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<Snipped quote by Source>

I’m not a machine.

Do you have blood?
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Not all machines are made of metals though.

Most are though.
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Mmmm. I don’t know about that one.

Machines are just metals that do things.
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No machinery. I can’t explain it because I don’t know much about it to be honest.

Metal, machine, same difference.
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Mhm! It’s how I consume food.

You’re sort of like a hybrid-machine thing then, right?
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In my case, it my whole body. So, even if I lose and arm or leg or an organ, I won’t lose my ability to use magic. I know of some who has organs that store it, or is an organ that humans normally have. Like the liver or kidneys.

You have organs?
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Like, what part of your body stores magic?
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It just feels weird.

And where exactly does the magic live?
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Don’t overthink it. It’s not that big of a deal

You even complained when she touched it. That’s weird.
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It’s scales, they fall off all the time!

So does normal person skin, but tearing it is lunatic!
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