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<Snipped quote by Source>


You could think of it that way. You wouldn’t be the only one to.
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You're right. That seems a lot more reasonable.

I hope it helps. In the end, we run around helping these misfits accomplish goals we don’t care about, but in return they do the same for us.
*Sets the mug down, empty aside from a handful of tea leaves*
<Snipped quote by Source>

Think smaller...

You don’t have to decide now. Maybe your objective is a final goal, maybe it’s just part of it.
<Snipped quote by Source>

That feels more down to Earth for sure.

I bring up the history because missions are supposed to be the exact same. Maybe it is some life purpose to you, but it's just as easily something you're passionate about changing. Not everything needs to be a grand conspiracy, as good as that sounds.
<Snipped quote by Source>

I guess so. That's a hard image to maintain.

It's not unearned. But I can tell you that none of us were invited here to follow some kind of master plan.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Isn’t he known for being, like, super knowledgable about everything?

Appearances are everything. And he did a good job at that, didn't he?
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That only sounds natural. I don’t really know of anyone who truly works alone, and only alone.

Sure, and that’s why we’re still here. Some people can make it just fine without a lot of help. But the boss extended a hand to the ones who didn’t even know where to start.
*Takes another sip through a half-smile*
And you didn’t hear it from me, but I doubt he did either.
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No. I didn’t even know there was a story to it.

*Lets out a short, one-exhale laugh, and shakes my head as if unsurprised*
Leave it to the amnesiac to go over history. Fitting.
*Lazily stirs my tea with a small, wooden spoon*
We all came here as misfits, at one point or another. Even the boss. But all of those misfits cared about something. Something we couldn’t achieve on our own.
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What would qualify as something we’d do as a mission, exactly? I guess I can answer better if I know what is and isn’t in our purview.

*Looks up thoughtfully*
Has anyone ever told you the history of this team? Why it exists at all?
<Snipped quote by Source>

I’m ready for the long haul, with this.

Anything short-term projects you've always wanted to do? Even something simple?
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