Class: Rider
Team: ???
True Name: Brynhildr

Sex: Female
Alignment: Neutral Good
Attribute: Heavens
(Canon, coming soon)
(Canon, coming soon)
Strength: B+
Agility: A
Endurance: B
Mana: C
Luck: E
Class SkillsRiding: A+
All vehicles and all creatures up to the level of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast can be used as mounts. However, that does not apply to members of the Dragon Kind.
Magic Resistance: B
Negates E, D and C ranked spells. It is difficult for them to be affected even by Greater Thaumaturgy.
Personal SkillsPrimordial Runes: -
Rider has Runes hailing from Scandinavia, almost known as Scandinavian Magic Crests. These "Letters" of power were given to her by Odin and then passed down to her beloved Sigurd. She cannot replicate the original runes without sufficient divinity and attempting so would result in fatal damage to her core.
Brynhildr can produce even spells on the level of High-Thaumaturgy as single action without the use of an Aria since she only needs to apply the Runes for the spell to take effect. This opens up a myriad of possibilities to her magecraft. From offensive spells, self buffs, and even high-grade healing are easily possible through this skill.
Divinity: E
The measure of one's aptitude as a Divine Spirit. It has an effect that reduces special defensive values called 'purge defense' in direct correlation with the Divinity's rank. It also allows the Servant to break through skills such as Protection of the Faith and Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig.
Hero's Bridesmaid: C
Valkyrie are naturally those whom encourage and guide heroes to absolute victory. Bestowed upon the most idolized and infamous of these women, this skill represents her ability to allow others to push through the impossible and overcome disadvantageous situations to be victorious.
Rider is able to synchronize her magical energy with others, namely Servants. Doing so allows them a greater degree of control and finesse, allowing them bonuses to succeeding in situations of great risk or a high degree of failure.
Noble Phantasms:
Name: Odin's Brann
Title: The Hall of Flame that Safeguard Brynhildr
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Unit, Anti-Unit (Self)
Range: 1~2
Targets: 1
Description: A conceptual armor of flames that's entire purpose is to safeguard Brynhildr from contact with the outside world. Its autonomous defense that scorches all those who'd seek to harm or even those who'd merely touch Brynhildr with divine flames. The Conceptual flames will jump to Rider's defense if attacked, lashing out at anyone who seeks to harm her. Its magical properties sense hostility and bloodlust and will reach out to intercept, generally within five meters or "melee" distance. The armor will consciously attempt to intercept approaching projectiles but an overwhelming number of them can pierce the barrier.
These powerful flames have the traits of "Fire" and "Divine" and are therefore strong against entities whom are weak against these types of attacks. The flames move independent of Rider's will and can be considered their own entity. They will move to protect the wearer even if they are unaware of an attack incoming and will react with a speed equal to "B rank agility". Those of quicker speed can out maneuver the flames but Brynhildr will likely be alerted of the threat from the flames autonomous counter. Rider cannot direct the flames to attack since they're a purely reactionary measure against an opponent, she can however parry and integrate its activation into her masterful swordplay to increase its effectiveness.
This armor cannot be removed from Rider's person and will manifest automatically in the event of an attack. Its classification as a Curse makes it unable to discern Friend from Foe and will attack anyone who seeks to touch or harm Brynhildr regardless of her intentions. Being active for great lengths of time is extremely draining on one's master.
Name: Hingstens Seier
Title: The Ferryman Of The Dead Which Floats On Ivory Wings
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1~20
Targets: 100
Description: Like the famed Charon across the river Styx, Brynhildr was a valkyrie. One who guided souls to the afterlife, particularly the worthy ones, and put those wandering souls of lesser make to rest. A descendant of Sleipnir whom could travel even to the domain of Hel the horse was these winged horses are the method by which the Valkyrie guided the souls of the Worthy dead. The horse is the beacon to which all souls must answer the call and upon which all souls are drawn to. In this way it acts as a high tier sacrament which banishes spirits and souls from their unnatural state upon the world.
This mount has seen countless combats and countless wars so Rider receives a '+' modifier to Agility while performing complex aerial techniques. While her mount can out pace all but the fastest Servants it is unmatched when it comes to maneuverability, transforming into a homing 'bullet' that relentlessly pursues its target. The horse is also immune to Brynhildr's other Noble Phantasm and its harsh flames due to being a gift from Odin.
It also has the ability to "jump" between spaces through a dimensional leap, even able to reach the Reverse Side of the World if necessary. This is because it was supposed to be able to travel between the realms to gather souls so this has manifested as a powerful ability to travel which exceeds common sense. It's very consuming to travel in this fashion and can only be used a number of times equal to two plus Brynhildr's mana score (Six). Further it can only be used once per round no matter how much magical backup Rider has.
In addition to being able to "Jump" between dimension the horses are a walking and flying "Exorcism" leagues above anything that is possible in the modern era. Upon calling out its True Name the winged horse begins to radiate a divine white light that returns all spirits to their proper resting place. Its on a level that it even can immediately banish any wraiths that come within range of its body and undo any possessions of living people just by standing in the horse's presence. Servants, and other high-class spiritual beings, are not immune either and will take constant damage when in moderate proximity. In fact one could say it's entire purpose is to return heroes to Valhalla.
Name: Gungnir
Title: Declaration of the Great God (False)
Rank: D
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 5~40
Targets: 1
A imitation of the great Spear possessed by the All-Father, a weapon forged of coalesced light that pierces all inevitability and uncertainty. The runes that have been etched into the tip are a replication of those that were on the original Gungnir and impart the 'Fate of being impaled by Gungnir' on anyone wounded by it. A single scratch is enough to mark the target with this inevitability as the runes flow from the tip and brand Rider's foe. Even without its true name being released, this divine curse upon her opponent gives all of Rider's attacks a 'Rank up' and allow the spear to move at impossible angles to continue wounding her target. It isn't a perfectly physical object so it can lengthen (To a certain degree), bend at strange angles, or phase through mundane barriers to strike the opponent so long as they are marked with the 'Brand of Odin'.
A spear is a thrown weapon, and the original Gungnir was emphasized in myth to be as such. It's true function is hindered unless the target is marked with the 'Brand of Odin', but upon realizing this requirement Rider is able to throw the replica with devastating force. Calling out the spears true name turns it into a genuine mote of light that streaks across the battlefield and phases through all barriers to pierce the target. While it's physical power is rather low for a Noble Phantasm it's low cost and inevitable nature make it deadly especially in the hands of someone like Brynhildr.