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<Snipped quote by Source>

No offense, but if that thing is bigger than us, what good is small arms fire going to do? We need to conserve our ammo as much as possoble anyways. Only fire if you know itll buy us precious time. We'fe almost there to my friend, just keep running!

*a beast barrels around the corner, slaming into the wall before sprinting right at us, moving a fair speed faster than us. The beast's frame was quite large, with its stance being quadripedal. Its fangs look artificial, as if replaced, as well as several parts of its face amd body. It snarls at you, pummeling through objects on its way toward us*

What the hell...?

Hey, my arms aren’t that small!
*Barrels toward it and hits the deck at the last possible second, sliding under the beast and resuming my run*
<Snipped quote by Source>

agreed. Watch your corners and keep you eyes peeled-

*a cross between a machinelike and animalistic roar echoes down the hall, as mettalic crunch noises get closer and closer, at a rapidly increasing speed*

Thats not good. RUN!

*Sprints, but with an unusual rhythm of my pace*
I thought we were shooting, not running!

Since Phase first remembers, he has been exposed to the broader multiverse. Because of the dream-like nature of his existence, reality warps around him, and he will often stumble from one world into another. Despite this, he hasn’t yet run into any of the characters from the Myriad RP yet, so the way I imagine introducing him into the RP is to have him exploring somewhere, and he opens a door that leads him into another world right where another character is randomly at.

Alright, sounds like you’re good to jump into this war, then!

Since Phase first remembers, he has been exposed to the broader multiverse. Because of the dream-like nature of his existence, reality warps around him, and he will often stumble from one world into another. Despite this, he hasn’t yet run into any of the characters from the Myriad RP yet, so the way I imagine introducing him into the RP is to have him exploring somewhere, and he opens a door that leads him into another world right where another character is randomly at.

We could probably tie you into the current event with @Shadrack Nor and @Memory. What say you @Shadrack Nor?
<Snipped quote by Source>

... yeah. It'll be rough.

*Takes off at a faster jog*
C’mon, we have to hurry!
<Snipped quote by Source>


*raises my gun, following down the corridor again, stopping at the corner, swooping into the next hall as my rifle is traoned ahead of me. The osunds of gunfire and clanging of steel are getting closer*

We have our work cut out for us, huh?
<Snipped quote by Source>

The likelyhood is... nonexistent in terms of numbers. This is a rescue and evacuate situation. That is all we can do.

Okay, well...
*Rolls up my sleeves*
Let’s do this.
<Snipped quote by Source>

This stuff is nothing to mess with. President Akamura is working with pur labs on a solution, like i said before. We're just playing a waiting game now. Have to hold them off as best as we can...

You don’t think we can win here??
<Snipped quote by Source>

*softly the sound of gunfire from a distance echoesthrough the halls*

... follow me, stay close. Need to pick up the pace-

*at that exact moment, a rather odd, purple looking rat jumps out at you from the opposite wall*


*shots the rat out of the air, it lands with a thud next to you*

...... it even got the rodents on board, too. Nasty stuff.

Even the mouses!? Mice? Meece? Anyway, that sounds really, really bad!
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