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<Snipped quote by Source>

Right. The pool of which is split in half. Unless you’re any good at disguising as a guy?

You might be surprised. Obviously if you have to pick between equals, choose whoever looks the most like me. But let’s not limit it.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Right. The why’s and the how’s.

How about you look for that information, while I try to map out some of our routes? We’ll also need to find someone to impersonate.
<Snipped quote by Source>

This seems pretty legit, yeah.

*Picks up four of the papers and quickly scans through their contents*
Yep, it looks like an ordinary extraction op. We need to find out why they care about the band enough to steal it in the first place—that sounds like a good first investigation for you to take on.
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Looks for info on time, the object itself, and known hazards*

*The object itself is listed as a gilded arm band, adorned with rare gemstones and housed as an art piece in a newly-constructed building, having previously been stolen and reforged; the document lists schedules for watch cycles and employee rotations based on position, and lists hidden defense mechanisms within the building itself as the primary unknown factor*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*Flip through the papers*
Is it time sensitive?

*On first glance, the papers seem to describe an object retrieval mission*
There should be an overview page with the location, time period, and important bits like that. I haven't seen this mission before now, so it's new to both of us.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Maybe. It doesn’t hurt to be thorough, though.

Especially since you're running the operation. You'll need to be my eyes and ears.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Gotcha. Just making sure I'm reading into this correctly.

Our job should be to read through the files and prepare for the mission. You may have to do extra research, but for your first one, I'm guessing everything is already documented.
<Snipped quote by Source>

So it's basically just telling us to make sure we're careful, then?

Sort of. These documents are for us to understand the full scope of the assignment so we can plan for whatever comes up. Imagine a situation where we get burned because of information we should have had to begin with.
<Snipped quote by Source>

Hm. Does this usually mean we need to get other people recruited to our cause?

All of the players should be pre-determined. It would be hard to recruit every time we're assigned a mission.
<Snipped quote by Source>

That is what I said too. But, maybe it seems odd until we have a look at the details.
*Taps the open folder with the back of my hand twice*

*The first few pages of the documents outline risk details and the top-priority goal of keeping both of us away from unanticipated danger*
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