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<Snipped quote by Source>


*A grenade clanks against the interior of the hall away from my position toward you, as I duck for cover*

*Ducks into a hallway out of the direction of the blast*
Please! I just want to help!
<Snipped quote by Source>

*you see a gruesome mix-match of guts and metal as you walk through, men and women alike. A young soldier who couldnt be a day over 19 stummbles through the hall, seeing you in his view, his eyes widen in fear, as he raises his smg to you, firing the last 5 bullets in the magazine before it clicks and he throws it at you, running in the opposite direction*

*Throws my back against the wall, and all five seem to miss in his panic*
Hello? Can we talk?
<Snipped quote by Source>

*the man slowly drops his arms, as his eyes roll back and his body goes limp. The distress signal seems to be eminating from further within the ship*

*The air seems to take a grimmer, darker tone as I walk toward the ship*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*within, you see several bodies of soulders torn apart, some severely injured but still alive. One looks to ypu and reaches out*

...please.... kill me...

I— you’re—
*Stares for a few moments in horror*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*the wreckages burns brightly, smaller pieces of the ship still plummeting from the sky, tossing up the snow and ice on the ground upon impact*

*Swings my arms and walks toward the source of the distress signal*
<Snipped quote by souleaterfan320>

*the distress signal continues to emit*

*Stands on the remains of the ruined planet*
Woah, what is that?
<Snipped quote by Meta>

You made your choice. Live with it-

<Snipped quote by Source>

*phases through the ground via becoming static amaranthine, pushing back into the dimension moments later behind you, jeting up into the air and slightly back, firing several orbs of explosive amaranthine, while part of me splits off into its own full me,cdarting into the hospital*

<Snipped quote by GalaxyRaider>

*the me that darted into the hospital smack into the side of the drill with a 3 ton hammer formed from amaranthine*

*Flips my sword to a forward-facing position and jettisons its point directly into your back, its edge engulfed in muted, black flames*
<Snipped quote by Source>

*the people within the hospital burst into a frantic panic at your attack*

So much for trying to save innocent lives. This couldve been much, much easier. But you chose to complicate things. Any lives wasted here will be on your head, girl.

*flits past the knight at full speed to the Melody, attempting to stab my amaranthine covered hand into her chest with a ferocity*

*Catches you by the back mid-flight and jets forward, bursting out of the building and dragging your face along the concrete through the city*
<Snipped quote by Meta>

*smacks it away with several tonnes of applied force*

I have no time for your games. Dane ran from me before he could tell me where he took that damned artifact. I'm getting what's rightfully mine.

*Lifts my blade above my head and crashes it down on top of you, splitting the hospital into two clean pieces*
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