Avatar of SpaceByn


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3 yrs ago
There are two wolves inside of you. Both want cheese but you are lactose intolerant
3 yrs ago
Dad's have entered the chat
3 yrs ago
That sounds like a dope rp though
1 like
3 yrs ago
I have never seen something more relatable


I'm non-binary (They/Them), 27 and I am from Scotland (GMT). I'm an inexperienced with roleplay but keen to learn more

I'm mostly interested in 1x1. Anything in scifi, urban fantasy is my prefered though I am interested in historical stuff. I strongly prefer slice of life type stories.

I generally write around 2-4 paragraphs and try to post every day if not multiple times per week.

Most Recent Posts

I'm keen on a bit of chaos. I'm basically up for anything
I'd love to give it a go!
Absolutely it up the gm if and what system they choose to use. I was just wondering if there is any generic ones out there apart from GURPS or 20d that were more in depth but not overwhelming on the numbers?
Is there any rp systems specifically designed for play by post? The only dice based systems I have seen are borrowed from tabletop rp.
In Heyo! 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome back! Depression is a b I get it. Glad your feeling a bit better!
In Oi! 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@Tsukai How did you get that awesome signature??
<Snipped quote by Hybridjelly>

I do not believe that it should be solely to the surface. I feel like it would be more common on the surface especially with the training that happens in the Caverns of Kilfi. I feel like Alti individuals could have it, but they might not know about it or realize what they are capable of.

That sounds like it might be quite fun to play an atli with no prior knowledge and their abilities awaken
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