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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

To start with introductions, who are you?

As I had stated, A travler passing through loooking for my friend. You can call me Wisp.

*extends my hand for a handshake*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Rests my hands behind my head*
How'd we do? Best students ever?

*stilgar vhuckles at your demeanpr*

Despite the hell and back youve been through, you still maintain such a laid back attitude. You're an odd one, but you carry with you a positivty unlike that i've ever seen. As far as your training is concerned, you have done well. Have you excelled?.. not exactly. But you do catch on quickly, which is an extremely important skill in this enviroment. You have my respect.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Watches in return*
Um... who are you?

??: *looks at you, quickly assesing you, and I smile*

My apologies, I am simply passing through. Looking for a friend of mine. White hair, average height. He was injured pretty badly. Might you be able to help me find him?

*the portal emanates an energy that doesnt seem natural to this dimension*


*shinji nods, and leaves the room*

*shortly after we all exit the room, we follow Stilgar through the Sietch to a large, almost auditorium-like area carved from the rock within the underground portion of the sietch we currently stand in*

*Stil organizes us into our formations after allowing us time to seto ur belongings down. As we make our way through the training, Stil smiles*

Stilgar: so... any last questions you have while we wrap this up?
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Peeks outside*

*You see a portal whipping air in softly dow. The hallway, a figure standing in front of it*


*glances down the hallway towards you*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Oh yeah, yep. Yes. Of course.

Alright. Lets get going.

*grabs his pack and heads for the door*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Dane? Are you okay?

Dane: *is still fast asleep, no words spoken*

*You hear stepping down the hallway*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Inspects the table*

*Nothing seems off about the table, though it does appear to be leaning a bit*

*down the hall, you hear a noise that doesnt quite fit what'd youd hear in a hospital*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Kneels down with a frown*

*it doesnt appear that they're anything wrong with them, besides being scattered on the floor. They appear to have fallen from a nearby table*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Walks over to investigate*

*you see a pan with operating tools scattered on the ground*
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