Her attention was back as soon as he mumbled the first word. Her finger impatiently tapping the glass more deciding it would be best to get away from the man infront of her. Wanting her music back, mostly to keep her sanity from falling. Even though the voices were gone as well. Taking her hair down from the pony tail the process showing off the many strands of jet black that had started to form. An excuse of wanting the Vodka quicker than a waitress could get forming in her mind. She could easily flip out the the chair. The shadows under the table reminding he of the..
No don't think about it it just gets.. A flair of her own darkness speaking up along her legs, twisting up them towards her hands. Which she keeps clearly visible tapping on the glass. Worse...
Finding another action to keep her mind away from the thought she started undoing the wrap on her arm. Wanting to tighten the bloody bandage. Underneath the bandage her arm was an area of long deep cuts with a layer of the same stuff on her legs but clear covering them.