poor?:
Mid class. She appears like she walked out of a normal human life, that is until you notice the blood.
Power Descriptions:
-Unable to be sensed as anything other than human by things with less power than her other form. Which means u less they have seen her transform a human wouldn't find anything supernatural about her. Some other creatures could be able to tell
- When she switches forms completely she doesn't have conscious control when to turn back. Though she never stays fully turned for long.
Second form
- The badass version of jet that takes over when she senses trouble or gets startled. She though not having any sort of split personalty disregards any shyness or carefulness she had while turned. Her tone also proving to be quite playful at times.
She's good at just blending in. Pickpocketing, and handling her alcohol better than most men.. is that a skill?
Her personalty has been shaped by what she's been through. Usually she tries to keep quite and to herself. The less attention she tries to get the less things could go wrong. Right? In respect she does like people, in most cases shell protect random strangers from danger just to ease a conscious that hates her abilities. She tries not to be a burden on others, refusing help from them before she could get attached. She finds those stronger than her to be the only ones she can somewhat grow attached to. And even then they have left her before. It has left her somewhat cold to many people. Her tone brief and to the point, less eye contact made during discussions and so.
If you had managed to break through her little wall and plant attachment she will seek out attention. Sneakily as much as she could. Drawing out experiences and questions just to keep the conversation. As stated above when her abilities fully show she drops all the acts shed put on to protect herself. Trying to be her truest self while still keeping her safe. This doesn't last long after the danger is gone.
Jet grew up in a nice home. Until her father left as they moved to a new town. She and her mother and sister lived there till a group of in toxicated rogues had broken into their home. Murdering her sister and mother leaving Jet grasping onto life. Waking up in a hospital with no recollection of what actually happened that night, just the fact she is different now and everyone she knows is dead.
As she wandered with those powers she found out that getting close to people always hurt. Both physically and mentally for both of them. She she stayed away from relationships and finding other relatives.
They never found out why her father left. Though he was planning to come back. He had business in a different world. Could't risk the safety of his Family. His human family. He himself was like jets second half. He didn't think his children would be hybrid. The power recessive against the human traits, especially in females. Which should have kept his family safe from the things that wanted to kill him for his power. Yet somehow on his return back to the small house he moved them from he found a crime scene. What the news called as a drunken robbery gone wrong he knew was actually those who wanted to kill him. His youngest, Jet, was no where to be found. Just a few strands of black hair. which were slowly reverting to blonde. Those he kept with him. Knowing she snapped at the intruders. Knowing if he came back she would be in more danger. So he vanished.
After he went missing those after him for his power reverted to chasing the daughter. Uncaring how rare it as in females. All they want was the healing ability of it. Which would keep the user alive longer than any doctor would have predicted.
After he went missing those after him for his power reverted to chasing the daughter. Uncaring how rare it as in females. All they want was the healing ability of it. Which would keep the user alive longer than any doctor would have predicted.
Let's start shall we.
Trevor.- Her first relationship after her powers were discovered. He was also powered. Abilities much better matered then her. He broke her heart for some other girl with a better control. Leading to his, shredding. Her emotional self tearing his heart from his chest and mailing it to the other girl.
Leon- after a few days she had met leon who quickly became a very close friend. Seeing as he was very accepting to help her devop her powers. They dated for around a year. He started to become abusive during the last few months of the relationship. Making her shyer to males or females. He left her after a bad night of drinking. Dying in a car crash that was caused by faulty breaks. Her heart tattoo was given by him when they were just starting out.
Hidrash- a demon who had it out for her. He had started her on drinking. But only gave her the softer drinks. Not to get her addicted to the alcohol. He cared for her but kept sparking up bad memories. Catching her mid transformation he had attacked her about it. Bringing more unsettling memories from her past. Sure enough he did try to kill her. Enchanted by the whispers that her power could be used to make him immortal. She had fled that country then. She got the wing tattoo after fleeing him. Trying to hide herself from him using it.
Alwell- A sweet boy who was nothing but a player at heart. Used her for protection against the Mafia dealers who he owed money. Tried to sell her off to them. Ten bodies were found the day after. One being Alwells thr others a few whores and pimps.
Trevor.- Her first relationship after her powers were discovered. He was also powered. Abilities much better matered then her. He broke her heart for some other girl with a better control. Leading to his, shredding. Her emotional self tearing his heart from his chest and mailing it to the other girl.
Leon- after a few days she had met leon who quickly became a very close friend. Seeing as he was very accepting to help her devop her powers. They dated for around a year. He started to become abusive during the last few months of the relationship. Making her shyer to males or females. He left her after a bad night of drinking. Dying in a car crash that was caused by faulty breaks. Her heart tattoo was given by him when they were just starting out.
Hidrash- a demon who had it out for her. He had started her on drinking. But only gave her the softer drinks. Not to get her addicted to the alcohol. He cared for her but kept sparking up bad memories. Catching her mid transformation he had attacked her about it. Bringing more unsettling memories from her past. Sure enough he did try to kill her. Enchanted by the whispers that her power could be used to make him immortal. She had fled that country then. She got the wing tattoo after fleeing him. Trying to hide herself from him using it.
Alwell- A sweet boy who was nothing but a player at heart. Used her for protection against the Mafia dealers who he owed money. Tried to sell her off to them. Ten bodies were found the day after. One being Alwells thr others a few whores and pimps.
Soft things
Hard liquor
Loud music
Sour things
Being far away from people
Being to close to people
Sweet things
Drunken men
Being forced to become what she hates.
wearing dresses
Her main side.
Extensive amounts of sunlight
Mental and physical scars.
DO Not FEED AFTER 10-o-Clock.
She enjoys your company she does. But she doesn't want to hurt anyone.
Theme Song:
" How you love me" by 3LAUsecondary My demons - Starset
//I felt like she should have a fitting personality after she's changed a bit. So todddaaaaaa~//