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<Snipped quote by Source>

Funny enough, I don’t like flying in airplanes.

Woah, really? Claustrophobic?
<Snipped quote by Source>

It’s likely he did. But the shipment itself was never in danger, just him.

I think everywhere should have a laughter bonus so you don't get in trouble if it was funny.

<Snipped quote by Source>

I don’t wish to go further, if that’s okay with you?

<Snipped quote by Intrepid>

*in a strained voice*
Nono, I am good!
*a lady in a maid outfit walks out of the kitchen doors, she walks up behind me and pucks my up by my arms towards the drink, I grab it and she gently sets me down, but my face is beet red, and she walks back into the kitchen*

Say no more. No problem. Sooo how about that airline food?
<Snipped quote by Source>

I dunno. Not anyone that worked for me.

Hopefully he didn’t get in much trouble for it. That’s hilarious!
<Snipped quote by Source>

Events like that are the best, in my business. You think there's a catastrophe, turns out to be just an inconvenience with a cause you can shake your head at now, and laugh at later.

Did anything happen to that guy?
<Snipped quote by Source>

Silly stuff. Like one time, a weapons shipment was late. People thought it got pirated or hijacked and robbed. Turns out, the guy just stopped for food at his favorite diner on a world on the way when he shouldn't have, and that diner was what was getting held up with him in the bathroom hiding.

*Laughs and hits the counter*
That’s great. What a prankster.
<Snipped quote by Ignacious>

If you need a hand, feel free to say so.

<Snipped quote by Source>

That’s hard to pick from. My favorite kind is the one that starts out serious but ends up being a false because someone did something they shouldn’t have.

Something they shouldn’t have like what?
<Snipped quote by Source>

Uh…No, it wasn’t…

Something wrong?
<Snipped quote by Source>

Yes. They did.

Was it a family member or something?
<Snipped quote by Source>

I-I don’t know.

Did someone else name him?
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