The warm feeling of rest was was he away as she was yanked up. The razor against her neck causing her to raised her head up. The tail around her waist barely choking her she was barely breathing already. The spar at the end of the tail parting the small cuts Hey eyes stayed closed as not to catch the view of her killer. Her mouth parted slightly at the pain thought not another sound was heard. He tugged on her wing his hand would have been slightly touched by the toxic substance that was leaking from her wings coating them. It wouldn't be harmful unless he digested it but the toxin was also circulating through her blood.
Delsa was feeling faint when she was yanked up. Not to mention the continued lack of blood and energy exhausted to try and heal her wounds just added to her wooziness. Her fingers clenched round her thumb hoping her death would be quick and simple. Instead of her would be killer loosened its grip. Causing her form to almost fall down, her weight being supported by that tight grip. A questioned was posed by the creature. Whispers it seemed.
"female, what are you?"
It made her shiver slightly. Be it his voice or the fact she was slowly getting cold. Her breathing slightly steadied to quick light breaths. her eyes fluttering open now and gain as if to keep herself awake. She replied in a rushed tone,
" many call my kind.. " She took more breaths finding each word more difficult than the last. " Dragon Companions..." Her breath count fell again as her legs gave out.
The warm feeling of rest was was he away as she was yanked up. The razor against her neck causing her to raised her head up. The tail around her waist barely choking her she was barely breathing already. The spar at the end of the tail parting the small cuts Hey eyes stayed closed as not to catch the view of her killer. Her mouth parted slightly at the pain thought not another sound was heard. He tugged on her wing his hand would have been slightly touched by the toxic substance that was leaking from her wings coating them. It wouldn't be harmful unless he digested it but the toxin was also circulating through her blood.
Delsa was feeling faint when she was yanked up. Not to mention the continued lack of blood and energy exhausted to try and heal her wounds just added to her wooziness. Her fingers clenched round her thumb hoping her death would be quick and simple. Instead of her would be killer loosened its grip. Causing her form to almost fall down, her weight being supported by that tight grip. A questioned was posed by the creature. Whispers it seemed.
"female, what are you?"
It made her shiver slightly. Be it his voice or the fact she was slowly getting cold. Her breathing slightly steadied to quick light breaths. her eyes fluttering open now and gain as if to keep herself awake. She replied in a rushed tone,
" many call my kind.. " She took more breaths finding each word more difficult than the last. " Dragon Companions..." Her breath count fell again as her legs gave out.