Avatar of souleaterfan320


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<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Clenches my fists with enough tension that my arms shake, and I nod*

Shinji: I won't let them to you. That will never happen again. This time, they fall.

*A ferocity escapes my lips iwthin my voice, as my eyes train a vengeful glare upon my enemies. My aura shifts to one of immense power, but little release;as if a bottled supernova stands next to you*

You and I need to hard focus Cain, and eliminate him before he can work en tandem with his brother. Can you do that?
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

They were there... It was them.

Shinji:*looks perplexed, but locks in*

Stay close. Do not leave my side.

*our rings sync up with each's current status*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*My pupils constrict at the sight of Cain and Abel and I freeze in place, mouth slightly agape*

Shinji: *notices your hesitation*
Kat, are you alright?
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Maintains my barrier and makes sure to angle it so that the plasma splashes away*

*three meteor sized balls of ingited plasma crash into your barrier, exploding upon impact*

Shinji: *flashes toward Adrian, slashing once again in his direction, aiming for his ribcage*

Adrian: *smirks, as both Cane and Abel appear on scene, sending waves of their own energy toward the strike, cancelling it out*

Cain: hold fast, brother. Help has arrived.

Adrian:you take... a few of them. I must... assist father.

*adrian dissapears, but the blue and purple inferno around us still remains*

Shinji: we've got them in range. Echo, Delta! Lay down suppressing fire on the big one! Abby, Kat! With me! We'll take down Cain. Clover! Target Abel!

Shinji: *looks to the others, shouting*
stay close and shielded, those rings have an armor function!

@Galaxy Raider @Nimda
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Disappears in a flash, leaving behind an afterimage as I appear in the path of the wave projecting a barrier, deflecting it upward and giving Shinji a path of counterattack below me*

Shinji nods, taking the opportunity to swiftly move under Kat and approach Adrian at rapid speed, cutting a large gash into his shoulder*

Adrian:... that.. hurts... hurts..

*the gash doesnt appear to heal, as his arm falls off*


*the entire nearby 10 mile radius erupts into a bright purple and icy blue burning inferno, as my very being is coated in flame, burning through my skin*


*swings my arm in both you and shinji's direction, and a massive plume of scorching, scathing plasma in your direction that continues to ignite fericiously upon impact like a series of missiles*

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Scans over the all the mayhem I can take in from where we stand*
You said we're sticking together? What first?

Help we with this guy!

*fires severla blasts of energy at Adrian, who seems unfazed, if not just agitated at the attack*

Adrian: ...annoying gnat.

*sends out a wave of excruciatingly hot plasma in shinji's direction*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*Spins a gun around my finger*
Don't let it get to you, kay?

*closes my eyes, taking in a shaky breath, then exhaling*

... much easier said than done... but the concern is appreciated.

*looks to the smallest planet, as J can sense a familiar presence there... a dark one*

... there. That's were that evil bastard is.

*starts making my way toward it, when a large blast of enegy several miles wide clips my side*


*a singular entity floats toward me, radiating insane levels of energy*

Adrian: ..the fool has come. You... will die here.
@Galaxy Raider @Fractured

*As we step through, we witness a scene of true chaos and horror. EDB ships as wel las public ships of all sorts being torn to shreds by creatures of amaranthine. Explosions here and there that rock the dimension. Worlds all around us being assailed from all sides. I click my comms of for just a second, and all I can hear are screams of pleas for life.*


*unsheathes my blade*

Let's make this count. One shot, and its got to work.
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

Yes sir! We have arrived as you requested!

Good. Its going to take all of us. However... I want you and Delta right by my side at all times. We've lost so much to this war... we will not lose each other.

*turns to the rest*

<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

I came as prepped as I ever could be. Let’s do it.

Alright you all... we stick together, work as a team, and we will prevail. We have no other choice.

*a ring appears before you, just like it did with abby, and another appears in front of Clover*

Put those on, you'll need 'em.

*summons the Wheel of Fate, and my Endgame armor forms around me, still bearing some minor damage from its last use*

.... out of the frying pan and into fire...... let's show these bastards who they're really dealing with!

*a large portal appears before us, and I hesitate a moment, before heading through*
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