Misty was currently organizing her stuff in this perfect order she had cooked up at one time. Having finished and figured out her outfit for the day Misty walked out of her dorm and down stairs, towards where she thought her homeroom was. She instead got herself quiet lost. Her long tail wrapped round one of her legs.
This place is very large compared to home.
Eventually she stumbled upon a rather large group for her liking. Decided to stay out of their way long before she walked past it, coming up across the hall from a fox boy who seemingly was also leaving the scene.
Misty was currently organizing her stuff in this perfect order she had cooked up at one time. Having finished and figured out her outfit for the day Misty walked out of her dorm and down stairs, towards where she thought her homeroom was. She instead got herself quiet lost. Her long tail wrapped round one of her legs.
This place is very large compared to home.
Eventually she stumbled upon a rather large group for her liking. Decided to stay out of their way long before she walked past it, coming up across the hall from a fox boy who seemingly was also leaving the scene.