As the fox man dude ran down another hall she stared into the halls she was a little bit more. Wanting to explore rather than fight. Following after the blonde girl she responded towards her. "It would be better than waiting for it to get the drop on.. Us Watching the fox man attack the creature, his cheep blade slicing it in two new creatures. The Korean lady went next to one of them. Clawing some of its eyes out it, bloody goop dripping and spitting from the wounds. The blonde girl morphed an arm into some beastly looking thing and lifted the other one up. That creature seemed to be slipping away from her grip though.
Her eyes ran back to the creature on the ground, thinking, staring at it induced a nervous butterfly in her stomach. She hated butterflies alive and in her head. Keeping the fear suppressed. She wouldn't let fear jeopardize her missions again. It was a distraction at most and she wasn't going to fall for it. She stayed staring at it forming a phrase, more like a group of phrases. Looking away soon as she could.
Show them your weakness, they won't exploit it.
She wanted to help kill the creature but stayed back after sending it towards the creature on the floor.
If anything it could distract it long enough for someone who doesn't have a blade to do something. Her dagger being brought out as protection. She wouldn't be the first to die here. No sir.