Ana Stared at the tree longer observing the bird that had flow to rest on a long branch. Beautiful creature she was. Though her pigmentation was off colored for her species. Or at least it was from the ones she had seen around her windows. Did her grandfather send it to watch her? she pondered happily but with a blank expression across her face. She watched a lady walk straight into the cabin. Were they allowed to claim them off the start? She would like to have one farthest from the lake. Even the thought of getting close to it sent a shiver down her spine. It was going to be a fun year. Maybe she could get used to living near a lake. Hopefully she wouldn't have to swim. She couldn't, never wanted to learn either. This was going to be a fun year though. She wanted to go explore the woods right that moment but she wanted to get settled in before becoming lost.
A voice peeked her interest. Talking to her it seemed.
"Hi, I'm Rak. I don't think I've ever met you before. Do you need help with anything?"
"Good Day, Rak. My Nam is Adonnenniel Dresden. Most call me Anastasia." She said Getting up from her trunk Bowing slightly With a smile plastered across her face. " I haven't been here before Rak that explains why you haven't met me. " She said taking in he probably knows whats supposed to happen here on the first day. Taking a chance that if he didn't he wouldn't judge her for it. " Uh what are we supposed to do after we arrive. Never been to a camp before. Do we just choose the cabin we like? Rules about who your sharing with? I wasn't given much information before coming."
She noticed a girl hanging paper cranes on a tree nearby. She hadn't noticed her arrive but she assumed she knew somewhat what she was supposed to do. Noticing though a cat of some sort walk into a cabin. A boy walking out. Shapeshifting. Something she learned about but never saw, something she wanted to learn more about in person.Other than her own form she had no clue. Or was the boy in the cabin when the cat went in. She would have to ask the boy when they properly met. Was I the only one not told what was supposed to happen. Dreadfully mother Inform me of these things. She wondered where she could be if she had taken up her brothers option. But no her grandfather said this would be good for her, kind of sarcastically but he still said it. She flittered her hat off her head catching it and readjusting it over the short dark locks that made her hair. Eyes gleaming with a sense of pride and curiosity. Her questions still fresh in her mind she picked up her adventurers trunk. Seemly unaffected by the weight.