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*Treads lightly down the hall, reading from the middle of a worn, black book stuffed with battered pages*
<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Lead the way.
*Nods at Prism*

<Snipped quote by System>

I still can’t tell whether to treat you as the original or not. It’s not offensive that I keep talking to you like you’re not him, is it?

<Snipped quote by Source>

Thanks again. Sorry to leave you so quickly.

It's alright; feel free to come and visit sometime. It's always eventful around here.
<Snipped quote by Source>

It was more than you know. Really.

<Snipped quote by System>

I don’t know about your capabilities compared to your original counterpart. Here’s hoping I’m not asking too much.

Well, I'm glad it was what you were hoping for then.
<Snipped quote by System>

*My ears flick in excitement*
Great! Thank you. Including you, Prism.

Even though it wasn't much, I'm glad I could help somehow!
<Snipped quote by System>

I came by to get your- Data’s- help. Prism thought this one would be best, it seems. I have no clue of the details on “this protocol” specifically.

<Snipped quote by Valiance>

Then you may be in luck. As far as this instance can tell, I am Data. Minor setbacks notwithstanding.

This was the goal, right?
<Snipped quote by System>

*Blinks and glances back and forth between you and Prism in confusion*

<Snipped quote by Source>

It’s crazy what a few funny lines can do, huh?

It's pretty amazing. And confusing.
*The lights flicker back on and the cylinder retracts, leaving brilliant matte white in its place*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Watches while speaking*
I really don’t. But I know how paper works at least.

Even papers can be magic batteries when dad makes them.
*The cylinder emits a soft hum and the frosted glass gradually becomes more translucent*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Would be a little selfish of me to stand around while you help me out, don’t you think?

It's appreciated. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to touch a thing in this lab.
*The machine riffles through the papers and encloses over them, projecting a pitch-black sphere lazily through the air, which is absorbed by the cylinder*
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