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<Snipped quote by Source>

Oh yeah. One hundred percent.

Hey SideSlash, is your dream to run this place your whole life?

<Snipped quote by Source>

Would you call yourself an adrenaline junkie?

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

I work in heroics and private military, but to go more in depth than I did with Surprise, I am Director of Peacekeeping at my father's company, Cerberus Inc.

Hmmmm... not a junkie, but I’m adrenaline tolerant! I can have low stakes fun too.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I mean, I kinda did. It was nice to keep the family line and tradition, but it wasn’t what I truly wanted

This is though, right?
<Snipped quote by Source>

Because of my family, my job was chosen for me to be a Royal Knight.

Really? Did you want to?
<Snipped quote by Source>

It did, but it also wasn’t a choice. My family were higher ups.

What do you mean it wasn’t a choice?
<Snipped quote by Source>

I used to be a part-time Bartender while I was a guard, and doing it was extremely fun for me. I had a lot of regulars who only wanted to be there when I was there and creating a nice, hospitable environment where everyone is relaxed and just having a good time.

Oh, that’s cool! I woulda thunk that being a guard would take up all your time.
<Snipped quote by Source>

People conflate the two often, fun and danger. Not usually necessary, I’ve got to say, but sometimes they do go hand in hand.@Ignacious

<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

I can only imagine.

Hmmmmm—I think danger is more the Admit One. And plenty of people have fun without any danger, so kudos to them!
<Snipped quote by Source>

I know right! I am greatly enjoying this!

Why did you want to start a tavern?
<Snipped quote by Source>

It’s a dream hobby of mine! I’ve been working on the best of this for a long time now and here it is!

It’s so cool that you’re living your dream!
<Snipped quote by Source>

Aww. Well, unfortunately for me, I am not. This is basically a retirement hobby.

<Snipped quote by Intrepid>

Gives quite a show as well.

This is retirement? That’s waaaaay too much work for retirement.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Well, staying alive. Not everyone is bulletproof, but maybe you are.

Only when it’s convenient!
*Spins my glass around*
Besides, what’s life if you’re not having fun? I’ll take the danger, thank you.
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